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Old 05-12-2018, 06:07 AM   #51 (permalink) to hear...
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Welcome to MB Nathan!

Unfortunately nobody gets the fact that your OP is an ironic post-modern reference to the format used in Bob Dylan's Tarantula:-

Spoiler for First pages of Tarantula:

Guns, the Falcon's Mouthbook & Gashcat Unpunished

aretha/crystal juxebox queen of hymn & him diffused in drunk transfusion wound would heed sweet soundwave crippled & cry salute to oh great particular el dorado reel & ye battered personal god but she cannot she the leader of whom when ye follow, she cannot she has no back she cannot..beneath black flowery railroad fans & fig leaf shades & dogs of all nite joes, grow like aches & cures the harmonica battalions of bitter cowards, bones & bygones while what steadier louder the moans & arms of funeral landlord with one passionate kiss rehearse from dusk & climbing into the bushes with some favorite enemy ripping the postage stamps & crazy mailmen & waving all-rank & familiar ambition than that itself, is needed to know that mother is not a lady,..aretha with no goals, eternally single & one step soft of heaven/ let it be understood that she owns this melody along with her emotional diplomats & bar earth & her musical secrets.

the censor in a twelve wheel drive semi
stopping in for donuts & pinching the
waitress/he likes his women raw & with
syrup/ he has his mind set on becoming
a famous soldier

manuscript nitemare of cut throat high & low & behold the prophesying blind allegiance to law fox, monthly cupid & the intoxication ghosts of dogma...nay & may the boatmen in bathrobes be banished forever & annointed into the shelves of a live hell, the unimaginative sleep, repetition without change & fat sheriffs who watch for doom in the mattress...hallaluyah & bossman of the hobos cometh & ordaining the spiritual gypsy davy camp now being infiltrated by foreign dictator, the pink FBI & the interrogating unknown failures of peacetime as holy & silver & blessed with the texture of kaleidoscope & the sandal dream of dancing pillhead virgins & wandering apollo at the pipe organ / unscientific ramblers & the pretty things lucky & lifting their lips & handing down looks & regards from the shoulders of adam & eve's minstrel peekaboo ...passing on the chance to bludgeon the tough spirits & the deed holders into fishlike buffoons & yanking ye erratic purpose ... surrendering to persuasion, the crime against people, that be ranked alongside murder & while doctors, teachers, bankers & sewer cleaners fight for their rights, they must now be horribly generous...& into the march now where tab hunter leads with his thunderbird / pearl bailey stomps him against a buick & where poverty, a perfection of neptune's unused clients, plays hide & seek & escaping into the who goes there? & now's not the time to act silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns, the hourly rate & the enema men & where junior senators & goblins rip off tops of question marks & their wives make pies & go now & throw some pies in the face & ride the blinds & into aretha's religious thighs & movement find ye your nymph of no-conscience & bombing out your young sensitive dignity just to see once & for all if there are holes & music in the universe & watch her tame the sea horse / aretha, pegged by choir boys & other pearls of mamas as too gloomy a much of witchy & dont you know no happy songs

the lawyer leading a pig on a leash
stopping in for tea & eating the censor's
donut by mistake / he likes to lie about
his age & takes his paranoia seriously
the hospitable grave being advertised & given away in whims & journals the housewife sits on, finding herself financed, ruptured but never censored in & also never flushing herself / she denies her corpse the courage to crawl — close his own door, the ability to die of bank robbery & now catches the heels of old stars making scary movies on her dirt & her face & not everybody can dig her now. She is private propert. . . bazookas in the nest & weapons of ice & weatherproof flinch & they twitter, make scars & kill babies among lady shame good looks & her constant foe, torn sawyer of the breakfast cereal causing all females paying no attention to this toilet massacre to be hereafter called Lonzo & must walk the streets of life forever with lazy people having nothing to do but fight over women. . . everybody knows by now that wars are caused by money & greed & charity organizations / the housewife is not here, she is running for congress

the senator dressed like an austrian
sheep, stopping in for coffee & insulting
the lawyer / he is on a prune diet &
secretly wishes he was bing crosby
but would settle for being a close
relative of edgar bergen

passing the sugar to iron man of the bottles who arrives with the grin & a heatlamp & he's pushing "who dunnit" buttons this year & he is a love monger at first sight. . . you have seen, him sprout up from a dumb hill billy into a bunch of backslap & he's wise & he speaks to everyone as if they just answered the door / he dont like people that say he comes from the monkeys but nevertheless he is dull & he is destroylngly boring . . while Allah the cook scapes hunger from his floor & pounding it into the floating dishes with roaring & the rest of the meatheads praising each other's power & argue over acne & recite calendars & pointing to each other's garments & liquid & disperse into segments & die crazy deaths & bellowing fapce mortal farm vomit & why for Jesus Christ be Just another meathead? when all the tontos & heyboy lose their legs trying to frug while kemosabe & mr palladin spend their off hours remaining separate but equal & anyway why not wait for laughter to straighten the works out meantime & Wowee smash & the rage of it all when former lover cowboy hanging upside down & Suzy Q, the angel putting new dime into this adoption machine as out squirts a symbol squawking & freezing & crashing into the bowels of some hideous soap box & it's a rumble & iron man picking up his "who dunnit" buttons & giving them away free & trying to make friends & even tho youre belonging to no political party, youre now prepared, prepared to remember something about something

