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Key 07-29-2015 10:08 AM

Ki Attempts To Like Radiohead...Again

It's pretty well known at this forum that i'm not a fan of Radiohead and I will do whatever I can to make fun of people who talk so highly of this band. However, i've given their albums a listen at least twice now. Times have changed and I am going through a pretty crazy taste change right now, so i'm curious if my overall opinion of Radiohead may change now. It may not, but it's worth a try. This will be on a weekly basis so don't expect too regular reviews, I don't want to overwhelm myself.

Anyway, here's the list, and I won't be listening / reviewing them in any particular order:

Pablo Honey (1993)
The Bends (1995)
OK Computer (1997)
Kid A (2000)
Amnesiac (2001)
Hail To The Thief (2003)
In Rainbows (2007)
The King of Limbs (2011)

Plainview 07-29-2015 10:11 AM

Pablo Honey pales in comparison to their other stuff and sounds pretty sloppy and juvenile. Kid A/Amnesiac are absolutely incredible as far as I'm concerned.

YorkeDaddy 07-29-2015 10:14 AM

I don't know about everyone else but I'm a lot more interested in this:

Than I am in seeing someone talk about a band that's already been talked about to death over and over and over and over and over again

CoNtrivedNiHilism 07-29-2015 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1620367)
I don't know about everyone else but I'm a lot more interested in this:

Than I am in seeing someone talk about a band that's already been talked about to death over and over and over and over and over again

That. And also I think Ki will find the same results, which is still not liking Radiohead. But we're being poor sports. Let Ki have this one.

Key 07-29-2015 10:21 AM

Kid A (2000)

I'm going to start this off by listening to Kid A, as this album seems to be in the higher rated albums judging by the overall positive feedback it receives. Upon starting to listen to this album, i'm finding myself not really cringing at Yorke's voice as I would have when I listened to this album before. In fact, I think his voice compliments the album quite well. I also think Everything In It's Right Place is a fantastic way to start this album as it really sets the mood to get you in the right mind to expect something...well...unexpected. Moving on, we get to the track titled Kid A. It starts off a little slow which is a little worrying, but after the initial 30 seconds, it starts to get going a little faster. The mixture of instrumentals in this song are really neat, and they aren't so overwhelming and in your face that it actually makes for a really nice atmosphere surrounding the song itself. The vocals seem a little bit weird, but it's probably just a weird effect to add to the atmosphere of the song, and it surprisingly works. And i'm not saying that because I don't have to hear Yorke's voice, i'm saying that because the effect sits nicely with the other effects going on with the song. Next up we have The National Anthem which seems to be a little bit heavier than the previous two tracks, what I mean by that is it gets right into things right away and sets the mood for the track right away. This song is really cool. I love the instrumentals and just the overall feel of the track itself. Very strange in some places and Thom Yorke actually sounds really good on this track as well. His voice once again is not making me cringe, so perhaps this is a good thing. I actually find his voice in this track to be quite enjoyable and this would be a track I would listen to again if I had to choose one right now. How To Disappear Quickly seems to have a bit of a more haunting / creepy feel to it, but the name fits the song well as it feels like i'm disappearing into something, don't know what that something is, but it's something. I know i've been mentioning this a lot, but once again, Yorke does sound great in this track. I'm mentioning that multiple times because Thom Yorke was always the reason I didn't like Radiohead, or one of them anyway, and now i'm finding myself getting used to his voice and really starting to like it quite a bit.

As for the rest of the album goes, it's all pretty good. In Limbo seems to be my favorite out of the list of tracks on this album, and I know I only mentioned a few tracks above, but i'm not the biggest fan of talking about every single track in an album, those are just my thoughts on the first couple tracks that I seemed to like. As an album altogether, I think it holds together really well and actually seems to have given me a pretty good maybe even great listening experience. I'm pleasantly surprised and also happy to say that I do indeed enjoy this album quite a bit. It could be that I chose an album that is said to be one of their best, but i'm willing to admit that I was wrong to say that this album sucked, because it's actually quite good. There's nothing from what I can tell that really stretches the imagination and goes beyond what you'd expect to hear from an album like this, so I still don't really hear the "omg this album is life changing" thing about the album, but I can't deny that it's a good listen and a good album overall. I'll probably be going back to this album a lot more than I usually do and wouldn't mind talking about this album in Radiohead discussion from now on. Very happy that my opinion has changed on this and hopefully the same can be said for the other albums that I listen to in the future.

