I was born in 1996 and listened to CDs I'd take from my parents after hearing them listen to it and enjoying it. Growing up it would be my dad's favorites that would become mine, Jesus Lizard, Faith No More, Iron Maiden, Supersuckers, Chokebore, Cop Shoot Cop, Vader. I'd also hear what my mom talked about all the time and listened to that, which brought me into hardcore punk, industrial and EBM. Skinny Puppy, Conflict, Rudimentary Peni, Coil, Severed Heads, Einsturzende Neubauten, and random alt stuff ie the Breeders and whatever. When I wanted to explore music on my own, it was a lot of metal, but still loved all the aforementioned stuff.
These days I listen to stuff that I like to listen to.
Originally Posted by Oriphiel
Hmm, what's this in my pocket?
*epic guitar solo blasts into my face*