the chief of police holding a bazooka
with his name engraved on it, coming in
drunk & putting the barrel into the face
of the lawyer's pig, once a wife beater,
he became a professional boxer & received
a club foot / he would literally like to
become an executioner, what he doesnt know
is that the lawyer's pig has made friends with the senator

gambler's passion & his slave, the sparrow & he's ranting from a box of black platform & mesmerizing this ball of daredevils to stay in the morning and dont bust from the factories / everyone expecting to be born with whom they love & theyre not & theyve been let down, theyve been lied to & now the organizers must bring the oxen in & dragging leaflets & gangrene enthusiasm, ratfinks & suicide tanks from the pay phones to the housing developments & it usually starts to rain for a while. . .little boys cannot go out & play & new men in bulldozers come in every hour delivering groceries & care packages being sent from las vegas. . . & nephews of the coffee bean expert & other favorite sons graduation with a pompadour *** laude — praise be & a wailing farewell to releasing the hermit & beautifully ugly & fingering eternity come down & save your lambs and butchers & strike the roses with its rightful patsy odor. . . & grampa scarecrow's got the tiny little wren & see for yourself while saving him too / look down oh great Romantic, you who can predict from every position, you who know that everybody's not a Job or a Nero nor a J.C. Penny. . . look down & seize your gambler's passion, make high wire experts into heroes, presidents into con men, turn the eventual . . but the hermits being not talking & lower class or insane or in prison. . .& they dont work in the factories anyway
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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Old 05-12-2018, 09:33 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Dude. The donkey thing was a reward, not punishment.

(I swear to god TH, if you make an ass joke...)
Hey, all I was going to say was that he misheard: we said he had to get drunk off his ass, not ....

@OP: Word to the wise from the not very wise - Never a great idea to make your first post a list of bands you hate. Remember, you're coming into a brand new forum (to you) with people you've never met. You risk alienating and upsetting some of them by pissing on their taste, even if accidentally or unknowingly. This is why we have the introduction thread. Makes much more sense, and eases you in better (shut up, both Batty and Hawk!) if you say who you are, what you LIKE as well as what you don't like, and make a much more balanced post. Coming in like you did just makes you out to be, well, another Nick1976. And believe me, you don't want that.

If people know what you're into, then they may react differently when you say what you don't like. If you're a proghead like me, they'll just stuff you away in some unobtrusive corner and ignore everything you say, knowing you have **** taste and are not worth talking to. If you're into jazz or experimental or drone or whatever, you may make new friends. If you're into indie rock they'll realise you're a twat and so on. Better not to rant, at least not at first, but if you must, then better to know who it is that's ranting so that they can be responded to appropriately.

Most importantly, if you're staying here, be sure you understand that everyone here has different tastes, and though you may hate, say, extreme metal, others may love it. Don't piss people off either through ignorance or arrogance: you only get to do that after you've been here a while.
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Old 05-12-2018, 10:01 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Suck balls. The problem is not that you like prog, the problem is that the prog you like is often bland af. You know full well that many people here dig the genre.
A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.
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Old 05-12-2018, 10:14 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Suck balls. The problem is not that you like prog, the problem is that the prog you like is often bland af. You know full well that many people here dig the genre.
Tempting, but no thanks.
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Old 05-12-2018, 10:15 AM   #55 (permalink)
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I just, well, not shaved, but trimmed the hair. Eh? Eh?
A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.
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Old 05-12-2018, 10:29 AM   #56 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Tie some Lucky Charms into your pubes and you'll have to beat him off with a shillelagh.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 05-12-2018, 11:50 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Suck balls.
Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
you'll have to beat him off
Hi guys, what are you doing in here?
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Old 05-12-2018, 12:09 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by grindy View Post
I just, well, not shaved, but trimmed the hair. Eh? Eh?
I'll have to put me false teeth in...
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Tie some Lucky Charms into your pubes and you'll have to beat him off with a shillelagh.
Ireland does not have Lucky Charms, Yank.

Originally Posted by MicShazam View Post
Hi guys, what are you doing in here?
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Old 05-12-2018, 12:12 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Then you better chuck all your rock and/or roll music in the trash and go listen purely to jazz and classical. Technical ability is irrelevant unless you're trying to make technical music.
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Old 05-12-2018, 12:55 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I'll have to put me false teeth in...

Ireland does not have Lucky Charms, Yank.

I'm confused. Is getting your Leprechaun choked supposed to be a bad thing?
A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.
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