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Old 01-14-2018, 08:58 AM   #1551 (permalink)
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Album title: Season High
Artist: Little Dragon
Genre: Downtempo/Soul/Synthpop
Nationality: Swedish
Release date: April 14
Position in Discography: Fifth
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Average RYM Score: 2.84
This just sounds so much like Prince when it begins. Boppy enough stuff when it gets going, but it is any more than just okay? I have to say, generally I'm worse than bored. Just not feeling this at all. Talk about limpwristed. No hooks to hold onto, nothing standing out, vocal is a bit whiny and unremarkable (I know I made the comparison to Prince at the beginning, but that was an initial reaction and this singer is nowhere near as good). Give me something I can talk about. All right, “Don't Cry” isn't terrible, that's the best I can say really. So far, this album is replacing the strongest sleeping pills on the market. Where was I? What time is it? Yeah, this is a waste of time. Next!

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Old 01-14-2018, 09:34 AM   #1552 (permalink)
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Album title: Same Sun Same Moon
Artist: Litttle Hurricane
Genre: Rock/Blues
Nationality: American
Release date: April 14
Position in Discography: Third
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Average RYM Score: 3.40
Decent enough, nothing blowing me away yet. Pun definitely not intended. Pleasant I guess. Man, it's almost over and it has made no impression whatsoever on me. I guess that can't be good.

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Old 01-14-2018, 10:16 AM   #1553 (permalink)
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Album title: A Tribute to Mario Lanza
Artist: Mark Vincent
Genre: Classical
Nationality: Australian
Release date: April 14
Position in Discography: Seventh
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Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Classical, yes; vocal classical, no
Average RYM Score: N/A
Who hasn't heard of Mario Lanza? One of the best, if not the best tenor voices to come out of Italy, Lanza ruled the airwaves and the film screens too in the 1940s and 1950s, and I guess one of the first real superstars of opera. Not sure how, but the first track is noted as being “with Mario Lanza”, and as he's a long time passed away I guess it must be spliced digitally or something. I know a few of these songs, though I'm no fan of opera: “Nessun Dorma” I think everyone knows, then there's the other Italian favourite “O Sole Mio” (if nothing else, you'll know it from Elvis's reworking it into “It's Now Or Never”) and I think I also know “Arrivederchi Roma”, though that's probably from watching The Simpsons! This guy Vincent has of course a wonderful tenor voice, so if you're into Pavarotti, Bocelli or any of the greats, or even the likes of Josh Groban, you'll probably enjoy this.

Review-wise, there's not a lot I can say. It's very very pleasant to listen to, and does remind me of former times, when diction was really important to singers, and they were always backed by a full orchestra; a time fading away, almost gone now, but there's definitely a certain grandeur and majesty to such music, though whether Vincent uses an orchestra here or it's just synthesiser-backed I don't know (I would suspect the former). I defy anyone not to get chills on the last notes of “Nessun Dorma”, and mostly it's powerful, sweeping music that reminds you what it used to mean to actually have a proper, trained, powerful singing voice (many of these people sung without microphones, imagine that!) and to have to really work to make your music heard. Bellisimo!

Check out more from this artist? Probably not; it's not really my thing, but you never know
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Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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Old 01-14-2018, 12:13 PM   #1554 (permalink)
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Album title: Hamartia
Artist: Novembers Doom
Genre: Progressive Metal/Gothic Metal/Death-Doom Metal
Nationality: American
Release date: April 14
Position in Discography: Tenth
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Average RYM Score: 3.22
For those of you asking for metal albums to be reviewed, I have no control over what the list gives me (I am its puppet) but here it's been kind and we have an American metal band, so enjoy. The vocalist is a little growly for my tastes, but not unintelligible and I really like the interplay between death metal (a little) doom metal and prog metal. First track is pretty rad anyway. “Ghost” has very much a doom aspect to it, with a much more discernible vocal, and “Ever After” goes through some interesting changes, also allowing the guitarist to show off his chops. Good stuff so far. The title track shows the progressive metal side of the band, with what appears to be a dark ballad, mostly on piano and very very impressive.

They get rocking again then with “Apostasy” and it's epic. Think I may end up really getting into this band, they're quite versatile for what they do and I haven't disliked a single track yet. “Zephyr” is another powerful punching doom-er with some clean vocals and some very proggy tones to it also, and the album closes really strongly. Enjoyed that a lot.

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Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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Old 01-14-2018, 01:01 PM   #1555 (permalink)
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Album title: Playboi Carti
Artist: Playboi Carti
Genre: Hip-hop
Nationality: American
Release date: April 14
Position in Discography: Debut
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Average RYM Score: 2.91
Okay, I don't think much of the opener; very repetitive, even if the sample is really nice and swirly synth and it doesn't get much better. Okay, this is just ****. There's so much good hip-hop out there (caveat implied) why would I want to listen to this? Oh right: I don't have to.

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Old 01-14-2018, 01:45 PM   #1556 (permalink)
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Album title: Back to the Basics
Artist: Rich Homie Quan
Genre: Hip-hop
Nationality: American
Release date: April 14
Position in Discography: Eighth
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Average RYM Score: 2.86
Now this is more like it. The moment this kicks off I like it. This guy can rap, unlike our friend Carti(er) previously, and this draws you in, whereas the other one pushed me right away and kept me at arm's length till I eventually decided I'd had enough. This is leagues ahead of him. I don't know what the American equivalent is, but fill in your own analogy, but for us on this side of the pond, it's the difference between Bishop Stortford and Manchester City. Guess who's which? “Heart Cold” is a ****ing amazing song, and it's followed by another one in “Back End”, and “Word of Mouth” has very trap styles (shut it, TH: you know nothing about hip-hop you big fraud!) and is another great song.

I also give the guy props for not overstuffing his album – well, mixtape. Eleven tracks only; very manageable, although to be honest, with this kind of quality I would probably listen to more anyway, but it does help move things along. Perhaps it's the difference between someone who has eight albums under his belt and one who is just starting out, though I've heard better debuts by far than Playboi Carti, and I see too that he's part of some collective (ASAP gang or something) so maybe he has/should have more experience than it might appear. Anyway, he's **** and this guy is not. World of difference. “Replay” is ****ing amazing, as is pretty much all of this album. Word.

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Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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Old 01-14-2018, 02:02 PM   #1557 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Indeed. It's so much easier to review over a thousand albums, many of which I don't like, than to cherry-pick the ones I would enjoy. Absolutely. Welcome back, ****.
You must jack your dick over some k-pop, then.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 01-14-2018, 02:03 PM   #1558 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You must jack your dick over some k-pop, then.
Who or what I pop over is none of your business, pal.
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Old 01-14-2018, 03:09 PM   #1559 (permalink)
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Album title: Caught Up
Artist: Sarah Close
Genre: Indie Pop
Nationality: English
Release date: April 14
Position in Discography: Debut
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Average RYM Score: 3.11
Just an EP, with a mere four tracks, this is the debut offering from English singer/songwriter Sarah Close. Sounds kind of generic I must say, but we'll see. Second track has more personality, and it mentions zombies, so have to get points for that. Third one has too much heavy Autotune, but other than that it has a nice melody and it's kind of a ballad. Also stops and starts too much, breaks the flow but not a bad song. Very short too, less than ninety seconds. The closing track then has a dark, hard edge and I like it a lot. Great punching percussion and a fine hook in the chorus, even if it is only “Oh oh oh oh oh!”

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Old 01-14-2018, 03:47 PM   #1560 (permalink)
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Hey Trollheart, this may seem kinda random, but how do you feel about ELO's first two albums?
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