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Old 11-11-2016, 10:16 AM   #1 (permalink)
silky smooth
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Default Rank Your Own Albums

As in, albums you have created. I know this doesn't apply to everyone here but this thread can still have some value for those that don't make their own music. If you're interested in hearing what MB members have created this would be a good place to look, along with Tristan's Forum Member Showcase Database that he so graciously created.

Alright so the gist of this thread is for you to rank the albums you've made from worst to best. I think this is an interesting exercise for multiple reasons: it allows the creators to be introspective about their work, and it allows the listeners to gain insight into the artist's thought processes on each album and how they compare. I know many of us have fairly expansive discographies so it may be daunting to rank your albums, but I think it can be beneficial to break everything down in that way. It also helps prospective listeners narrow in on what you think is your best work, which may prevent them from listening to something you find to be comparatively poor.

Personally I'll be ranking all of my cloudcover and Daydream Society albums and will include my silly side-project metal album as well. It'll take a while but I think I'll have fun and hopefully it's an interesting read for others.

9-Time Winner of MusicBanter's "Most Qualified to be a Moderator" Award

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
On this one your voice is kind of weird but really intense and awesome
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Old 11-11-2016, 10:20 AM   #2 (permalink)
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No Gods, No Music Theory! - General Disregard
The Hamburger Album - MC Trustan
Metaphoric Train Wrec - MC Trustan
Disregard 2: Disregardier - General Disregard

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Originally Posted by Neward Thelman View Post

I'll check that dictionary, but in the meantime I'm impressed - as is everyone else in the world - by your eloquence, obvious accomplishments and success, and the evidence of your blazingly high intelligence.
Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
He just doesn't have a mind so closed that it rivals Blockbuster.
Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
I own the mail
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Old 11-11-2016, 11:20 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Alright here's how I rank my own albums:

14. Daydream Society - Wordless
Spoiler for My thoughts:

My third Daydream Society record, but by my estimations my worst overall work as an artist. I nowadays find it to be a very mediocre collection of uninspired ambient. That does not mean I don't find it important in my evolution as a musician, however, because there are definitely some concepts here that I've honed in future releases. A couple of really horrible tracks like "Empty Houses" and "Sort of Helpless" really hold this down. There are a couple of decent moments, but not enough to make this worth your time unless you really are interested in analyzing my progress as an artist.

13. Valence - Mental Abrasion
Spoiler for My thoughts:

A half-assed attempt at a metal album just for fun and to see what people would think of it. Some people have surprisingly found this to be somewhat enjoyable, but I don't think there's much here to admire. There's some interesting guitar and distortion layers at points but this is mostly just a boring assault of aggression. Not my thing, but there's enough here to make it better than Wordless.

12. Daydream Society - Apathy, Always
Spoiler for My thoughts:

An album I forced out while dealing with depression. I think I was trying to be experimental on this one to a fault, and there's some serious garbage on here as a result. There's also some hidden gems though, and I think "Living in a Bleak Room" is one of my finer all-time tracks. There's a couple 8 minute snoozefests to get through first though, which holds this album down quite a lot.

11. Daydream Society - Everywhere and In Between
Spoiler for My thoughts:

My second Daydream Society album, and on this one I was trying a ton of different styles and so for this one there's just a bunch of shorter tracks. There's no real emotional significance to this one unlike most of my other albums, hence the generic "ambient electronic album"-esque title. The style of plopping a ton of short different-sounding tracks on here is that there's a lot of crap, but there's also a lot of great stuff that I'm incredibly proud of. Listen to the closer "Variability" and tell me that's not one of my better songs. At the same time though there's cringey crap like "Snowfight" that I have trouble getting through when I try to relisten to this. Overall though we're getting into the albums that I actually think are worth hearing.

10. Daydream Society - Airports and Allegories
Spoiler for Mein kampf:

My first ever solo album, and it was created under some unique circumstances as well. I literally wrote and recorded this on an airplane. My family was taking a trip that required quite a long flight so I brought along my laptop and headphones and set the badboy up on the ****ty trays you get on an airplane and went to work. This album makes it to the tenth spot pretty much solely for the first track, which is maybe one of my most successful tracks ever at conveying what I was trying to convey. It's a 7 and a half minute epic that I think exquisitely translates what it feels like to take off in a plane and soar into the skies. The four subsequent tracks are all kind of mediocre but have their moments. That opener though, seriously. I have no idea how I pulled that off so long ago when I had no real experience with this type of music.

