Forum Member Showcase Album Survivor
Considering the success of the album survivor threads at this site, I would like to bring up the idea of doing the same thing for albums made by us here at MusicBanter. There's literally oodles of talent at this place, and I would like to put forward to opportunity to have your work fight against other work to win something. However, since this is for the members here at the site, the format is going to look a little bit different than the other survivor threads, mostly because I'm not going to try to put people's albums into their own genres, but instead, i'll take people albums, and make a few different lists and we'll go from one list to the next, deciding which album out of those album is the best.
Here's the thing, i know there's a few people here who have albums on top of albums on top of albums, so what i'm going to need from people is the albums you'd like to see featured here. I don't want to make pre-made lists because I don't know what people consider their best work, so I'm giving the opportunity to you guys to decide that. Once I have enough albums put forward, I'll start making lists and we'll go from there.
We'll start voting as soon as we have a few good lists to go from.