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WWWP 05-26-2015 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1594461)
I love that EP. I really wish they had done more.

Me too. It's an album that held up the singersongwriter train I was on years ago and lead me in a new direction, taste-wise. Pretty sure it was LoathsomePete that sent it to me originally, along with Against Me!'s acoustic EP, which is another of my all-time favorites to date.

Trollheart 05-27-2015 05:28 AM

Apostrophe is what, or who? :confused: Please guys, remember I'm not as into all this stuff as you are, so unless it's been discussed (like I would not have had a clue about Flying Lotus other than all the stuff that's been posted about it here, would probably have thought psych rock or prog) so if you're suggesting albums maybe give me a hint?

Trollheart 05-27-2015 05:38 AM

Title: Coquelicot asleep in the poppies: A variety of whimsical verse
Artiste: Of Montreal
Genre: Indie/Psych/****ing Weird

Track 1 (Love) Meh, it's a bit poppy/Beatles with a little early Supertramp. Bit light, but we'll see
Track 2 (Love) Middle part is nice, the instrumental stuff
Track 3 (Hate) This is just stupid
Track 4 (Hate) Kind of a Divine Comedy feel to this in part; the repeated part has made me change it from Love to Hate though.
Track 5 (Hate) Too damn whimsical by far. Just annoying.
Track 6 (Love) Forty-three seconds of piano. This I can get behind.
Track 7 (Hate) This however I can't. Just silly and again, very annoying.
Track 8 (Love) This one is nice. Love the violins.
Track 9 (Hate) Nah, don't like this one. At all. Too disjointed, trying to force so much into one less than four-minute song. Give it a rest.
Track 10 (Love) Kinda like this one, has an early ELO feel to it
Track 11 (Love) More piano, more frenetic this time. Another instrumental
Track 12 (Love) Sort of a weird jazzy feel to this. Quite nice, and another instrumental. Oh, no it isn't. (Oh yes it is!) No, seriously, it's not.
Track 13 (Love) A completely spoken one; like this, even if it's completely loopy (like, what about this album isn't?)
Track 14 (Hate) Almost completely rips off the title from Sgt Pepper's at the beginning but again jumps all over the place. I'm going cross-eared, if such a thing is possible. And in Kevin Barnes' world, it probably is. :rolleyes:
Track 15 (Love) Nice slow laidback track, nice piano
Track 16 (Love) This one's ok. Where does this guy get his titles? Odd ending. Why did I even say that? Nothing about this album is normal!
Track 17 (Love) This is a simple but very fun track
Track 18 (Love) Very Beach Boys but I like it. Yeah, I said the BB word...
Track 19 (Hate) It's a bit meh really
Track 20 (Hate) Again, this is just stupid. I mean, really ****ing stupid.
Track 21 (Love) This is just lovely, dreamy and very relaxing.
Track 22 (Love) Mostly piano instrumental, very classical idea in it, almost chamber music to be honest. A daring closer certainly.

End result: Despite all the Love above, I really don't like this album. It's so weird and out there, I feel like it makes The Lamb look grounded and straighforward in comparison. I felt like I was being treated something like a child here, being told fairy tales. The music's ok but in general I get the feeling Barnes is either trying to be too clever or is just off his head. Also, forcing me to colour in twenty-two lines (tracks) has not made this album any friends with me. :mad:

So, Love or Hate? On balance I would have to go with Hate. Sorry.

Chances of a full review: 0/10

The Batlord 05-27-2015 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1594522)
Apostrophe is what, or who? :confused: Please guys, remember I'm not as into all this stuff as you are, so unless it's been discussed (like I would not have had a clue about Flying Lotus other than all the stuff that's been posted about it here, would probably have thought psych rock or prog) so if you're suggesting albums maybe give me a hint?

You're like one of those gay guys who thinks EVERYONE is gay. "Flying Lotus? Sounds like prog rock. Mutilated Priest Anus? Prog. Christina Aguilera? Prog."

Pet_Sounds 05-27-2015 06:01 AM

Oh well, thanks for listening TH. Am I clear to toss another on the pile?

Malibu 05-27-2015 06:21 AM

Malibu Barbiie Delish - Hollywood & Wine.

Frownland 05-27-2015 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1594522)
Apostrophe is what, or who? :confused: Please guys, remember I'm not as into all this stuff as you are, so unless it's been discussed (like I would not have had a clue about Flying Lotus other than all the stuff that's been posted about it here, would probably have thought psych rock or prog) so if you're suggesting albums maybe give me a hint?