9. cloudcover - Enter Humanity
Spoiler for Poopy pants:

Definitely the weakest of the three cloudcover records, and I think that's definitely because of the unique production cycle. We made this over two weeks basically during a Christmas break, which means the songwriting was rushed and so was the recording. There's still some fantastic stuff here but there's also some definite duds that could have been ironed out if we spent several more months on it. Favorites include the back-to-back-to-back in the middle with "Psephotus", "Adam", and "Wynberg Park". There's some shaky singing on here too (especially my work on Battle of Ghaghra, yikes) which doesn't help. Overall though I'm still proud of this album, especially considering how quickly we put it together and how it's still quite solid despite that.

8. Daydream Society - Fervor
Spoiler for Scooby Doo:

This is an extremely strange album for me and I can't really listen to it anymore. This was probably the weirdest, most oppressive period of time in my entire living existence thus far and I think the music here expresses that quite well. There are however some definite poor moments. The opener could have been WAY better, Fate or Fiction Pt. 1: Light Pillars is a complete dud now that I look back in retrospect, and Level-Headed just doesn't work great in the context of the album. However I am beyond proud of how the title track and Snow Drifts turned out. I still get chills listening to Snow Drifts, honestly. Oh and this album is about the early stages of my relationship with my current girlfriend, which came on the heels of a breakup with my ex of 5 years. The "Fate or Fiction" tracks refer to pivotal moments between us: Light Pillars being our first trip together to Columbus (a distinct visual memory are pillars of light rising up one of the buildings in the city), Snow Drifts being when we took a trip with our friends to northern Michigan in the winter, and The Archeologist referring to a trip we took to Indianapolis where we visited a museum. So I think it's easy to understand why this was such a weird time for me and why the music's uneasy feel reflects that. But yeah, hard album to talk about and analyze for me that's for damn sure.

7. Daydream Society - Deconstruct
Spoiler for My ass is on fire:

A short and simple album I dropped before my stuff was really being noticed on here, and as such I feel it doesn't get the attention it deserves. This was right about when my multi-year depression over the last two years of college was kicking in, and the next few albums portray it in differing ways. I considered this album a "deconstructing" of myself in that mindset, and as such the album feels very floaty and distant while jumping from one short idea to the next. I was smoking weed quite a lot and some of these were made while experimenting with Adderall (a drug I now hate and will never take again). There's some tracks here that I think are seriously fantastic, like "Abstruce", "Loner", and "Pararhyme". Overall from this point on in my list I think every album is great and absolutely worth listening to if you're a fan of my work.

6. cloudcover - Memento
Spoiler for Memento of dis dick:

The oldest album on this list, but man did we do a hell of a job all things considered. This album was written about Schuyler and I's senior year of high school and the mass amount of emotions that surround such an event. Considering we weren't even 18 for most of this, I think this album is incredibly well done and you'd be hard-pressed to find teenagers that are better at songwriting than this. I probably sound a little big-headed about it but I'm just that damn proud of what this album is and what it represents.

9-Time Winner of MusicBanter's "Most Qualified to be a Moderator" Award

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
On this one your voice is kind of weird but really intense and awesome
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Old 11-11-2016, 11:21 AM   #4 (permalink)
silky smooth
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5. Daydream Society - The Blinding
Spoiler for say whaaa:

My most recent album only coming in at fifth? Damn. But yeah there are elements of this that don't work quite as well as some of the other albums that are upcoming. I think the state of my life and mindset are important for the quality of the albums I put out, and this album just wasn't quite as inspired as some of the others coming up. There are obviously tracks here I find it to be really great all throughout, but at the same time I can't pinpoint a "standout" which is strange. This album kind of bleeds together for me and even I have trouble differentiating some of the tracks (and I'm the one that made it!!). Anyway the title of this album refers to the dramatic change my life recently took: I finally moved out of the underground apartment that I felt so trapped in at college into a new place. "The Blinding" kind of describes how it feels going from such a dark place into a new, brighter place in the real world and in my life. As a result the tracks here are a combination of hesitant and triumphant, with some seriously optimistic hope for the future sprinkled in.

4. Daydream Society - For Now
Spoiler for My thoughts:

I'd say this is my best "super depressed YorkeDaddy" album. This one was heavily influenced by the work of Sylvia Plath, a poet you should all probably know about...and if you don't, look her up and do some reading, fool. Anyway this album is about suicide and the events leading up to it. Some dark subject matter, for sure, but it's definitely something that was fascinating me during that period of time. I'm not saying I was considering it as a viable option for myself, but the thought of it just really inspired me musically which is why we get this album. The final track abruptly cuts off after a couple minutes of happy-sounding ambient to try and simulate the euphoria one feels right before they actually die. The tracks leading up to it are a combination of drug-fueled weirdness like "Outer Wave" and dark, introspective meandering like "Floating in the In-Between", which by the way is still the longest track I've ever made to date, and is also perhaps my best atmospheric track as well. Overall I think this album was the turning point where I started to really feel confident in my Daydream Society music, like I was actually making something REALLY good and that I should stick with it.

