Justthefacts |
10-02-2015 09:41 PM |
Record Wars !
The gist of this is very simple. I'll suggest a record and someone else requests one and those two albums battle for a week. Whichever gets the most likes wins.
Now whichever two are battling one another cannot vote, obviously. The next two people to battle will be written down, and those two battlers must refrain from exposing which record they're fighting with until their day comes. Also if you've heard the record I post but not the one someone next posts, please try and hear that one before voting. Sounds like a silly request but please don't go off personal favorites unless you've heard both and still agree with the former record. Also please keep recommendations from the year 2000 to now.
This week will be hip-hop. I suggest this
Now, challenge me motherf ucker