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Old 01-27-2016, 03:25 PM   #91 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Basil C. Thurston III View Post

Bite me, goth boy.
F-bomb you.
"Hey Kids you got to meet the MIGHTY PIXIES!"

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Old 01-27-2016, 03:40 PM   #92 (permalink)
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Reminds me of this

But really, is this such a ****storm, and how did it begin? Let's go back to where it all started... wowowooowooo wibbly visual effects...

You posted your topic. From the off, you have a problem as you used the phrase “plays it wrong”, which is in itself a little arrogant. Who are you to say it's wrong? Perhaps “plays it differently” might have got you different responses, but in fairness, probably not. The first response was from Urban, and you took exception to it. Now, in fairness again, using the f-bomb was not that necessary, but really, who the **** cares? The gist of Urban's response was correct, and he was laying it out as he saw it. You chose to ignore that and accuse him of not contributing to the forum, somehow missing the fact that he has been the longest here and has over 18,000 posts. Surely not all those are one-liner f-bombs? But no, you made your snap decision based on one reply and when advised later that Urban was someone you should respect or at least give the benefit of the doubt to, you ignored that. But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Next response was mine. I agreed with Urban, and also went out of my way to show you two videos wherein the live version of a song was much superior to the studio one. Pretty much every response from then on seems ok to me --- most disagreed with you but that's what this forum is all about, one or two agreed --- then came your post that kicked off Monoclegate. Well, this was kind of asking for it. First you tell us the gig took place in a wealthy part of town, so we're talking probably entitled people here who think an artist owes them a living, and when your post was lightheartedly ridiculed with a monocle joke, you got huffy. You next jumped on Frownland over the sellout post, (and if you're talking maturity well you didn't show much in your response, did you?) almost immediately kicked grindy about “his contribution to the thread” (not sure why you think he contributed any less than anyone else, but there you go: probably smarting from Monoclegate I guess) and page three was done.

Page 4 then became an extension of Monoclegate leading into the Great Analogy debate, whereupon YOU then began attacking people and calling them all sorts of names. You did that, nobody did it to you. You made up your mind, based on a few off-topic posts and jokes, that we were all morons and hated you. Deadchannel told you not to take things so seriously, you went back to the f-word and accused Urban of being a 12 year old, blissfully ignoring the fact that he had made a good point, which you completely failed to respond to or address because you took offence.

Now it's degenerated into you against us, and you've decided we're all out to get you. Newsflash: we're not. We don't care about you. You want to join us and be part of the community, that's fine. Learn to take a joke and know that your threads will likely be pulled off-topic. My much-loved and respected (by me anyway) thread “Love or Hate?” is currently in the throes of a heated debate on the use of OCD. It's annoying but I know it'll get back on track eventually, and I wouldn't call anyone who's involved in that debate (certainly not me) lowbrow or whatever. You're taking a tiny sample of this forum and using it to extrapolate the behaviour, attitudes and mental capacity of everyone here. Have you even read the journals section, the threads in the current events? Some of the better music threads? Posts in the Lounge? There's a lot of good, deep, friendly debate goes on here and yes, people slag each other off and post GIFs and videos and emoticons, and use one-word posts from time to time. Doesn't stop them being some of the finest writers I've ever known, and also at times some of the most sensitive and caring people around (other than The Batlord, or course).

Tl;dr: stop judging everyone by a few poxy posts in your thread and get out there and mingle, see what people are really like. Grow a pair, thicken your skin and dive in, realise not everyone is out to get you and have some fun. Or GTFO and go somewhere where your delicate nature and personality won't be offended.

Doesn't matter to us, but it would be cool if you went for the former.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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Old 01-27-2016, 03:43 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
But really, is this such a ****storm, and how did it begin? Let's go back to where it all started... wowowooowooo wibbly visual effects...

Nice! You should do that more often.

Good post too, by the way.
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Old 01-27-2016, 03:49 PM   #94 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tkocomposer View Post
Gotta agree with the record theory
Even the spammers agree.
Isn't that something?
A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.
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Old 01-27-2016, 04:10 PM   #95 (permalink)
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Back to Thurston Howell the 3rd.

Did Rundgren deviate so much that the songs were un-enjoyable, or was it that they weren't what folks expected?

With an artist like Rundgren I'd figure his audience would expect some toss ups.

I mean it's not like those folks were walking into a Foreigners greatest hits retro show.

“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well,
on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away
and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
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Old 01-27-2016, 04:33 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Back to Thurston Howell the 3rd.

Did Rundgren deviate so much that the songs were un-enjoyable, or was it that they weren't what folks expected?

With an artist like Rundgren I'd figure his audience would expect some toss ups.