Key 07-29-2015 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1620367)
I don't know about everyone else but I'm a lot more interested in this:

Than I am in seeing someone talk about a band that's already been talked about to death over and over and over and over and over again


Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism (Post 1620368)
That. And also I think Ki will find the same results, which is still not liking Radiohead. But we're being poor sports. Let Ki have this one.


YorkeDaddy 07-29-2015 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1620373)

I just don't really care though, I have no need to read another post about Kid A ever again for the rest of my life because I've already seen every possible reaction =/

CoNtrivedNiHilism 07-29-2015 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1620373)

Well holy sh*t kid, I'm wrong. Gold star for your sticker book of gold, sparkly stars.

Key 07-29-2015 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1620375)
I just don't really care though, I have no need to read another post about Kid A ever again for the rest of my life because I've already seen every possible reaction =/

Understandable. I'll get back to my other thread in time, I just got burned out and I wanted to try something new. So I am.

Plainview 07-29-2015 10:32 AM

I'd say Thom's singing is most pleasant on In Rainbows. I mean listen to Reckoner, that falsetto is so great.

Key 07-29-2015 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Plainview (Post 1620382)
I'd say Thom's singing is most pleasant on In Rainbows. I mean listen to Reckoner, that falsetto is so great.

That's pretty good to hear. I like his vocals so far from what i've heard from OK Computer, so i'm even more excited to get to In Rainbows.

Mr. Charlie 07-29-2015 10:53 AM

They're one of the great bands in my opinion. So consistent in their brilliance. I used to listen to them shedloads. The Bends is my fave. I don't listen to them much these days (unfortunately I find their sound a tad depressing) but still acknowledge their greatness.

Machine 07-29-2015 06:54 PM

Kid A truly is one of, if not my favorite album of all time that album hit me in a way that few albums ever have. It really was the catalyst for getting into music that I am now. Glad you're digging them a lot more this time around.

Norg 07-30-2015 12:17 AM

i don't like radiohead either and I even bought Kid a when i was a kid LOL

Key 07-30-2015 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Norg (Post 1620582)
i don't like radiohead either and I even bought Kid a when i was a kid LOL even read my review?

grindy 07-30-2015 12:35 AM

I loved Radiohead when I was younger.
Tried to get into them again several weeks ago.
They are undeniably a good band and I did enjoy listening to them again, but I was unable to finish any of the albums I tried. At some point, somewhere around the middle of albums, I just stopped caring.

Key 07-30-2015 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1620588)
I loved Radiohead when I was younger.
Tried to get into them again several weeks ago.
They are undeniably a good band and I did enjoy listening to them again, but I was unable to finish any of the albums I tried. At some point, somewhere around the middle of albums, I just stopped caring.

That's how it always was for me. I'm finding that if I just have it playing in the background and not really focusing in on it 100%, I can get more enjoyment out of it. I put more like 80-85% of my attention on listening to it when I do and its actually quite nice.

E5I5O 07-30-2015 12:52 AM


i'm not a fan of Radiohead
who the **** is

grindy 07-30-2015 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by E5I5O (Post 1620591)
who the **** is

Millions of people?

Key 07-30-2015 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by E5I5O (Post 1620591)
who the **** is

They're currently growing on me. Why would you come into this thread to say that anyway? Its obvious even from the title that I'll be trying to be more positive about my Radiohead listening.

