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#21 (permalink) |
gimme gimme
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: istanbul
Posts: 897
A few of this year's songs feature a very classic pop formula that is bound to get them into the final, if not quite a large sum of points. I can't be sure though, because they are almost too familiar to be memorable. Give them a listen for yourself and see what you think!
Denmark is channeling One Direction for their upbeat boy band singalong, The Way You Are. I dunno why but it reminds me more of the Cranberries all of a sudden. They have a bat's chance in hell of winning anyway, since we all still have 2013 winner Emmelie de Forrest in our minds. Russia's beautiful faces don't fool me! I know they will come in dead last this year. Or at least I hope so. In regards to the song, I have absolutely nothing to say whatsoever. Pop ballad 90s crap. Sorry Russia. No. Oh hello the Netherlands, are you posing as Natalie Imbruglia today? Or perhaps Jewel? Or perhaps a hybrid Dutch version of both? The song is no bad, but it's super forgettable and repetitive. Despite that, it IS a nice try for Eurovision and I wouldn't be surprised if it does well. Haven't heard her sing live yet. Ehhhh... On to Iceland, which I have to admit, I really really really like. I mean, it's very catchy, and she's super cute, if not a bit Taylor Swifty. Iceland usually gets screwed at Eurovision for no damn good reason, and although the song is nothing SPECIAL, I think it has winner quality and depending on how well the live show goes, she may do quite well! I like her pixie face! It's too bad people find the song so similar to "Only Teadrops." I found it more like Enya's "Sail Away" myself. Hahahaha. |
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#22 (permalink) |
gimme gimme
Join Date: Dec 2012
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Posts: 897
This year's duets are causing quite a bit of a stir actually, it's surprising. I've already reviewed Estonia as one of my favorites (and a favorite to win), but I think those of you following this thread may enjoy Norway more:
Innovative, classy, and simple, the effect of "A Monster Like Me" is actually kind of powerful. I don't know what other's think but I'm really impressed with this piece. If Eurovision voters voted purely on talent and creativity I really think this would have a shot at winning. Not that I really want it to win, it's just, a really pretty song. Live, Debrah's vocals are not so strong. So, I think it will struggle at the live show. But, you never know, there is a lot of buzz around the song. Believe it or not, the Czech Republic has only participated in the Eurovision Song Contest a whopping three times. They haven't been in the contest since 2009. The broadcaster cited a lack of interest from the public (didn't mention that they always scored in the bottom and in 2009 got nil puan / 0 points). When you listen to this year's song from them, it might be kind obvious why: Yeah, I don't imagine this doing very well this year, either. Sorry Czechs! Lithuania went for something sweet and happy, and while I'd love to say I love it, I just can't get into it! I'm sure it'll be fun to dance/sing to live and I'll probably hope it qualifies but to be honest it's just so... whatever. I really can't see people remembering to vote for this among all the other great songs in Semi-Final 2. But I guess time will tell~ Ironically, all of them are in the second semi-final! Think any of them will win Eurovision 2015? Last edited by misspoptart; 03-18-2015 at 02:40 PM. |
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#23 (permalink) | |
Music Addict
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#24 (permalink) |
Born to be mild
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As soon as I get a chance, I'm going to listen to all of the tracks you posted and give you my opinion, see if it tallies with yours.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018 |
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#26 (permalink) |
gimme gimme
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: istanbul
Posts: 897
There are some kind of interesting and weird dark horse entries this year too, that I'd like to highlight here.
