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Old 01-18-2021, 12:13 PM   #111 (permalink)
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Pop will be a good start even though I am not into it very much. But I would like different genres.
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Old 01-18-2021, 12:43 PM   #112 (permalink)
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Well I'm not a great one for pop music. Others will probably have better recs but for now

Gloria Estefan


Enrique Iglesias
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Old 01-18-2021, 12:52 PM   #113 (permalink)
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Mythos – Forgotten Deity (2017)
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal

RYM Rating: n/a

Right, well this appears to be one of those one-man-band efforts so prevalent in this genre, a guy called Zapomniane Bostwo, who goes under the artistic name of Forgotten Deity. He appears to have released close to fifty (yeah that's what I said) albums so far, in a career spanning possibly four years (!) - hard to get the actual information but if his bandcamp page is displaying his albums in chronological order, then his first was released in 2016. That's nothing short of phenomenal. Is it, though, a case of quantity over quality? I have about seventeen of his albums on my computer, so even at that, I own barely a third it would seem of his discography. Do I want to hear more?

There's a kind of ambient thing going on here with soft tribal drums, very impressive. No vocals as yet, if there are to be any. Kind of a darker tone to “Defeat of Chronos” though still quite ambient, hearing more of the guitar now. Almost sounds like bagpipes in “Order of Zeus”, though I'm sure it's not. ABM albums tend to not exactly overpack the tracks, and this is no exception. Five in all, but every one a gem. I'll be listening to more of this guy. Could hardly even throw a metal tag on this really. Well maybe, but it's more rocky ambient than anything else.

A well-deserved
Four and a Half Thumbs Up!

Here's his bandcamp page:

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Old 01-18-2021, 02:24 PM   #114 (permalink)
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Who's Feeling Young Now? – Punch Brothers (2012)
Genre: Progressive Bluegrass

RYM Rating: 3.28

About damn time we got some more bluegrass! Though, uh, progressive bluegrass? You wot, mate? Well let's see how it goes. FYI none of these are brothers, nor is the surname of any Punch, so why they chose that name I don't know. I do know we won't be listening to RYM's “kneejerk” who advises us to “just listen to the Kid A cover and ignore the rest”. Right. SoundscapeMN has a different view: The 1st half sounds like par for the course for these guys, but the 2nd half the songs take different twists. "New York City" and it's epic nature probably stands out the most.

It's certainy different to the bluegrass I've heard, not that that's much. Kind of more like bluegrass pop: first song sounds like a-ha doing bluegrass. I feel this may be very much a watered down style of the genre, something like pop or (shudder) bro country? Lot of indie nonsense in here too. Not winning me over at the moment, guys! “No Concern of Yours” is a little better, but Earl Scruggs this ain't... Title track's quite annoying – plucking at a banjo or sawin' on a fiddle don't make it bluegrass, son. Yeah I got all excited when I saw bluegrass but this is, as they say, weak sauce. It's telling that the best and most authentic track on it is a cover of a song by a Swedish folk band. “Patchwork Girlfriend” sounds kind of like Tom Waits meets Strawfoot , which would probably please neither of them. Sigh.

Oh, and yeah, they do “Kid A” too, but I don't really care about Radiohead.
First time but here we go:
Three Thumbs Down.
Shoulda listened to yer man kneejerk...

Decided to get a new icon. Guess what it means?

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Last edited by Trollheart; 01-19-2021 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 01-18-2021, 03:58 PM   #115 (permalink)
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Urgh! Let's see if we can find something to wash out the taste of that extremely weak sauce so-called bluegrass band. Won't be listening to them again in a hurry! Ah, here we are! I know this one. Well, sort of. I think.

I'm Only Dreaming... Of Days Long Past - Eisley (2018)
Genre: Acoustic Rock

RYM Rating: 3.41

This is a re-recording of their album from the previous year, I'm Ony Dreaming (which is I think the one I listened to but I downloaded this) all done in acoustic style. Might be nice. Should be better than progressive ****ing bluegrass, anyway. RYM guy says I know, this is nothing new; just acoustically rendered versions of songs from their previous album. But it's so sweetly sung and the arrangements are so gentle and sweet that I cannot help but give it the highest score.

Oh yeah, this is really nice. Not only does it remind me how good the previous album was, I get to enjoy it in a whole new way. Just lovely; let that soothing voice wash over you. Acoustic guitars, acoustic pianos, really relaxed. Oh, that refreshed my soul, it did. Washed away the foul taste of the Punch Brothers who are not. I feel much better now.

Four and a Half Thumbs Up !