3. Daydream Society - Avulsion
Spoiler for aylmao:

Another album that's really hard for me to listen to. This is a culmination of the thoughts I was having upon separating from my ex of over 5 years. When you start dating someone at age 16 and make it all the way to 21...that's just such a gigantically important portion of your life. There's so many crucial things about me that developed during that period, so how do you represent such an experience musically? I don't know, but I think I did a damn fine job. This is definitely a dark, moody album, but there are bits and pieces that sound quite hopeful as well. I think it's a very cold, wintery feeling album too...which might just be because I made it during the winter time but I really think the sound of it pushes that feel too. Not every track is perfect, but I'd still almost call the album as a whole perfect because I don't think I could have expressed what I was feeling then in any other reasonable way.

2. cloudcover - Frownland
Spoiler for Has nothing to do with the mod here:

Sure I'm biased, but to me this is a really, really ****ing good indie rock record, and if you're interested in that genre you really have to give this a shot. It's nothing like my Daydream Society work, but I really can't say enough how awesome this album is to me. It's kind of a recreation of dystopian novels like 1984 but with some little twists from us. Cool little details like vocoders being the bad guys and stuff make this such a fun listen for me, and there's so many great details that make it worthy of second and third listens. I really can't believe Schuyler and I managed to make this, it's truly a special album. You can hear a lot more about the creation of this album in a journal I made leading up to its release back in 2013, check it out here if you're interested:

1. Daydream Society - Daze End
Spoiler for 10/10 amirite:

I don't think I will ever make an album more important to me. I think I basically nailed every detail of it. The last two years of college were seriously hell for me, feeling trapped and unhappy with the state of basically everything going on around me. A relationship I knew was not going to last, a social life that was stagnant as a result of it, a general unease with the future...all of these things lead to a crippling depression that I wasn't sure I'd ever get out of. This album describes the process of finally getting over it. The sound clips of people talking help tell the story, but the music itself is what really conveys the experience. I slaved over every note, making sure there wasn't a second on this album that was wasted. I can't even count how many times I wrote and rewrote these tracks, unsatisfied with the how the emotions were being portrayed. Musically I think these songs are just great, with some grand highlights like "Brink" and "Fixated" providing not only immense emotional depth but also epic crescendos and beautiful melodies. I can't rave about this one enough, if you like my music and haven't heard this album yet it should be near the top of your list.

9-Time Winner of MusicBanter's "Most Qualified to be a Moderator" Award

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
On this one your voice is kind of weird but really intense and awesome
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Old 11-11-2016, 11:59 AM   #5 (permalink)
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oh btw
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Originally Posted by Neward Thelman View Post

I'll check that dictionary, but in the meantime I'm impressed - as is everyone else in the world - by your eloquence, obvious accomplishments and success, and the evidence of your blazingly high intelligence.
Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
He just doesn't have a mind so closed that it rivals Blockbuster.
Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
I own the mail
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Old 11-11-2016, 12:05 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Also listening to Daze End finally... goddamn I think you just kicked yourself off my Top 10 list with a different album. I would put both that and Avulsion if I could but this album speaks to me so much more.
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Originally Posted by Neward Thelman View Post

I'll check that dictionary, but in the meantime I'm impressed - as is everyone else in the world - by your eloquence, obvious accomplishments and success, and the evidence of your blazingly high intelligence.
Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
He just doesn't have a mind so closed that it rivals Blockbuster.
Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
I own the mail
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Old 11-11-2016, 03:10 PM   #7 (permalink)
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This is gonna be hard. Not counting features on label comps

