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Old 10-17-2014, 02:28 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Examples of music that's ruining music...

...along with the labels that are no longer about signing the bands, acts, singers, or whatever that have the talent and something to say. This is music that I firmly believe is really slitting the figurative throat of good music, while the aforementioned good music is pushed aside in a bloody mess...metaphorically.

You've got stuff like...


Nicki was in a movie a watched with my fiance called The Other Woman. And yeah, just like her music, she really bombed in the movie and annoyed the hell out of me with how she talked, just like with her music that annoys the hell out of me. People buy this ****? Come one...stop buying music just because it's fun to listen to, even when it's bad music...just stop. Buy the albums that are worth buying, support the bands or artists worth supporting. Not this trash...

Moving along...

Lorde won an award for best rock video. Really? Give me a break...a pop star winning the award for best rock video. Fire everyone behind that awards show, get people in there that know their music and this won't happen anymore.

The statement I'm making with this thread, is simply that I have an issue with this kind of music, how so many call these people talented when their music is just laughable. They win grammy's, have platinum records. It's a problem everyone. I have an issue with the people that buy records from artists like this, that allow them to stay around and continue making this...this garbage, and they're praised for it! This past week, I was at my mall and overheard some woman, mid twenties...say, around 26, and she was praising Kesha and how talented she is. I nearly lost my mind hearing that? She's part of what's wrong with the music these days! The good music seems to not even matter anymore, the genuine artists or bands with talent, and something to say don't seem to matter anymore, pretty much to hardly anyone! It aggravates the hell out of me.

I guess the record labels have to make money somehow. And to just cut ties with the acts they know will get them that money because they can manipulate them to making the music that's popular, top 40, so on and so forth, would be like cutting the jugular. I just feel like talent isn't important at all to labels anymore, or to people in general. It's all about that money for the labels, and to ordinary people, they just want music with a phat beat and no point to it. Shoot me in the head and put an end to my misery...

Who else feels this way?
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Old 10-17-2014, 04:00 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Why's it ruining music?

Chart music has been around forever.
If it wasn't for me discovering chart music when I was a kid I wouldn't have an interest in music now.

Urb's RYM Stuff

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Old 10-17-2014, 04:22 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
...along with the labels that are no longer about signing the bands, acts, singers, or whatever that have the talent and something to say. This is music that I firmly believe is really slitting the figurative throat of good music, while the aforementioned good music is pushed aside in a bloody mess...metaphorically.

You've got stuff like...


Nicki was in a movie a watched with my fiance called The Other Woman. And yeah, just like her music, she really bombed in the movie and annoyed the hell out of me with how she talked, just like with her music that annoys the hell out of me. People buy this ****? Come one...stop buying music just because it's fun to listen to, even when it's bad music...just stop. Buy the albums that are worth buying, support the bands or artists worth supporting. Not this trash...

Moving along...

Lorde won an award for best rock video. Really? Give me a break...a pop star winning the award for best rock video. Fire everyone behind that awards show, get people in there that know their music and this won't happen anymore.

The statement I'm making with this thread, is simply that I have an issue with this kind of music, how so many call these people talented when their music is just laughable. They win grammy's, have platinum records. It's a problem everyone. I have an issue with the people that buy records from artists like this, that allow them to stay around and continue making this...this garbage, and they're praised for it! This past week, I was at my mall and overheard some woman, mid twenties...say, around 26, and she was praising Kesha and how talented she is. I nearly lost my mind hearing that? She's part of what's wrong with the music these days! The good music seems to not even matter anymore, the genuine artists or bands with talent, and something to say don't seem to matter anymore, pretty much to hardly anyone! It aggravates the hell out of me.

I guess the record labels have to make money somehow. And to just cut ties with the acts they know will get them that money because they can manipulate them to making the music that's popular, top 40, so on and so forth, would be like cutting the jugular. I just feel like talent isn't important at all to labels anymore, or to people in general. It's all about that money for the labels, and to ordinary people, they just want music with a phat beat and no point to it. Shoot me in the head and put an end to my misery...

Who else feels this way?
People have different priorities when it comes to music.
Some want something special and like to explore. And that's great.
And some want to be entertained on the most superficial level and there's nothing bad about that.
And how could this ruin music? Good music doesn't suddenly become worse because of it.
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Old 10-17-2014, 04:35 AM   #4 (permalink)
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And in a few years, nobody will remember the awful candy songs, only the ones that shined through the rest and became timeless hits. Hey, you might even look back on today's music with nostalgia once tomorrow's music comes. At the place I work, my boss hated the Beatles back in the day and thought they were "ruining music". Now, she would rather listen to them all day than one top 100 song. Remember, people used to smash Rock and Roll records as a protest to their "moral degradation and lack of substance".
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Old 10-17-2014, 04:58 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
Why's it ruining music?

Chart music has been around forever.
If it wasn't for me discovering chart music when I was a kid I wouldn't have an interest in music now.
I just had a few paragraphs explaining why I think acts like Nicki Minaj or Taylor Swift are ruining music, but I wiped them because I was ranting. But I get frustrated when I even attempt to make someone grasp my way of thinking, because it's like I speak another language.

But really, it shouldn't be that hard for you to figure out Urban. You seem smart.

