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Old 08-28-2014, 01:31 PM   #1 (permalink)
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the last shadow puppets -The Age Of The Understatement
Pretty much a beatles Insipired band 100% but IMO this album is so good it can stand along side the beatles. in terms of quality of the songs and dare i say far superior and better then some of the beatles catalog. and that is a hard thing to do since alot of people hold the beatles at such a high peadlestoll . this is a supergroup if u will a duo but from all the sounds coming out of this album u would think it was a 16 peiece orcahstra band. a perfect blend of pop rock and melodic riffs and of course british flavor also some of the songs have a Disney theme park feel to me. and i say that in a good way maybe the old 80's disney good stuff most of these songs have a orcstra in the back ground to fill the songs. horns, bells, keys, vilions, preccusion the hole nine they spare no exspense ! they also added 4 more songs later on to make this a 18 track album. Massive ! some of my fav tracks are Wondrous Place, My Mistakes Were Made For You,Standing Next To Me.


secret chiefs 3 - Book of Horizons

Middle eastern Surf death metal pop electronic rock band nuff said right. this band is a mixture of all that obvs fans of Bungle would love this band since its fronted by prob one of my fav compsers and guitar players Trey spurance. i just really like this band and album becasue it goes from like Death metal blast beats to film music to Jazz and then busts out crazy sounds into a melodic part. dis is really cream of da crop stuff IMO, my fav tracks are Book T: Exodus,The 3,The 4 (Great Ishraqi Sun).


Deadsy- Commencement

the devil SEED OF CHER MUHAHAHAHA (Her Son).... so yeah this is Uhhh 80'd Death, Synth, pop, electronic, Metal and some slower Droney songs. gee what can i say about this band, i will say IMO this was the band the represnted the Nu metal sound at the time not in terms of the traditonal sound but in terms of the freedom to make whatever type of hard music they wanted. like it really was kinda "New metal" but obvs they took sounds from the 80's but molded it in a modern way. i really like the song Mansion World very classic 80's breakbeat drums and just dronnyy sludgyy guitars and then a onslaught of keys and synths at the end .
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Old 08-30-2014, 01:25 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post

66. Minor Threat - Complete Discography (1989)

in my opinion this is one of the most quintessential punk rock albums....if you have not heard Minor Threat you have not heard hardcore music

this Discography covers their two full length albums, one EP, and singles/compilation tracks....it has 27 songs and is a mere 51 minutes long

i can still remember the first time i heard this album and the feelings it invoked in me.....and after all these years i can still scream along and still know every word to all of these tracks....thus an absolute classic

keep in mind much of this was recorded when these guys were mere teenagers...and although there is major influence from bands like Bad Brains and Black Flag....this entire album really stands on it's own....the guitar has such a wonderful fuzz element it could almost be psychedelic.....were it not played at blast beat quickness and full of anger....the bass and drums are text book hardcore beat keeping....at a time when all of this was being invented....then there is Ian....his presence as vocalist is demanding, in your face and unrelenting....his lyrics are amazingly mature, often self reflective, always angry

when it comes to hardcore punk this is a must



I absolutely love that minor threat album. The minor threat EP is great from start to finish, but my favourite song out of step(with the world) on the In My Eyes EP(that version is a lot better than the actual Out of Step one).

Last edited by Dylstew; 08-30-2014 at 01:36 AM.
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Old 08-28-2014, 11:02 AM   #3 (permalink)
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65. Horse Stories by Dirty Three (1995)

True story: when I travelled to Australia, I spent the entire 15 hour flight from LA to Sydney listening to nothing but Dirty Three albums. I am not exactly sure what possessed me to do this, but it's remained one of the more powerful music experiences that I've had. Horse Stories was at the forefront of this endeavour; I must have listened to it 3 or 4 times during. I basically link it with looking out of a plane window now. It's very reflective for me. For either remembering or reconciling the past to wondering about the future. It's not by any means a happy album, in fact the tone is quite sad, but it's hopeful (it's got a goddamn song named Hope after all). If there's ever an album I'd want to be hearing as a plane spirals into the ocean, it's this one.

The calmness of falling with the chaos of the impact

I remember reading once about how they sound like a band just warming up their instruments. I like that description, even though it was used negatively. And it's probably not inaccurate. It sounds like a fairly simple concept really, like a lullaby. But it ebbs and flows perfectly. Not unlike flying at all.
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Old 08-28-2014, 01:58 PM   #4 (permalink)
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74. Various Artists - The World Comes To An End In The End Of A Journey (2009)

A monumental release in the hipster world of alternative black metal. A split/compilation of the finest black metal acts who combine post-rock and shoegaze in the sound. It features Ethereal Beauty, Shyy, Soliness, Dernier Martyr, Dopamine (my favorite), and "blackgaze" heavyweights Heretoir. This is beautiful, melancholic, and absolutely essential for fans of that sound.
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Hmm, what's this in my pocket?