Wolves in Sheepskin - Lizard of Ox
The Beatloads - The Beatloads
Wolves in Sheepskin - Indecent Vibrations
Queens of Shiva - Queens of Shiva
Jesus the Carpenter - Jesus Loves You
Wolves in Sheepskin - Knuckle in the Mud
Jesus the Carpenter - The Gnashing of the Teeth
Wolves in Sheepskin - A Van Per Oven
Jesus the Carpenter - The Oblique Perspective
Wolves in Sheepskin - How Your Mother Cried Last Night
Salad Trouble - Rigged Election (featured on three tracks)
Noosefiller - Noosefiller/PKWST
The Artist Formerly Known as Jesus the Carpenter - Distant Relative of Nihilism
Jesus the Carpenter - Obtuse Psychotria
Jesus the Carpenter - Musique Electronische
Jesus the Carpenter - Thunder Music
Jesus the Carpenter - Impressions
Noosefiller - Noosefiler
Wolves in Sheepskin - Haus
Wolves in Sheepskin - Any of Many
Jesus Troubled the Carpenter's Salad - Starving Rotation
Sober Drunks - Not Music
FJF - Songs in the Key of Lime
Jesus the Carpenter - Variations for Piano and Electronics
Wolves in Sheepskin - Bay Beef: A King
Jesus the Carpenter - Jesus the Carpenter
Jesus the Carpenter - Om
FJF - Flavour of the Cold Spot
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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Old 11-11-2016, 04:10 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Easy mate. Easy

Crossbred Infertitude - Rundown Liver Member
Killer on the Toad - Diabolo's Diabolicus
Frank Iron Feltch - Cromwell's c***
Lover in the Factory of Aids - Aids (Probably our most experimental album) <== actual title

Big Bras - Tit Finch Melancholy (Dark stuff)

I am - Do Me a Wrong, You're a Bringer of Lilt (Dio tribute)

Man on the Silver Mashed Potato Mountain - Third Encounter of the Sexually Unsound kIND (Did you guys see us in Munich in 08?)

Morally Funk - Morally Funk (More of a blues album really)

Churchill's Flange - Ace of Aids (It remains a hot topic. Possibly our worst 80s effort)
'Well, I'm a common working man,
With a half of bitter, bread and jam,
And if it pleases me, I'll put one on ya man,
When the copper fades away!'
- Jethro Tull
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Old 11-11-2016, 06:10 PM   #9 (permalink)
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1. Q'uq'umatz - Tepeu
2. Math&Science - Meefer Radness
3. Salad Trouble - Rigged Election
4. ZÖN - Altar of ZÖN
5. Math&Science - Psychedelicious
6. Trouble Salad - Medieval Cosmology
7. Trouble Salad - Rejsekemmerat or whatever the ****
8. Trouble Salad - Reverb Earth
9. ZÖN - Mount Gaash
10. Trouble Salad - Thee Temple of Psychick Salade
11. Trouble Salad - Trouble Salad
12. Salad Trouble - The Primaries
13. Trouble Salad - It Looks Like Snow
14. Trouble Salad - We Are Animals, We Eat Meat
15. Trouble Salad - Planetary Collision
16. Trouble Salad - Mescal Descendant
17. Trouble Salad - Called to the Sky
18. Indentured Servant - Head and Hands
19. Trouble Salad - minimalconstruction
20. Trouble Salad - Battle of Worlds
21. Math&Science - The Battle of Monsters Amongst the Pines
22. FJF - Songs in the Key of Lime
23. Trouble Salad - Left on the Ground
24. Trouble Salad - Disgust: The Sequel
25. Noosefiller - Noosefiler
26. The Peaks of Thok - Underworld
27. Indentured Servant - Heaven for Sadists
28. Trouble Salad - The Bones of the Holy Reptile
29. Indentured Servant - Nation Down the Drain
30. Noosefiller - Noosefiller/PKWST
31. FJF - Flavour of the Cold Spot
32. Trouble Salad - Delirium
33. Trouble Salad - Welcome to the Interstate
34. The Peaks of Thok - Sarnath
35. Jesus Troubled the Carpenter's Salad - Starving Rotation
36. Trouble Salad - Leftover Salad
37. Trouble Salad - Trouble Salad Demo
38. Math&Science - John Cena
39. Trouble Salad - Knob Feeder
40. Trouble Salad - Maximumannihilation
41. Indentured Servant - No Friends for the Killer
42. The Peaks of Thok - Unknown Kadath
43. Trouble Salad - Superlumunial Motion (actually I just forgot about it until right now )
44. Trouble Salad - Amongst the Pines, Beside the Stream
45. Trouble Salad - Fuzz
46. Trouble Salad - The Source of All Monsters
47. Trouble Salad - Disgust: The Soundtrack
Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
Hmm, what's this in my pocket?

*epic guitar solo blasts into my face*

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Old 11-12-2016, 06:21 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
this level of self indulgence
100% agree. I didn't think narcissists were able to rank their own work below No.1
'Well, I'm a common working man,
With a half of bitter, bread and jam,
And if it pleases me, I'll put one on ya man,
When the copper fades away!'
- Jethro Tull
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