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right-track 07-08-2005 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by pastor of muppets
Is it just me, or is most bands older stuff better than their newer stuff?

Sad, but true. After the initial inspiration of their earlier work, most bands seem to lose momentum and fizzle out. Not many stay the course. It seems to me the only ones that do, are the bands who change with the times or experiment and set the pace (e.g. The Beatles).
What saddens me most, are the ones that make a comeback with new material, only to have repeated requests for their old stuff yelled out at their comeback gigs. I admit, I love hearing the 'old crowd pleasers' myself, but when all they play are the oldies, then they run the risk of turning into their own tribute band and I'm not sure which is worse.

Urban Hat€monger ? 07-08-2005 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo


good charlotte
simple plan
the libertines
linkin park
green day

ill go with then.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen

'Ohh I know i`ll list a load of 'classic' bands because I worship the 70s & pretend that nothing was crap then & then list a load of ****ty bands from now just to get my point across.'

PhishFood 07-08-2005 03:10 PM

yop, agreement, that was a completely stupid and irellevant post.

Krosstika 07-09-2005 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
A particular band does not need to stand the 'test of time' in terms of their magnitude of popularity to be considered 'good' musicians. Marketability is rather irrelevant, at least if we are appreciating music here (not doing an economic profit analysis).

Judging an entire sector of music based on heavy rotation radio songs is foolish. Most commerical rap seems uninspired, but to draw the trigger so quickly on it without listening to more apt artists is not something an advocate for originality and music appreciation would do. It's easy to disdain the current music movement, but it's even easier to not fully grasp the movement by only considering popular acts.

oooh, what a big man you are...hey let me buy you a pack of gum, i'll show you how to chew it!!!

hookers with machineguns 07-09-2005 09:50 AM

^Beg pardon? All I did was disagree with you, no name calling, only respect. For someone who is in their 30s you don't seem to take opposing view points very well, do you? I'm sure you're still a bit tense towards me from the racist remark you tried to cover up earlier. Come back in a week and hopefully you will post in mature, intelligent back-n-forth music conversations.

jr. 07-09-2005 11:43 AM

There have been a lot of good points made in this thread. Forgive me for not citing each poster for their comments, but you know who you are.

Someone said that a band puts alot of effort into that first album, and may lose it after the second or third efforts. That is very true in a lot of cases. However, there are also bands that don't really find their 'niche' , or their sound, until two or three albums in. Aerosmith's first two albums are vastly different from their third, 'Toys in the Attic'. Sadly, though, around 86-87, Aerosmith hit a formula that sells, and have not strayed from that formula since.

Ditto Alice Cooper. His band (one of the most underrated ever, in my opinion), hit their musical stride around their 3rd or 4th album, 'Killers', and 'Love it to Death'. Very few people are aware of their earliest stuff, 'Pretties for You' and 'Da Da'. Way more experimental, musically.

Also, someone said that marketing is irrelevent. With all due respect, marketing is priority #1 in the music industry today. Musicianship is secondary. Well, let me clarify that: Musicianship is secondary when it comes to the charts. I took a look at the Billboard charts last week. 9 of the top ten were singers. Exactly ONE band, with actual people playing instruments. Appalling, and a testiment to the sad state of corporate music. Look good, sell records.

Don't get me wrong, I am not dumping on today's music. There is good stuff out there. I enjoy Jet, Foo Fighters and a few others.

Overall, though, the sheer volume of quality music from yesteryear completely blows todays music out of the water. That's just my opinion, though.

shandapanda 07-09-2005 04:43 PM

so is this thread about a band's older stuff vs their newer stuff or the modern vs the classics? or both?

pastor of muppets 07-10-2005 01:33 AM

well i made the thread with the purpose of discussing the differences between older stuff and newer stuff from one band but its kind of developed into both :)

1337 Sam 07-10-2005 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by pastor of muppets
Is it just me, or is most bands older stuff better than their newer stuff?

Aiii, your right.

Bands seem to have changed to fit in with 'what people want' and have lost their individuality, they are all begining to sound the same...

Music needs a new burst of life before we all stop caring.. :band:

- x .R.o.c.k tunezZ 07-17-2005 02:15 PM

Old stuff vrs. new stuff!
Old stuff from most bandz is waaaayy better. Like for example:
Greendays old stuff is MAXIMUM way BETTER!: ) like basket case and all that shizZ
Sum 41's stuff is way better into deep and makes no difference and fat lip!:) yay
Blink-182s old stuff is awsum too..but there new stuff is still WICKED:D!..yay!

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