I mean it's not like those folks were walking into a Foreigners greatest hits retro show.
Hello, It's Me, global tour version:

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Old 01-27-2016, 04:36 PM   #97 (permalink)
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Gotta agree, that sucked balls.

“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well,
on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away
and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
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Old 01-27-2016, 04:38 PM   #98 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Reminds me of this

But really, is this such a ****storm, and how did it begin? Let's go back to where it all started... wowowooowooo wibbly visual effects...

You posted your topic. From the off, you have a problem as you used the phrase “plays it wrong”, which is in itself a little arrogant. Who are you to say it's wrong? Perhaps “plays it differently” might have got you different responses, but in fairness, probably not. The first response was from Urban, and you took exception to it. Now, in fairness again, using the f-bomb was not that necessary, but really, who the **** cares? The gist of Urban's response was correct, and he was laying it out as he saw it. You chose to ignore that and accuse him of not contributing to the forum, somehow missing the fact that he has been the longest here and has over 18,000 posts. Surely not all those are one-liner f-bombs? But no, you made your snap decision based on one reply and when advised later that Urban was someone you should respect or at least give the benefit of the doubt to, you ignored that. But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Next response was mine. I agreed with Urban, and also went out of my way to show you two videos wherein the live version of a song was much superior to the studio one. Pretty much every response from then on seems ok to me --- most disagreed with you but that's what this forum is all about, one or two agreed --- then came your post that kicked off Monoclegate. Well, this was kind of asking for it. First you tell us the gig took place in a wealthy part of town, so we're talking probably entitled people here who think an artist owes them a living, and when your post was lightheartedly ridiculed with a monocle joke, you got huffy. You next jumped on Frownland over the sellout post, (and if you're talking maturity well you didn't show much in your response, did you?) almost immediately kicked grindy about “his contribution to the thread” (not sure why you think he contributed any less than anyone else, but there you go: probably smarting from Monoclegate I guess) and page three was done.

Page 4 then became an extension of Monoclegate leading into the Great Analogy debate, whereupon YOU then began attacking people and calling them all sorts of names. You did that, nobody did it to you. You made up your mind, based on a few off-topic posts and jokes, that we were all morons and hated you. Deadchannel told you not to take things so seriously, you went back to the f-word and accused Urban of being a 12 year old, blissfully ignoring the fact that he had made a good point, which you completely failed to respond to or address because you took offence.

Now it's degenerated into you against us, and you've decided we're all out to get you. Newsflash: we're not. We don't care about you. You want to join us and be part of the community, that's fine. Learn to take a joke and know that your threads will likely be pulled off-topic. My much-loved and respected (by me anyway) thread “Love or Hate?” is currently in the throes of a heated debate on the use of OCD. It's annoying but I know it'll get back on track eventually, and I wouldn't call anyone who's involved in that debate (certainly not me) lowbrow or whatever. You're taking a tiny sample of this forum and using it to extrapolate the behaviour, attitudes and mental capacity of everyone here. Have you even read the journals section, the threads in the current events? Some of the better music threads? Posts in the Lounge? There's a lot of good, deep, friendly debate goes on here and yes, people slag each other off and post GIFs and videos and emoticons, and use one-word posts from time to time. Doesn't stop them being some of the finest writers I've ever known, and also at times some of the most sensitive and caring people around (other than The Batlord, or course).

Tl;dr: stop judging everyone by a few poxy posts in your thread and get out there and mingle, see what people are really like. Grow a pair, thicken your skin and dive in, realise not everyone is out to get you and have some fun. Or GTFO and go somewhere where your delicate nature and personality won't be offended.

Doesn't matter to us, but it would be cool if you went for the former.
Whatever you say, Fonzie.
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Old 01-27-2016, 04:39 PM   #99 (permalink)
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^Okay, that was pretty painful.
And what's up with those dancer? Did the gig you saw have them as well?
I can actually understand why the people were that upset about it.
A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.
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Old 01-27-2016, 04:52 PM   #100 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post

Gotta agree, that sucked balls.
Imagine two hours of that. But I had heard the Global album beforehand as well as read reviews of the previous shows, so I knew going in that it wasn't going to be the standard Todd show. It was interesting to watch, but I enjoyed it much less than when Todd does some guitar riffing and sings with soul. Consider the people who only know him from the hits, whether it be Hello or Bang The Drum- they could not walk away satisfied. Most people are not that into the improv side of music when they paid for it, IMO. I get the viewpoint that changing things up can be nice but where does an artist draw the line between spreading artistic wings and alienating long-time fans? When you have the money to do whatever you wish as an artist, you might fear the backlash less but as someone who makes money solely from touring now, isn't it a risk to bite the hand that feeds you?
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