When is the last time you read about a label signing someone, anyone at all that deserved it? I sure as hell haven't seen anyone lately that should have gotten that record contract. It's not about that anymore. They just want people they can exploit, or control, to market a certain sound to keep making them money...

Maybe the problem is the record companies more than it's the artists they're signing? Either way. I don't hear anything worth a damn on the radio anymore. Those bands or singers that really have something to offer have taken to pledge websites to get funded by fans, because labels have no interest unless it's that soulless crap you see on FUSE, MTV, or VH1, whatever music channel you have.

Damn it. I really doubt I answered your question. All I know is that it makes sense in my head. Maybe I'll try answering your question another time.

Originally Posted by grindy View Post
And how could this ruin music? Good music doesn't suddenly become worse because of it.
There wasn't one time I said that good music suddenly gets worse because all the bad music is getting the attention. Good music stays just that, good. Only it's ignored and replaced by this senseless garbage like Nicki Minaj.
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Old 10-17-2014, 05:01 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
Remember, people used to smash Rock and Roll records as a protest to their "moral degradation and lack of substance".
Back when that was happening, a lot of those Rock N Roll cassettes, vinyl records that people were destroying, a lot of those bands or artists had something worth saying, and a lot of people were angered by what they heard because it challenged their own views or beliefs. When was the last time you turned on the radio and heard a song that really had something to say, that made you think and not just tap your foot because it was catchy, but otherwise lacked anything to say?
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Old 10-17-2014, 08:14 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Music isn't produced by one single artist or even a small group. There are millions of ****ing musicians out there so I don't think that an artist or stream of bad popular artists can ruin music since there are artists who won't even listen to the bad music. Ruining music is an impossible task because there'll always be other artists attempting to set the record straight.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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Old 10-17-2014, 08:46 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
When was the last time you turned on the radio and heard a song that really had something to say, that made you think and not just tap your foot because it was catchy, but otherwise lacked anything to say?
Lorde - Royals. That song basically sh*t all over mainstream music and got tons of love from the mainstream. Not because of the message though, because it was catchy. Majority of the people listening to radio music do it so they don't have to sit in a quiet car or listen to talk radio.

Mainstream music is not made to sound substantial. It's made for bars, background noise, and social events where people just like to have something tickling their ears without requiring thinking to appreciate it. Pop music fulfills this role perfectly. Also, making good pop music is a f*cking art, it may sound like crap to people who have no appreciation for it but I'm confident there is a science behind it.

Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
stop buying music just because it's fun to listen to, even when it's bad music...just stop. Buy the albums that are worth buying, support the bands or artists worth supporting. Not this trash...
I don't see a problem investing money in any kind of fun unless it is harmful to others. People used to say that **** to me all the time.. "OMG you spend real money on a video game?". Yes, I do it provides hours of entertainment. $10-20 for a cd that potentially provides a life time of enjoyment is a solid investment.
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Last edited by DwnWthVwls; 10-17-2014 at 08:51 AM.
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Old 10-17-2014, 09:01 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
Back when that was happening, a lot of those Rock N Roll cassettes, vinyl records that people were destroying, a lot of those bands or artists had something worth saying, and a lot of people were angered by what they heard because it challenged their own views or beliefs. When was the last time you turned on the radio and heard a song that really had something to say, that made you think and not just tap your foot because it was catchy, but otherwise lacked anything to say?
I can't say I've noticed any deep meaning in early rock and roll.
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Old 10-17-2014, 09:51 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
I just had a few paragraphs explaining why I think acts like Nicki Minaj or Taylor Swift are ruining music, but I wiped them because I was ranting. But I get frustrated when I even attempt to make someone grasp my way of thinking, because it's like I speak another language.

But really, it shouldn't be that hard for you to figure out Urban. You seem smart.

When is the last time you read about a label signing someone, anyone at all that deserved it? I sure as hell haven't seen anyone lately that should have gotten that record contract. It's not about that anymore. They just want people they can exploit, or control, to market a certain sound to keep making them money...

Maybe the problem is the record companies more than it's the artists they're signing? Either way. I don't hear anything worth a damn on the radio anymore. Those bands or singers that really have something to offer have taken to pledge websites to get funded by fans, because labels have no interest unless it's that soulless crap you see on FUSE, MTV, or VH1, whatever music channel you have.

Damn it. I really doubt I answered your question. All I know is that it makes sense in my head. Maybe I'll try answering your question another time.

There wasn't one time I said that good music suddenly gets worse because all the bad music is getting the attention. Good music stays just that, good. Only it's ignored and replaced by this senseless garbage like Nicki Minaj.
I was just leading your "ruining music" opinion ad absurdum, I know you didn't mean exactly that.
The majority has always listened to crap. That doesn't endanger the existence of good music in any way. Good music is still made and will always be made. And now it's easier than ever to make, record and spread it.
You might really react to other people's tastes to emotionally. If I'd start to be pissed off by other people's tastes I wouldn't bear to be near almost any of my friends. They mostly listen to really terrible music. They are still cool and mostly intelligent people though.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't understand you. I do on some level. But I don't give a **** about all this terrible artists. Why would I even tarnish the angelic purity and beauty of the temple of my conscience with any thought about them, positive or negative?
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