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Old 02-06-2015, 02:15 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Cool stuff grindy, it's difficult for me to use prepared guitar in a "conventional" setting. It's always very atonal.

I thought the analogy made perfect sense, given that architecture and music are two forms of art. You seriously think B L A C K I E sounds nothing like Death Grips? You might want to check this out then.

I think derivative music can still be interesting as long as it sounds good to me, that's my only criteria. Renaldo and the Loaf is a blatant Residents ripoff band but Songs for Swinging Larvae is still one of my favourite records. It's cool if you want to keep your opinion the way it is, you'll just be missing out on a lot of music that you may enjoy because it's "derivative" of something else that you really like that got firsties.

EDIT: You gonna get cut Mondo.
Thanks! Really appreciate it.
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Old 02-06-2015, 03:09 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Woah! This thread exploded, I wasn't expecting this many replies to be honest, thanks for everyone!
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Old 02-06-2015, 03:16 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Overcast View Post
Well, there's your problem.

I don't see the problem with an adult dancing or expressing themselves in a sexual nature to music or in any appropriate context. Do you hate fun or something?

No, stop dancing! Bad adult, bad! Stop doing natural things in your natural habitat like some kind of disgusting human being.
I don't think *I'm* the one with the problem, that's my point. It looks all silly to me, adults dancing around like kids, it's not natural c'mon, otherwise we'd all be doing the same thing during our lunch break at work like school kids in the playground hoping around and bouncing during their lunch hour.

It's precisely *not* natural, which is why people take a huge interest when adults do it, try dancing as a grown adult in a public square at random and you'll see how many heads turn wondering what you've sniffed that morning. Kids can do it of course, now that's natural hehe
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Old 02-06-2015, 03:21 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by grtwhtgrvty View Post
I don't even have words for that opinion.

My controversial opinion... I believe that music and art in general should always always always be innovative and progressive. If you aren't innovative, in my opinion... I wouldn't say that you SHOULDN'T be making music, but I do see it as completely pointless and less valuable as music as opposed to something that is innovative. I feel like if an artist isn't constantly striving to push the boundaries, they have failed as an artist.

Anything that is derivative is a waste of time to me. Mainstream pop is a waste of time. Bands like Artic Monkeys -- waste of time. iamamiwhoami's new album was a complete waste of time to me, like a complete and utter disappointment that had absolutely no reason to even be made.

I also deem derivative music like Lady Gaga or Katy Perry to generally (not all the time) be listened to people who are less intelligent than me, at least on an artistic standpoint. I know someone who straight up cried to Donatella by Lady Gaga. The only way that I have been able to justify people being engaged by mainstream pop and other hyper derivative genres of music is that they aren't artistically intelligent.

There are a couple of Madonna songs that I can enjoy and I can enjoy dance music but when someone's entire musical spectrum revolves around that type of music I sort of have a tendency to instinctively deem them as lesser in that regard.

Also -- anyone who walks around wearing only one earbud is an ******* who is missing half the song and obviously doesn't care about the quality of the music they are listening to.
Your first line is hilarious haha

Thanks for that post, it was actually an interesting read!
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Old 02-06-2015, 03:28 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle View Post
All music is just ripping off other music, why don't we stop making music ever
A boy blatantly ripped off Usher's "Yeah!" and it went viral. Like, don't people know this song has basically been done before? A lot of music fans are just so dumb honestly. It's all the same thing mostly anyway, just love songs, usually with the same lyrics in a different order lol Rap and other genres might be more original but pop has gone down the toilet.

If I'm being honest, I can't think of anything more cringe-worthy than singers who just continue to act like how they were when they were younger singers, just singing the same things without thinking it'll get boring eventually, and bouncing around on stage as if people don't notice they are much older and their moves no longer look good on them now they are capable of rearing kids.

Last edited by tray; 02-06-2015 at 03:43 AM.
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Old 02-06-2015, 03:32 AM   #56 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zyrada View Post
I feel like the only ingredients missing from these posts are "that rap music" and "the youths." Then we'd have the complete portrait of Turn of the Millennium moral panic.
You're the one that brought up morality, not me. I didn't say anything about sexualization of artists etc. until you did, sounds like you're more concerned about the moral aspect than me. I was planning to keep this thread strictly about music tastes.

And FIY, adult dancers/singers have been around long before the "Turn of the Millenium"

Last edited by tray; 02-06-2015 at 03:41 AM.
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Old 02-06-2015, 03:36 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post

Yeah, this is a new opinion.

Join date 2004? Over 18,000 posts? You've earned my respect straight away, especially with the reference to the black-and-white vid. You just don't mess with people who go that far back and I won't haha!
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Old 02-06-2015, 04:46 AM   #58 (permalink)
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What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

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Old 02-06-2015, 04:47 AM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tray View Post
I don't think *I'm* the one with the problem, that's my point. It looks all silly to me, adults dancing around like kids, it's not natural c'mon, otherwise we'd all be doing the same thing during our lunch break at work like school kids in the playground hoping around and bouncing during their lunch hour.

It's precisely *not* natural, which is why people take a huge interest when adults do it, try dancing as a grown adult in a public square at random and you'll see how many heads turn wondering what you've sniffed that morning. Kids can do it of course, now that's natural hehe
You mean to say that you've never stripped down to your underwear and mounted your kitchen table? You didn't feel the warm bliss of your mortal human body as you began your joyful ascent into an endless circling pattern, flailing your arms and legs around like a headless frog as your delicate spinning motion grew upon itself into an eventual departure from earth propelled by your toes and sustained in flight by your excess fat? You didn't find yourself in a place devoid of sound except for the faint and distant painful hums of your great grandmother's favorite Gregorian past-time chant music? There wasn't a choir there that was comprised solely of spooky scary skeletons dancing their skeletal dance? The leader didn't walk up to you, lean in close enough that you could smell his decay and whisper into your ear, "Why are you so afraid to dance, Tray? Who hurt you?"

I thought this experience was mandatory procedure for all adults. If you haven't experienced this, how could you even claim to be alive? This might explain your disdain for sexy dancing and dancing adults in general.

Originally Posted by tray View Post
Kids can do it of course, now that's natural hehe
Originally Posted by tray View Post
Kids can do it of course, now that's natural hehe
Originally Posted by tray View Post
Kids can do it of course, now that's natural hehe HEHE
I worry about you.
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Old 02-06-2015, 05:03 AM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tray View Post
I don't think *I'm* the one with the problem, that's my point. It looks all silly to me, adults dancing around like kids, it's not natural c'mon, otherwise we'd all be doing the same thing during our lunch break at work like school kids in the playground hoping around and bouncing during their lunch hour.

It's precisely *not* natural, which is why people take a huge interest when adults do it, try dancing as a grown adult in a public square at random and you'll see how many heads turn wondering what you've sniffed that morning. Kids can do it of course, now that's natural hehe
Performing Shakespeare onstage isn't natural, otherwise we'd all be doing it on lunch break at work like little kids on the playground. So cringeworthy! Adults on stage should confine themselves to lunch break activities like eating lunch, making phone calls and surfing the internet.
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