Title: For now
Artiste: Daydream Society
Genre: Ambient
Familiarity: I know some of YorkeDaddy's work; some I love, some I, well, don't...
Daydream Society
Track 1(Love) Takes about thirty seconds before I can even discern any music (slow start) though some ****er was going mad with a drill out in the street, but when it gets going it's a nice gentle relaxing sound. Nice shimmering synths. Goes by very quickly for a four minute song.
Track 2(Love) Kind of reminds me of the sun rising in the morning (when the **** else does the sun rise?) :rolleyes:; nice kind of almost oriental feel to parts of it. Seems like it could be nice music to do Tai Chi or whatever exercises to. Not that I do such things.
Track 3(Love) Nice rising synth tone on this, reminds me of clouds clearing away to reveal a clear blue sky and birds singing. Maybe. Interestingly, perhaps, its title (“After everyone leaves”) is very similar to that of one of my own laughable attempts at music, which was called “When everyone has gone home”...
Track 4(Love) Stronger, slightly punchier feeling to this, with some kind of feedback or effect making the piece a little abrasive, though not too much. Like the kind of danceroom vibe.
Track 5(Love) Back to some slow, building ambient, very nice. Well-titled; it gives just that feeling of floating in space, or perhaps moving from one state of being to another.
Track 6 Meh, pretty almost existential. A little hard to get to grips with.
Track 7(Love) Echoes almost of Frownland! Nah, not that bad, but mostly effects and what I would consider to be non-musical sounds. Not a fan of this sort of thing. Well, hold on now: about halfway through we have some nice synth coming through. That's quite nice.
Track 8(Love) Nice peppy synth with a faster one behind it
Track 9(Love) This one's a nice relaxing ambient
Track 10(Love) Lovely atmospheric closer that somehow manages to be quite powerful in an understated way. Loses marks for the sudden ending though. Why?
End result: Another triumph for YorkeDaddy; far different from cloudcover of course, and a lot better than his previous effort with DDS that I listened to. I really enjoyed this.
So, Love or Hate? Oh
Love, for definite.
Chances of a full review: 3/10