What qualifies as a "dark horse," you ask? Well, anything from a country that usually doesn't have a chance with any kind of offbeat song/singers that tends to grows on you and has the potential for a really unique live show. Leave it to Belarus, Montenegro, and San Marino! Well, not the most popular song (or country!) in the list but I think Belarus will be a crowd pleaser, personally. Especially since the BPM of most songs this year is like -5342. What's with the elf ears bro! Nice hourglass effect though. MissPoptart approves! Honestly, bravo, hats off, Montenegro. You consistently send beautiful songs in your native language that are underrated and have a taste of local flavor more than most of the other entries. Is 2015 finally your year? It's the kind of magical song that gives me chills a bit, even though it carries every Eurovision cliche in the book. It's just. So. Pretty. Oooo chills. I think this will be absolutely stunning live, and it may pick up more votes than expected! Sooo...this is kind of a long shot but San Marino has something kind of addictive to it. I think the chorus is freaking annoying but I really like the meandering melody and the fairytale quality to it. I don't think we'll see this in the final, but, hey, it's weird and different. At least we can all breathe a sigh of relief that Valentina is not making her fourth appearance for San Marino this year! The common perception of San Marino's entries is that their producers are super stuck in the 80s, and this is no exception. It's totally, totally cheestastic 80s. I'm not really sure why it's growing on me so bad. I bet the live will be interesting though. So, do you think there's any chance for these potential dark horses? Last edited by misspoptart; 03-21-2015 at 05:16 PM. |
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#27 (permalink) |
Born to be mild
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Right! Bit a hush yeah? Howayaz? Hello? Bleedin' hell! Is this thing on? Jaysus! Sort it out, will yiz? This is goin' out world-bloody-wide! Don't want these people to think we're a bunch of eejits, do ye? Ready, yeah? It's on now, is it? Thanks be to Christ! Right then, take two, wot?
Howayaz! This is Dublin here. Here are the votes of the Irish jury. MALTA: “Warrior” by Amber --- Nice little pop ballad, like the piano, orchestral stuff is nice too. She has a decent voice, sort of between sultry and raunchy. Savage. 8 points. GEORGIA: ('owld on 'ere! I thought this was only for Europe! Wot's am American state doin' --- wot? Really? Jaysus but ye learn somethin' new every day, and that's the truth!) “Warrior” by Nina Sablatti --- More uptempo, bit top forty-ish maybe. Actually sounds more like something from the eighties, Laura Branigan or somethin'. Snth in the middle eighth just sounds like someone's puking, and the juxtapositioning with the sort of ethic melody does not work. Meh. 5 points. MOLDOVA: “I want your love” by Eduard Romanyuta --- Dear God! George Michael meets Prince meets Lady Gaga meets ABBA, and none of it works. The best you can see is it's catchy but camp as hell. The bit at the end, the reveal where we see the “girl” he's dancing with is in fact that guy with the beard who was in last year's contest might get it some novelty votes. Surely they had better songs than this generic tripe to choose from? Maybe they can't afford to stage the contest next year so want to make sure they lose, in a Father Ted way. Yeah, that must be it. 4 points. FINLAND: “Aina Mun Pitää ” by Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät --- What. The .****! Three old geezers playing punk? They think this is going to go down well? Best of luck to them. I hate punk. And I hate this. 1 point. PS MissP, your video has been removed by its user. Here's a new link ITALY: “Grande amore” by Il Volo --- Another ballad, in the Beverley Craven/Josh Groban vein. Actually I like this a lot. It has emotion and heart, and I'm a sucker for piano ballads. 7 points. UK: “Still in love with you” by Electro Velvet --- Already gave my opinion about this one. Fresh, catchy, retro enough to appeal to that crowd, best entry the UK has had in years. Could easily tke it. 10 points. ESTONIA: “Goodbye to yesterday” by Elina Born and Stig Rasta --- Good song, shades of The Divine Comedy about it in places. Brass works well and the duet is good; I think she's better than he is though. Lyrics are a bit stilted but still. 6 points. SLOVENIA: “Here for you” by Maraaya --- Another catchy song, decent voice, good melody. As you say Miss P, definitely different. Violin is good near the end. 7 points. SPAIN: “Amanecer” by Edurne --- Strong, passionate and dramatic. I like this one a lot. 8 points. BELGIUM: “Rhyhtm inside” by Loic Nottet --- Touches of Queen's “We will rock you” and Imagine Dragons I feel. Catchy, different enough to stand out. Could do well. Good singer. 7 points LATVIA: “Love injected” by Aminata Savadogo --- Odd mix of Peter Gabriel and Judie Tzuke. It's good but goes a bit weird in the middle. She has a strong voice but I think the song lets her down. 5 points. SWITZERLAND: “Time to shine” by Melanie Renee --- I agree. Very weak generic and bland. There's nothing about this song that vindicates the title. 