Plainview 07-30-2015 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by Machine (Post 1620515)
Kid A truly is one of, if not my favorite album of all time that album hit me in a way that few albums ever have. It really was the catalyst for getting into music that I am now. Glad you're digging them a lot more this time around.

Basically how it was for me.

TechnicLePanther 07-30-2015 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Plainview (Post 1620627)
Basically how it was for me.

Same sort of thing, but for me it was Dark Side of the Moon (just looking for anywhere to plug this album (even though everyone's heard it, I just love it too much)).

Back on topic, I think you should do Amnesiac next. Many Radiohead albums sound very different from Kid A (as you proabably know), and Amnesiac is the least jolt.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 07-30-2015 06:49 AM

While I definitely do love Kid A, I've always enjoyed OK Computer even more, so I'm interested to read your review on that album.

Key 07-30-2015 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by E5I5O (Post 1620591)
who the **** is


Originally Posted by E5I5O (Post 1620641)
Radiohead ain't bad.... they're good.... that's all....

grindy 08-01-2015 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1620684)

He does that sometimes.


Originally Posted by E5I5O (Post 1610697)
I always hated fleminem, and I always hated rap, well, what is referred to as rap. Back in the day it was referred to as rap, but now it's called hip-hop. Hip-hop is basically the equivalent of eighties glam-rock. I call hip-hop glam-rap. At least old-school rappers generally talked about something more socially relevant than the size of their dicks and how many bitches they've laid - I'd rather listen to NWA, Da Lench Mob, Public Enemy, Rage Against The Machine, Cypress Hill, System of a Down - those are some bands you can get some knowledge from.


Originally Posted by E5I5O (Post 1610736)
He is skilled to some extent in what he does, but lately, he seems to be going back and forth - trying to do something new with the initial ability that gained him so much success in the first place. It actually sounds like he's trying too hard. It almost pains me to listen to the guy lately. He's intelligent, talented, innovative and imaginative. Sometime I just wish he would break away from the very thing that made him successful in the first place. There's nothing wrong with reinventing oneself.

Key 08-01-2015 03:06 AM

^multiple personality disorder perhaps?

Key 08-27-2016 03:03 PM

hey guys! I love radiohead!

Tristan_Geoff 08-27-2016 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1736652)
hey guys! I love radiohead!

Good for you! Favorite album?

Blank. 08-27-2016 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1736652)
hey guys! I love radiohead!

kibbeh 08-27-2016 09:15 PM

oh hey look blank's not sucking ki's dick for once

Key 08-27-2016 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Tristan Geoff (Post 1736776)
Good for you! Favorite album?

A Moon Shaped Pool. Obv.

Blank. 08-27-2016 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by pansy gayboy 69 (Post 1736781)
oh hey look blank's not sucking ki's dick for once

Oh, look, gayboy is being a little bitch. :D

Justthefacts 08-28-2016 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1736784)
Oh, look, gayboy is being a little bitch. :D

I was under the impression Jews were passive and accepted rude comments? I'm pretty sure you're the only jew that's proved me wrong.

Blank. 08-28-2016 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1736870)
I was under the impression Jews were passive and accepted rude comments? I'm pretty sure you're the only jew that's proved me wrong.


Key 08-28-2016 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1736870)
I was under the impression Jews were passive and accepted rude comments? I'm pretty sure you're the only jew that's proved me wrong.

To be fair, most Jews can't take a wicked burn.

Justthefacts 08-28-2016 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1736872)
To be fair, most Jews can't take a wicked burn.


Inadvertent Holocaust joke?

Key 08-28-2016 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1736882)

Inadvertent Holocaust joke?

You're goddamn right.

Justthefacts 08-28-2016 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1736883)
You're goddamn right.

I might not be a privileged Caucasian, but at least I'm not a Jew.

Blank. 08-28-2016 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1736884)
I might not be a privileged Caucasian, but at least I'm not a Jew.

I might be a jew, but at least I'm not a Mexican... blegh!

Justthefacts 08-28-2016 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1736886)
I might be a jew, but at least I'm not a Mexican... blegh!


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