Title: People that can eat people are the luckiest people in the world
Artiste: Andrew Jackson Jihad
Genre: Folk/Punk
Familiarity: I've heard one other album; it was ok.
Track 1(Love) Good sort of bluegrass/rockabilly hybrid that rockets along with a lot of fun if not subtlety
Track 2It went by too fast and was too short for me to even remember what it was like.
Track 3(Love) Just a minute! This is ripping off the traditional song “Do-re-mi”! Good enough but a little disappointing that he doesn't admit it's a cover, at least partially.
Track 4(Love) Kind of a dark humour to this
Track 5(Love) Some of these tracks are almost too short to make a decision on before they're over!
Track 6 Yeah, again it's okay but so short it's hard to even take it in.
Track 7 Too short again.
Track 8(Love)Like the fact that this is almost all played on glockenspiel for about a minute, then some fairly sweet trumpet I think.
Track 9(Love) Like the melody and the idea behind this. The pastiche of “Mrs Robinson” is inspired! Paul Simon would not be impressed.
Track 10(Love) Yeah, this one is not bad.
Track 11(Love) Good closer, like it.
End result: It's fun, yeah, but a little bewildering the speed it runs at, and it's hard to take it all in in one sitting. I'm pretty sure I'd get into this, but it might take a few listens and a few more albums. Enjoyable, certainly.
So, Love or Hate? I'd put this down as a
Chances of a full review: 2/10