3 points. MACEDONIA: “Lisja esenski” by Daniel Kajmakoski --- Yes I like a piano ballad, but is this not just a sub-Snow Patrol effort? Good voice but the song is totally generic. Meh. 4 points. ROMANIA: “De la capat” by Voltaj --- Another nice ballad, with a powerful chorus. But little more than that really. Can't muster too much enthusiasm for this either. Actually really reminds me of Polish prog rock band Millenium... 5 points. SERBIA: “Ceo svet je moj” by Bojana Stamenov --- Really don't know what to think about this one. Will award 5 points as I am confused and her red dress is hurting my eyes. POLAND: “Ha um mar que nos separa” by Leonor Andrade --- Yawn! Compleely generic and boring. I forget it already. 3 points. DENMARK: “The way you are” by Anti Social Media --- It's upbeat and catchy but again so generic and poppy. Gives me a Beach Boys feel, and that's never good. For me. Wasn't this on some commercial for soap powder or something? Another yawn. 3 points. RUSSIA: “A million voices” by Polina Gagarina --- I like this; a decent power ballad. Mind you, with what Russia is up to at the moment it comes across as a little disingenuous. Putin will probably invade Austria if they don't win. 5 points. NETHERLANDS: “Walk along” by Trijntje Oosterhuis --- Yeah I see it. Natalia Imbruglia all the way. Pretty terrible. Acoustic guitar is a nice change though. 3 points. ICELAND: “Unbroken” by Maria Olafs --- Is it some sort of law that anyone from Iceland has to have Olaf in their name? Jesus! Sounds like something Kelly Clarkson would be embarrassed to release! Awful. 3 points. NORWAY: “A monster like me” by Morland and Debra Scarlett --- This pissed me off because the video kept buffering. Not a good start! Ah but when I checked it out on another video on YT I'm glad cos I think it's my favourite. Effing superb. The only one that has moved me to actual tears, and the only one I'll remember. Yeah. A big 12 points. CZECH REPUBLIC: “Hope never dies” by Marta Jandova and Vaclav Noid Banta --- I really like this. Has quite a progressive rock feel about it, another piano ballad (which is always good) and the two singers complement each other well. 8 points. LITHUANIA: “This time” by Monika Linkyte and Vaidas Baumila --- Are these two an item? Their chemistry is almost sickening. Meh song: when you can't think of any other lyric than “Woah-oh-oho-oh!” it's bad. 4 points. BELARUS: “Time” by Uzari and Maimuna --- Started as a nice piano ballad then went all ID again. Violin is nice, but as a song it's pretty forgettable. What's with the bitch at the end? He goes to save her and she traps him and ****s off? ****. 4 points. MONTENEGRO: “Adio” by Knez --- Nice organic sound to it, but does it survive more on the beautiful vistas in the video than the music? When you really listen to it, is it anything special? No. 4 points. SAN MARINO: “Chain of lights” by Anita Simocini and Michele Perniola --- Like the orchestra but the song is twee to the max. “Build a chain of light”? **** off. 4 points.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018 |
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#29 (permalink) |
gimme gimme
Join Date: Dec 2012
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Posts: 897
Right so, here are tis year's booooooring ballads that I have no hope for whatsoever. If you are one of the few reading this posts in this thread and listening to all the entries, I assure you, this is the post you can skip.
I DON'T CARE ABOUT FRANCE!! I mean really. Why does France even bother? I don't know who the audience for the song is, but no one cares! Seriously!! And here's Greece's entry, which shows once again that they have no intention of winning and do not wish to host Eurovision next year (or any year)! Never have the words "fiery hell" sounded so benign! I watched the national selection for this and I have to admit she was the only one who could sing. But... really, Greece? Leave it to Hungary to produce one of this year's "save the world" songs. Of course the message is right and true, but the song is BORING as hell. I almost feel like any melody and singer would have made it more interesting. WOW we all feel so good about ourselves for reminding the world that children die as a casualty of war. SAD and DEPRESSING thanks Hungary. :P |
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#30 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 521
So , which one in the end do you think will win? According to oddschecker, Sweden will with Italy second and Estonia third. Which would be nice for me
![]() I wish Sweden would send the guy who signed all of our songs as well so that he could sign all of Eurovisions. He really gets into his signing and has become a viral hit. PS What do you think of Australia's entry? Be fun if they won. Last edited by Lilja; 03-28-2015 at 04:05 AM. |
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