I figured that you would pick up on me mentioning that it was an album by Frank Zappa. But just so there's no confusion:

Frank Zappa - Apostrophe (')

Chula Vista 05-27-2015 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1594544)

Frank Zappa - Apostrophe (')

One of his most realized IMO. And a fave.

Frownland 05-27-2015 10:56 AM

^It's one of my favourites from him for sure. My tops are Hot Rats, The Perfect Stranger, and Bongo Fury but I think those might be too zany for him.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1594531)
You're like one of those gay guys who thinks EVERYONE is gay. "Flying Lotus? Sounds like prog rock. Mutilated Priest Anus? Prog. Christina Aguilera? Prog."

"Wow this band is kind of weird. Reminds me of Tom Waits."

Chula Vista 05-27-2015 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1594624)
^It's one of my favourites from him for sure. My tops are Hot Rats, The Perfect Stranger, and Bongo Fury but I think those might be too zany for him.

Zoot Allures and Joe's Garage Volume I for me (hate JG vols II and III). Hot Rats is great though.

DeadChannel 05-27-2015 12:16 PM

Is it cool if I throw in another post-rock rec, since you dug Spiderland?
Godspeed You! Black Emperor's "Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven".
More instrumentally diverse than spiderland, and perhaps a bit long, but I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.

Trollheart 05-27-2015 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1594531)
You're like one of those gay guys who thinks EVERYONE is gay. "Flying Lotus? Sounds like prog rock. Mutilated Priest Anus? Prog. Christina Aguilera? Prog."

Bull. If the words "flying" and "lotus" are in then I'm justified in thinking it might be prog. FFS just look at the cover!

Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds (Post 1594532)
Oh well, thanks for listening TH. Am I clear to toss another on the pile?

Sure you are.

Originally Posted by Malibu (Post 1594536)
Malibu Barbiie Delish - Hollywood & Wine.

I'm afraid with ten posts, having joined over a year ago apparently, I'm not really likely to be taking your recs. Also your username is the same as this band/artiste: coincidence?

Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1594544)
I figured that you would pick up on me mentioning that it was an album by Frank Zappa. But just so there's no confusion:

Frank Zappa - Apostrophe (')

Got it. Brain melt syndrome; trying to do too much at once.

Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1594624)
^It's one of my favourites from him for sure. My tops are Hot Rats, The Perfect Stranger, and Bongo Fury but I think those might be too zany for him.

"Wow this band is kind of weird. Reminds me of Tom Waits."

Quiet , you.

Originally Posted by DeadChannel (Post 1594653)
Is it cool if I throw in another post-rock rec, since you dug Spiderland?
Godspeed You! Black Emperor's "Life Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven".
More instrumentally diverse than spiderland, and perhaps a bit long, but I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.

No problem. The list is shrinking so anyone feel free to throw yet hat in the ring.

DeadChannel 05-27-2015 12:55 PM

Oh, hey, fly lo is coming up top. I look forward to that one.

The Batlord 05-27-2015 01:03 PM

I'm throwing Iced Earth's Something Wicked this Way Comes at you.

Justthefacts 05-27-2015 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1594673)
I'm throwing Iced Earth's Something Wicked this Way Comes at you.

Run Troll!

Frownland 05-27-2015 01:06 PM

Hmmm might be a hate but it's worth a shot anyway.

The Residents - Meet the Residents

Trollheart 05-27-2015 01:13 PM

OK guys just keep sending. I don't have the time to add them all now, but I will, so don't think you're not being considered because the list hasn't been updated. I'll try to do so before the weekend, or at least by Monday. Or Tuesday. Wednesday tops. Possibly Thursday. Well, by next weekend anyway. Or the one after that... ;)

The Batlord 05-27-2015 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1594675)
Run Troll!

He's Trollheart. Not some indie twat. He'll love it.

Justthefacts 05-27-2015 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1594688)
He's Trollheart. Not some indie twat. He'll love it.

What's an indie twat? :confused:


Trollheart 05-27-2015 01:48 PM
Title: Phantasia
Artiste: Lite
Genre: Rock/Instrumental

Track 1 (Love) Pretty cool opener, like it a lot
Track 2 (Love) Much the same; didn't actually realise we had passed on to the second track
Track 3 (Love) This is really energetic. Love the guitar
Track 4 (Love)This isn't but I still love it, even more in fact. Interesting shift in direction. I still like it. A lot.
Track 5 (Love) Pretty much like everything here so far. Another sudden shift into a different style. Lovely.
Track 6 (Love) Really nice laidback little piece, very short
Track 7 (Love) I really like the way some of these songs seem to run down to an almost stop, then pick up in a totally different vein. If I wasn't watching the tracks I would think at least two of these were different, making up four songs in total.
Track 8 (Love) Second favourite so far. Another which seems to split into two separate tracks
Track 9 (Love) Yeah, love this too.
Track 10 (Love) Running out of superlatives here
Track 11 (Love) Just incredible

End result: When I first saw they were a Japanese instrumental band I rolled my eyes and thought of all those boring post-rock bands I've been subjected to. Absolutely the opposite here. Great melody, great arrangements and very easy on the ear. Excellent pick Plankton!

