Title: In Rainbows
Artiste: Radiohead
Genre: Alt-Rock
Familiarity: Almost zero
Track 1 Yeah, it's ok. Nothing terribly special. Not sure I'm a fan of this guy's voice. Will reserve judgement till I've heard a few more tracks.
Track 2(Love) Bit more of a hard rock feel to this; guitars are more prominent. Much better. Lot of energy to it and I like the way it's put together.
Track 3(Love) This one is a slower, lazier track with a kind of blues feel to it, nice bass and a sort of low wailing vocal. Reminds me of Coldplay. Well, it does. Ooh! Sounds like an orchestra? Really like this.
Track 4(Love) Oh now this one I REALLY like! Probably my favourite so far.
Track 5(Love) Like the sort of doomy, ominous piano, organ or synth here, very bassy. Percussion is cool too. Yeah, just gets better as it goes along.
Track 6(Love) Pastoral, acoustic with some strings? Love this.
Track 7(Love) The beat on this is great, and the guitar is magical. I've got used to Yorke's voice now.
Track 8(Love) Nice laidback feel to this. Love the guitar and the effects.
Track 9(Love) More uptempo, great rhythm. Like this a lot.
Track 10(Love) Soft acoustic piano, great closer.
End result: From how this started I really thought I was not going to be into it, but it quickly improved and I have to say now, this being my first taste of Radiohead, I really do like what I've heard.
So, Love or Hate? This is a
Chances of a full review: 7/10