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Last edited by Trollheart; 01-19-2021 at 07:31 PM.
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Old 01-18-2021, 07:47 PM   #116 (permalink)
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Okay, let's see about bringing these playlists back.
I'm going to try to do one a day, but I'll limit it to three tracks, which will allow me to waffle on more about the songs if I want to, or feel the need to. So what's first up for

Title: “Sandlot”
Artist: Dropkick Murphys
Nationality: American
Album: 11 Short Stories of Pain and Glory
Year: 2017
Genre: Celtic Punk
Heard this artist before? Yes
How many albums have I heard from them? 1
Heard this album before? Yes
Heard this track before? Yes
Comments: Never thought I'd get into Celtic Punk, but it's so raw and drunk and fun. Seems to be one of those “when we were young/glory days” sort of songs, but then you can't say too much about individual tracks, can't go too deep into lyrics or anything, and there's a lot of shouting and yells of “YEAH!” Like I say, fun. Whose round is it?
Future Action (if any): Must make time to hear more of their music

Rating: 8/10

Title: “Another Day”
Artist: Mystery
Nationality: Canadian
Album: The World Is a Game
Year: 2012
Genre: Progressive Rock
Heard this artist before? Yes
How many albums have I heard from them? 3
Heard this album before? Yes
Heard this track before? Yes
Comments: Always amazes me how much like Jon Anderson the singer for Mystery is; no real surprise then that Benoit David ended up replacing him temporarily in Yes. This is one of their epic tracks, running for nineteen minutes in total. Starts out very like a ballad but quickly ramps up – well, you wouldn't expect a nineteen-minute ballad now, would you? Like the cheeky way they use the lyric “Close to the edge”. Hah. Payin' your dues or what? As for the song, well nineteen minutes is a little much even for me. It's good, but I would probably enjoy a shorter one from them.
Future Action (if any): Make time to hear their other albums

Rating: 8.4/10

Title: “Fool in My Heart”
Artist: Flying Colors
Nationality: American
Album: Island of the Lost Keyboards – Neal's Mix
Year: 2012
Genre: Progressive Rock
Heard this artist before? Yes
How many albums have I heard from them? 2
Heard this album before? No
Heard this track before? No
Comments: I had a lot of trouble tracking this one down – even their official website doesn't mention it! Apparently it's a special mix of keyboard parts not used on the albums, mixed by Neal Morse and put out under the above title. Looks to have been only available through his fan club – or their fan club, not sure which. I got it anway (don't tell anyone) and this song certainly makes me glad he did this. An excellent little mid-paced, bright and happy number, makes me want to listen both to more of Flying Colors and of Neal. Happily, there's plenty of the latter to indulge in.
Future Action (if any): More Morse please!

Rating: 9.2/10
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Old 01-18-2021, 07:53 PM   #117 (permalink)
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Dang Troll be jammin Straight METAL \m/ OKay !!!! LOL
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Old 01-18-2021, 10:35 PM   #118 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Who's Feeling Young Now? – Punch Brothers (2012)
Genre: Progressive Bluegrass
I'm feelin' it, in any case. Thanks.
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Old 01-19-2021, 06:03 AM   #119 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ando here View Post
I'm feelin' it, in any case. Thanks.
You mean you're feeling young (in which case damn your youth!) or that you like the music (in which case, damn your taste!)?
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Old 01-19-2021, 04:08 PM   #120 (permalink)
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So here we are on
and our playlist for today begins with

Title: “Love is the Right Way”
Artist: Hungryheart
Nationality: Italian
Album: One Ticket to Paradise
Year: 2010
Genre: Hard Rock/AOR
Heard this artist before? No
How many albums have I heard from them? None
Heard this album before? No
Heard this track before? No
Comments: The album cover looks quite familiar, other than that I have never heard of these guys nor have a clue how their album arrived on my computer, but here it is. This is a short track taken from their second album, seems to be quite acoustic, almost country in its feel. I doubt it gives a proper idea of what the band is like. For what it is, it's all right.
Future Action (if any): Who knows? Might check them out. Might not. I'm always up for some good AOR, but this hasn't decided me one way or the other whether to make the effort.

Rating: 6/10

Title: “Another Man's Woman”
Artist: Supertramp
Nationality: English
Album: Crisis? What Crisis?
Year: 1975
Genre: Progressive Rock
Heard this artist before? Yes
How many albums have I heard from them? All of them
Heard this album before? Yes
Heard this track before? Yes
Comments: Ah I like it when Supertramp used to rock out! Yeah, well, in a prog rock sort of vein, you understand. This is a great track off one of their golden period albums, with Rick Davies taking lead vocals and growling about earthy subjects such as, well, stealing another man's woman. While Roger gets to ask such questions as when is man gonna find out (find out) what the universe is just waiting to hear on another track, here, Rick is more concerned with staying ahead of the angry husband, muttering “at night I hear a hound dog comin', callin' me a cheatin' man!” Great piano outro, very rock and roll. Love this.
Future Action (if any): n/a

Rating: 9.2/10

Title: “Ooh Wakka Doo Wakka Day”
Artist: Gilbert O'Sullivan
Nationality: Irish
Album: Greatest Hits
Year: 1976
Genre: Pop
Heard this artist before? Yes
How many albums have I heard from them? One or two, mostly hits
Heard this album before? Yes
Heard this track before? Yes
Comments: Ah by Jaysus I love Gilbert! Me sister used to be totally into him (the older one) – she had pictures of him on her bedroom wall and sure didn't I once sneak in and draw a moustache on one! Sure I was a right little fecker! This is one of Gilbert's famous nonsense songs (as you may have guessed from the title) – it doesn't mean anything and he doesn't explain it, but by Christ is it fun to listen to! I mean, come on: a song that sings, among other things, of a guy who gets his nose caught in a gate! How could you not love this? Gilbert was big in the seventies, and he's still recording today, though his heyday is long gone. Every time I hear a Gilbert track it brings me right back to being a kid again.
Future Action (if any): n/a

Rating: 10/10 (sure ye have ta!)
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Last edited by Trollheart; 01-19-2021 at 07:32 PM.
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