So, Love or Hate? Hmm. Let me see... Love of course

Chances of a full review: 1/10 (Again, only because it's all instrumental and I find those sort of albums very hard to review in depth)

Machine 05-27-2015 02:17 PM

Imma throw in another favorite of mine in the post rock area

Tortoise - Millions Now Living Will Never Die

Not my favorite Tortoise album, but it's probably objectively the best one.

The Batlord 05-27-2015 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1594690)
What's an indie twat? :confused:

If you have to ask...

YorkeDaddy 05-27-2015 02:23 PM

I'll nominate The Mollusk by Ween

Trollheart 05-27-2015 03:12 PM
Title: You're dead!
Artiste: Flying Lotus
Genre: Experimental/Electronic/Hip-hop

Track 1 (Hate) Interesting but a little confused. Not as bad as I thought but very short so hard to say
Track 2 (Hate) Yeah, not mad about this. Very jazzy.
Track 3 (Hate) Don't like this either. Mad horns are not my style, as I've mentioned before
Track 4 (Hate) Forty seconds? Seriously? Packs a lot into it but I don't really like it.
Track 5 (Hate) Oh great! Fast rapping. Just what I want to hear.
Track 6 (Hate) Yeah, this just drives me mad.
Track 7 (Love) This one isn't bad; has a kind of post-rock/prog thing going
Track 8 (Hate) Sort of the same as track 4. Too much in too short a space
Track 9 (Love) This is splendid; slow sensuous soul with a touch of gospel
Track 10 (Love) This is just gorgeous; slow, dreamy, almost ethereal. Reminds me of a slower version of “The Whale” by ELO. Shut up.
Track 11 (Love) This is really nice too.
Track 12 (Love) This is interesting. I like it.
Track 13 (Love) This is nice too
Track 14 (Hate) Mad horns again, though the tune is ok. Horns ruin it for me though. Pity: we were getting into a nice groove there.
Track 15 (Love) Ah we're back on track. Lovely little piece.
Track 16 (Love) Yeah this is pretty sweet too.
Track 17 (Love) yeah, very ethereal, very soft and gentle, like this a lot.
Track 18 (Love) Kind of a continuation of the last track but with a bit more punch
Track 19 (Love) This is really good too.

End result: Started off badly --- really badly --- and I expected to hate this. But although I don't love it I certainly see a lot of good in it. More than just a hip-hop album certainly, if it can even be called that.

So, Love or Hate? I'd have to say Love, surprising myself

Chances of a full review: 5/10

Plainview 05-27-2015 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1594720)
Title: You're dead!
Artiste: Flying Lotus
Genre: Experimental/Electronic/Hip-hop

Track 1 (Hate) Interesting but a little confused. Not as bad as I thought but very short so hard to say
Track 2 (Hate) Yeah, not mad about this. Very jazzy.
Track 3 (Hate) Don't like this either. Mad horns are not my style, as I've mentioned before
Track 4 (Hate) Forty seconds? Seriously? Packs a lot into it but I don't really like it.
Track 5 (Hate) Oh great! Fast rapping. Just what I want to hear.
Track 6 (Hate) Yeah, this just drives me mad.
Track 7 (Love) This one isn't bad; has a kind of post-rock/prog thing going
Track 8 (Hate) Sort of the same as track 4. Too much in too short a space
Track 9 (Love) This is splendid; slow sensuous soul with a touch of gospel
Track 10 (Love) This is just gorgeous; slow, dreamy, almost ethereal. Reminds me of a slower version of “The Whale” by ELO. Shut up.
Track 11 (Love) This is really nice too.
Track 12 (Love) This is interesting. I like it.
Track 13 (Love) This is nice too
Track 14 (Hate) Mad horns again, though the tune is ok. Horns ruin it for me though. Pity: we were getting into a nice groove there.
Track 15 (Love) Ah we're back on track. Lovely little piece.
Track 16 (Love) Yeah this is pretty sweet too.
Track 17 (Love) yeah, very ethereal, very soft and gentle, like this a lot.
Track 18 (Love) Kind of a continuation of the last track but with a bit more punch
Track 19 (Love) This is really good too.

End result: Started off badly --- really badly --- and I expected to hate this. But although I don't love it I certainly see a lot of good in it. More than just a hip-hop album certainly, if it can even be called that.

