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Love or Hate?
I believe this has finally run its course. I no longer have any interest in continuing it, so I am locking it up now. Thanks to those who played, but this is where it ends.
Recs are now closed forever. Please do not submit albums as they will be ignored. The Big List I finally got around to creating a full, alphabetical linked index. It's obviously going to be too big to insert here, so I'll split it into any of the other posts on this page that I can. Those posts may have a comment on them. Can't help that. Note: These are all alphabeticised according to the artiste, then the albums. None are coloured, as that would have really pushed the character count up. I spent a lot of time on this but I could have missed something so if anyone spots a mistake, album rec credited to the wrong person or whatever, just shout. Acid Mothers Temple and The Melting Paraiso UFO In C (Frownland) Aesop Waits Tom Shall Pass (Goofle) Africa Express presents Terry Riley's in C Mali (Frownland) Alabama Shakes Sound and Color (Qwertyy) Algiers Algiers (Goofle) Tori Amos Abnormally Attracted to Sin (MicShazam) Animal Collective Strawberry Jam (Frownland) Anacrusis Screams and Whispers (The Batlord) Jon Anderson Olias of Sunhillow (Chula Vista) Titus Andronicus TheMonitor (Justthefacts) The Angels of Light Everything is Good Here/Please Come Home (bob) Anglagard Hybris (Grindy) Angra Holy Land (The Batlord) Antlers Familiars (YorkeDaddy) Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85 - 92 (TechnicLePanther) Fiona Apple The Idle Wheel is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You Better Than Ropes Will Ever Do (Justthefacts) Arkangel Dead Man Walking (The Batlord) Asunder A Clarion Call (bob) At the Drive-InRelationship of Command (Justthefacts) At the Gates Slaughter of the Soul (The Batlord) Aztec Camera High Land, Hard Rain (TechnicLePanther) Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution A Call to Arms (WWWP) Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band Clear Spot (Frownland) Beirut No No No (YorkeDaddy) Belle and Sebastian If You're Feeling Sinister (YorkeDaddy) Alban Berg Violin Concerto (Deadchannel) Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect (The Batlord) Big Star #1 Record (Pet_Sounds) The Black Heart Procession 2 (bob) The Black Ryder The Door Behind the Door (bob) James Blake James Blake (Justthefacts) Karl Blau Beneath Waves (WWWP) Blind Guardian A Night at the Opera (The Batlord) Blur Parklife (TechnicLePanther) Boards of Canada Music Has the Right to Children (TechnicLePanther) Bone Thugz n Harmony E.1999 Eternal (The Batlord) Bonnie “Prince” Billy I See a Darkness (WWWP) Boris Pink (The Batlord) Bright Eyes I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning (Qwertyy) Tim Buckley Goodbye and Hello (Frownland) John Cage String Quartet in Four Parts (Frownland) John Cale and Terry Riley Church of Anthrax (Frownland) Camera Obscura Let's Get Out of This COuntry (Justthefacts) Can Ege Bamyasi (Machine) Can Future Days (Plainview) The Caretaker An Empty Bliss Beyond This World (Frownland) Catuvolcus Voyageurs de' lAube (Mythsofmetal) Ceremony The L-Shaped Man (Qwertyy) Chromatics Kill For Love (JosefK) Chvrches Every Open Eye (YorkeDaddy) Merry Clayton Gimme Shelter (Goofle) cloudcover Enter Humanity (YorkeDaddy) cloudcoverMemento (YorkeDaddy) cLOUDDEAD cLOUDDEAD (Machine) Billy Cobham Spectrum (Plankton) Cocoteau Twins Heaven or Las Vegas (YorkeDaddy) John Coltrane A Love Supreme (Frownland) Cor Scorpil Monument (Mythsofmetal) The Cure Disintegration (Pet_Sounds) Cynic Focus (The Batlord) D'Angelo and the Vanguard Black Messiah (Justthefacts) The Damned Machine Gun Etiquette (Urban Hatemonger) Danzig Danzig III: How the Gods Kill (The Batlord) Bobby Darin That's All (Micco) DarkthroneTransilvanian Hunger (The Batlord) Daydream Society For Now (YorkeDaddy) Deadmau5 Vexillology (TechnicLePanther) Dead Voices on Air New Word Machine (bob) The Deaf Aids Almanac (Plainview) The Deaf Aids Rainbow Grey (Plainview) The Deaf Aids The Visions Will Return (Plainview) Death Symbolic (The Batlord) Deerhoof Milk Man (Machine) Deltron 3030 Deltron 3030 (The Batlord) Disillusion Back to Times of Splendour (Neurotripsicks) Divine Fits Divine Fits (Justthefacts) Eric Dolphy Out to Lunch! (Frownland) Nick Drake Pink Moon (YorkeDaddy) Dream Theater Metropolis Pt 2: Scenes From a Memory (TechnicLePanther) EI-P Fantastic Damage (Goofle) ELPTrilogy (Neapolitan) Elvenking Heathenreel (The Batlord) |
