Title: Strawberry Jam
Artiste: Animal Collective
Genre: Rock
Familiarity: Heard
Merriweather Post Pavilion --- it was okay but nothing great
Recommended by: Frownland
1. Peacebone: Kind of reminds me of ELO's “Mr. Blue Sky” with the beat. Very bouncy with some sort of growling effect. Bit annoying if I'm honest.
2. Unsolved mysteries: This one's a little better but I'm still not that fond of it.
3. Chores: This is really annoying
4. For Reverend Green: A little better, but I just don't really hear anything here that makes me sit up and take notice. Sort of a carnival rhythm here, but the shouted then screamed vocal does nothing for me.
5. Fireworks: It's boppy and uptempo, but meh. Cheerful sure.
6. #1: Like the very prog keyboards, not impressed with the vocal though. Still, best of a bad lot so far.
7. Winter wonderland: And back to the crappy tracks.
8. Cuckoo cuckoo: Little better, but only a little. Still don't like it, but I don't not like it (:rolleyes:) as much as the other tracks. If you know what I mean.
9. Derek: Yeah it's all right but I'm past caring now.
End result: I just didn't feel it. The same as when I listened to the other album for my now-defunct A-Z Review thread. Just don't see what the big deal is. I don't like his vocals, not mad about the music, and none of these songs are likely to remain in my head for more than a few minutes after I move on to my next album.
So, Love or Hate? This is a
Meh all day long.