So, Love or Hate? I'd have to say Love, surprising myself

Chances of a full review: 5/10

Glad you sort of liked it. It's interesting that the first run of tracks is one of the highlights of the album for me. Weird how different people's tastes are, isn't it?

Also straight in with a recommendation if you haven't heard it: Low by David Bowie.

Justthefacts 05-27-2015 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1594708)
If you have to ask...

Hipster douchebags I guess. I'm an indie twat, fortunately.

Trollheart 05-27-2015 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Plainview (Post 1594723)
Glad you sort of liked it. It's interesting that the first run of tracks is one of the highlights of the album for me. Weird how different people's tastes are, isn't it?

Also straight in with a recommendation if you haven't heard it: Low by David Bowie.

I have. Amazing album. I reviewed it in CAIHNH a while back.

Plainview 05-27-2015 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1594742)
I have. Amazing album. I reviewed it in CAIHNH a while back.

Ah cool I'll have a look for that!

bob. 05-27-2015 04:47 PM

I'll add this....a fun quick exploration of synth punk and noise pop

i'm sending both to you now :)

Machine 05-27-2015 04:56 PM

Also I'll throw this in while I'm at it

Can - Ege Bamyasi

Frownland 05-27-2015 04:59 PM

^Good pick, I was considering giving him that or Faust IV next. I guess I know which one it'll be (I'll wait a while though and let a few more come in).

Trollheart 05-27-2015 05:02 PM
Title: Bwyd time
Artiste: Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
Genre: Alt-rock?

Track 1 (Hate) Short but silly. Don't like it
Track 2 (Love) More psychedlic and a little more laidback. Not bad.
Track 3 (Love) Touch of “Suffragette City” about the guitar here
Track 4 (Love) Love this one; nice instrumental
Track 5 (Love) This is just lovely
Track 6 (Love) And this is positively pastoral, like the best of the Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel mixed together with a touch of the more gentle side of Jethro Tull
Track 7 (Love) Now an acoustic folky song. I'm liking this more and more as I go along. Ooh, nice organ there!
Track 8 (Love) Just beautiful. Another instrumental.
Track 9 (Love) The spoken vocal with the choir behind it and the phasey keyboard, superb. Then the guitar just makes it.
Track 10 (Love) Another spoken vocal. These really work well. Mad guitar is great, then it changes to I think sitar and acoustic? Beautiful. Mind you, there's some very weird stuff near the end, but not enough to cause me to change my mind on this one.
Track 11 (Hate) Bit odd, not crazy about it really
Track 12 (Hate) And I definitely don't like this one. Much.
Track 13 (Hate) OK, this is ten minutes long so I hope it's an improvement on the last two tracks. Hmm. Seems in fact to end at the six-minute mark with four following minutes of complete silence. Wasn't mad about it at all.

End result: Better than expected; in places really, really good but tailed off really badly, to my surprise and disappointment, near the end.

So, Love or Hate? Still gets a Love

Chances of a full review: Given that there's so much Welsh in it, I'd have to bet low and say 2/10

Trollheart 05-27-2015 05:04 PM

Note: tomorrow is shopping day so don't expect anything like three new reviews. I'll be lucky to get one! Normal service should resume on Friday.

Ninetales 05-27-2015 05:05 PM

am I allowed to just jump in too?

if so

the best (prog) album in the universe

Trollheart 05-27-2015 05:15 PM

Course you are! The more the merrier.

Goofle 05-27-2015 05:30 PM

Saint Pepsi - Hit Vibes

I think there's a chance you could enjoy this.

Pet_Sounds 05-27-2015 06:09 PM

Are you familiar with the Stones, TH? 'Cause Let It Bleed has been my jam lately, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. It's a bit of a long shot, but if you haven't heard it…

Frownland 05-27-2015 06:17 PM

Well I guess meow is a good time.

Faust - Faust IV

After this you're either going to love or hate krautrock.

Machine 05-27-2015 06:24 PM

Let's throw onto the Krautrock pile here

Neu! - Neu!

Yeah this could be polarizing

Trollheart 05-27-2015 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds (Post 1594789)
Are you familiar with the Stones, TH? 'Cause Let It Bleed has been my jam lately, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. It's a bit of a long shot, but if you haven't heard it…

I know the Stones' music, but have never listened to a full album, so sure.

Originally Posted by Machine (Post 1594792)
Let's throw onto the Krautrock pile here

Neu! - Neu!

Yeah this could be polarizing

Don't start this again! What did I say about one genre in four? Frownland got in faust (sorry) so I'll take his rec but yours is gonna have to wait, my mechanical friend... :nono:

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