miRthkon - Vehicle
A fun proggy record that could suit your fancy. |
To Pimp A Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar
Pretty much definite that you'll hate this. |
JoJo - #LoveJo (2014)
I really like it personally. Contemporary Pop/R&B EP by the all grown up teen sensation. She covers Phil Collins and, from what I gather, you're a fan. |
The Big List (Continued)
Falkenbach Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty (The Batlord) Faust Faust IV (Frownland) Leonid Federov Anabaena (Grindy) James Ferraro Far Side Virtual (Machine) Fire! Orchestra Enter (Frownland) The Flaming Lips The Soft Bulletin (The Batlord) Florence and the Machine How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (DwnWthVwls) Flying Lotus You're Dead! (Justthefacts) Gamel OOIOO (Frownland) The Gathering How to Measure a Planet? (The Batlord) Girls Album (Justthefacts) Godspeed You! Black EMperor Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven (Deadchannel) Goldfrapp Felt Mountain (Grindy) Holly Golightly God Don't Like It (Suzy Creamcheese) Gorillaz Plastic Beach (Machine) Gorky's Zygotic Mynci Bwyd Time (Urban Hatemonger) Grimes Art Angels (YorkeDaddy) The Vince Guaraldi Trio A Charlie Brown Christmas (TechnicLePanther) Woody Guthrie Dust Bowl Ballads (JosefK) Steve Hackett Bay of Kings (Plankton) Hail Spirit Noir Oi Magoi (Mythsofmetal) HammerFall Renegade (The Batlord) Herbie Hancock Thrust (Frownland) Screamin' Jay Hawkins Cow Fingers and Mosquito Pie (Frownland) Isaac Hayes Hot Buttered Soul (Micco) Michael Hedges Taproot (Plankton) Hella Hold Your Horse Is (Deadchannel) Highly Suspect Mister Asylum (DwnWthVwls) Marian Hill Sway (Violet) Jon Hopkins Immunity (YorkeDaddy) Hum You'd Prefer an Astronaut (bob) Husker Du Warehouse (bob) Iced Earth Something Wicked This Way Comes (The Batlord) Iggy Pop The Idiot (TechnicLePanther) Ilya Poise is the Greater Architect (bob) In Flames Clayman (The Batlord) Insane Clown Posse Riddle Box (The Batlord) Ironheart Revolution Calls (Plankton) Gregory Alan Isakov This Empty Northern Hemisphere (Ilistentoeverything) Jason Isbell Southeastern (Moss) Andrew Jackson Jihad People That Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People in the World (Machine) Jagernaut Scissor Fight (Raymaaan) Janvs Vega (Mythsofmetal) Japan Tin Drum (Plainview) Jarboe Zen J Jazz (bob) Carly Rae Jepsen Em-O-Tion (Goofle) Jesu Silver (Machine) The Brothers Johnson Blam! (Micco) Jojo #Lovejojo (Goofle) Kuni Kawachi and Flower Travellin Band Kirikyogen (Suzy Creamcheese) Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat Interlude to the Outermost (bob) Kitty Frostbite (Goofle) The Kooks Junk of the Heart (Suzy Creamcheese) L'Orange Orchid Days (Frownland) Ladytron Light and Magic (Urban Hatemonger) Kendrick Lamar To Pimp a Butterfly (Violet) Lantlos Melting Sun (Machine) LCD Soundscape This is Happening (Machine) The Legendary Pink Dots Brighter Now (bob) Jenny Lewis Acid Tongue (Justthefacts) Lifetones For a Reason (Mondo Bungle) Lite Phantasia (Plankton) Living ColorVivid (Plankton) Liz Just Like You (Goofle) Tove Lo Queen of the Clouds (Goofle) Low Ones and Sixes (bob) Lykke Li Wounded Rhymes (DwnWthVwls) Machine Mind Over Love and Body (Machine) Machine Head The Blackening (YorkeDaddy) Mackintosh Plus Floral Shoppe (TechnicLePanther) Magma Attahk (Frownland) The Magnetic Fields Get Lost (Dreadnaught) Charles Manson Lie: The Love and Terror Cult (TechnicLePanther) Mac de Marco Salad Days (Machine) Dean Martin Dino: Italian Love Songs (Micco) Mastodon The Hunter () Curtis Mayfield Roots (Micco) Merzbow Venereology (The Batlord) The Microphones The Glow, Pt 2 (Machine) Midlake The Trials of Van Occupanther (DwnWthVwls) Milo So the Flies Don't Come (Deadchannel) MirthkonVehicle (Frownland) Moby Play (Pet_Sounds) Mocket Bionic Parts (bob) Modest Mouse The Lonesome Crowded West (Machine) Monster Magnet Dopes to Infinity (The Batlord) Moondog Moondog (DwnWthVwls) Ennio Morricone The Good, the Bad and the Ugly OST (Deadchannel) Mother Love Bone Apple (Chula Vista) Mr Bungle California (TechnicLePanther) Roisin Murphy Overpowered (The Batlord) Muse Drones (Violet) My Morning Jacket Z (Justthefacts) The National Boxer (YorkeDaddy) Native Construct Quiet World (Violet) Neutral Milk Hotel On Avery Island (Machine) Nico Desertshore (Frownland) Carl Nielsen Symphony No. 5 Op 50 FS 97 (Pet_Sounds) Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral (TechnicLePanther) NomensnoWrong (Raymaaan) Nouns Still Bummed (Machine) Agnes Obel Avantine (DwnWthVwls) Frank Ocean Channel Orange (Justthefacts) Of Montreal Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse (Pet_Sounds) Opeth Blackwater Park (TechnicLePanther) Oysterhead The Grand Pecking Order (TechnicLePanther) |
I've been listening to this a bit as of late, not sure if you've heard it, but try this one on for size (although they spelled it wrong, it's a great debut):
The Big List (Continued)
Kyara Pamyu Pamyu Pamyu Pamyu Revolution (Goofle) The Pharcyde Bizarre Ride II (Micco) Ariel Pink Pom Pom (Machine) The Pop Group Citizen Zombie (Frownland) Popol Vuh In Den Garten Pharaos (Ninetales) Portishead Dummy (Deadchannel) PRDMonstrosity (Plankton) Protest the Hero Fortress (The Batlord) Suzi Quatro If You Knew Suzi (Suzy Creamcheese) Queens of the Stone Age Like Clockwork (Machine) Radiohead In Rainbows (Plainview) Alec K Redfearn and The Seizuers Exterminating Angel (Grindy) The Replacements Tim (The Batlord) The Residents Meet the Residents (Frownland) Lana del Rey Honeymoon (Goofle) Ride Nowhere (bob) Robbie Robertson Robbie Robertson (Moss) The Rolling Stones Let it Bleed (Pet_Sounds) Rome Masse Mensch Material (bob) Jeff Rosenstock We Cool? (Machine) Todd Rundgren A Wizard, a True Star (TechnicLePanther) Pat “The Bunny” Schneeweis Die the Nightmare (Machine) Shels Plains of the Purple Buffalo (Machine) Sigur Ros () (bob) Silver Apples Silver Apples (Frownland) Skinny Puppy Remission (TechnicLePanther) Sleater-Kinney No Cities to Love (Violet) Slick Rick The Art of Storytelling (Micco) Slint Spiderland (Deadchannel) Elliot Smith Figure 8 (Qwertyy) Songs: Ohia Didn't it Rain? (JosefK) Spock's Beard Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep (Chula Vista) Spoon Kill the Moonlight (Justthefacts) Sterbhaus New Level of Malevolence (The Batlord) Colin Stetson and Sarah Neufled Never Were the Way She Was (Grindy) Sufjan Stevens Carrie and Lowell (Qwertyy) The Streets Computers and Blues (ManLikeMonkey) The Strokes First Impressions of Earth (The Identity Matrix) Sunn ))) Monoliths and Dimensions (Frownland) A Sunny Day in Glasgow Sea When Absent (YorkeDaddy) Swans To Be Kind (Deadchannel) Switchblade Symphony The Three Calamaties (DwnWthVwls) David Sylvian There's a Light That Enters Houses With No Other House In Sight (Frownland) Talk Talk Spirit of Eden (Plainview) Television Marquee Moon (Mondo Bungle) Texas is the Reason Do You Know Who You Are? (bob) Thantifaxath Sacred White Noise (Machine) This Heat Deceit (Frownland) Tool Lateralus (TechnicLePanther) Tortoise Millions Now Living Will Never Die (Machine) Throbbing Gristle DOA: the Third and Final Report of (The Batlord) Devin Townsend Ocean Machine (Chula Vista) Tunnel Canary Jihad (Frownland) Townes Van Zandt Townes Van Zandt (The Batlord) Violent Femmes Hallowed Ground (The Batlord) Scott Walker Tilt (Grindy) Wand Golem (Goofle) The Weeknd Beauty Behind the Madness (Goofle) Ween The Mollusc (YorkeDaddy) Kanye West Yeezus (Violet) Jack White Blunderbuss (TechnicLePanther) Why? Allopecia (WWWP) Brian WilsonThe Smile Sessions (Pet_Sounds) Amy Winehouse Back to Black (Justthefacts) Wolves in Sheepskin Knuckle in the Mud (Frownland) Woodkid The Golden Age (DwnWthVwls) The Wytches Annabel Dream Reader (Pet_Sounds) Frank Zappa Apostrophe (Frownland) John Zorn Masada Guitars (Frownland) |
lmao we're gonna have him listen to Kendrick?
If I couldn't even get him to go past track 2 on Nujabes which is far less...hip-hop-y, then we sure as hell won't see him finishing TPAB |
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