*epic guitar solo blasts into my face*

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Old 08-28-2014, 02:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
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The Prodigy-The Fat Of The Land

british, electroinc, metal, rock, music with dance and house influnces ...well i guess that would go underneath the electronic tag LOL anywayz. gee what can i say about this album its good workout music thats for sure. to me personally this was like the first hard rock electro album that inspired everything from 1997 to current. after this the band pretty much destoyed the scene like a wirlwind worldwide, i mean they were so big at one point that even MTV played there X rated vid (smack my bitch up), something they usally dont do now. my fav track is Diesel Power a killa Hip hop song.


DOWN- Down II: A Bustle in Your Hedgerow

This was Down's first album in seven years since the release of NOLA, the longest gap between the band's three studio albums to date. Since Down was a supergroup, the band went on hiatus in 1996 so that members could focus on their main bands (namely Eyehategod, Corrosion of Conformity, Crowbar and Pantera). Down reformed in 1999 with Pantera bassist Rex Brown replacing Todd Strange. The band wanted the album to have a "bluesy" feel, so they moved into Phil Anselmo's barn, dubbed "Nödferatu's Lair," in southern Louisiana where they lived and recorded the album in 28 days without anyone leaving the house.


Death Grips-The Money Store

gee excuse my langauge but what a REAL ASS BAND no bull**** with this band ...one day MC ride and Zach hill prob met somewhere vugalr and decided to make dis electronic Hip hop breakbeat band my fav traxs is all of them cus i dont think there is a bad song on dis album
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Old 08-28-2014, 02:35 PM   #6 (permalink)
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King Geedorah -Take Me To Your Leader

Take Me to Your Leader is the second studio album by American hip hop artist Daniel Dumile, released under the alias King Geedorah on June 17, 2003. King Geedorah is the alias MF DOOM uses as part of the underground super group Monsta Island Czars. The album features guest appearances from MF Grimm (as Jet Jaguar) as well as other MIC members. The character is based on the three-headed gold dragon King Ghidorah, a monster who appears in the Godzilla films. Every member of Monsta Island Czars took a stage name based on a monster character from the Toho Godzilla film series.

Gee what can i say about dis peiece of art dis is just some real Good HIP hop nuff said really !!!!! Cartoon evil and happy Hip hop music i really like the song Fastlane its kinda just Glides through Space feeling or speeding down a Tokyo Highway LOL
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Old 08-28-2014, 03:13 PM   #7 (permalink)
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79. Hüsker Dü - Zen Arcade (1984)

The book which this thread is based on included Warehouse: Songs and Stories, which is a damn good album itself. However what it should have included was Zen Arcade. This album is one of the most important, if not the most important album in 80’s alternative music. Hardcore punk was fast becoming a restricted and cliqued genre of music and Hüsker Dü blew the shackles right off with something that would have been nearly unthinkable in hardcore punk at the time – a 23 track double album. And not just a double album but a double concept album with a storyline... and one which was recorded and produced in 85 hours!

This album was a significant turning point for alternative music and had a huge influence on the alternative/indie rock and post-hardcore bands that would follow after. The album still had strong roots in hardcore punk with songs such as ‘Pride’ and ‘I Will Never Forget You’ for example. But what made it different was more melody, psychedelic influences which added colour to the album (the band experimented a lot with LSD at the time) and overall more variety.
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Old 08-28-2014, 04:41 PM   #8 (permalink)
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^totally agree with you Zero....still not my favorite album by them but i think it's a great example of the turning point of punk with a much more artistic level

80. The Cure - Faith (1981)

i feel like several Cure albums will end up on this list (perhaps all by me )....so i figured i'd state my case for what i think is their best output

it's almost always a toss up between Faith and Seventeen Seconds for me but Faith always just nudges in for the win....for me it's a much moodier album and i just feel the music gels perfectly on this one

thios album just seems to go everywhere while staying on a somewhat snide despondent theme....Primary and Doubt are textbook The Cure version of post punk....where Other Voices, The Drowning Man and The Holy Hour are dark and moody....but All Cats Are Grey and The Funeral Party almost feel like they belong as part of the soundtrack for Twin Peaks....and then there is the albums title track Faith....which is in my opinion epic....by far one of my favorite songs by The Cure and easily of all time....it honestly encompasses everything i just said about this album

81 DEVO - Duty Now For The Future (1979)

the Sophomore release from what i think is one of the most important bands of the 20th century and their final album before accidentally tripping into pop obscurity

in typical Devo style this album is a sarcastic look and humanity and human behavior...the needlessness of our desire and the hopelessness of what is becoming the modern age while at the same time celebrating just how fucking awesome all of this stuff is...all of this and keeping their unforgettable sense of humor and fun...there truly is only one Devo

musically i think this has some of the best stuff mark ever did with his synth....and both Bob's are amazing...people still think to this day that this album had a drum machine on it and i think this certainly has some of Alan Myers best drumming

before this is over i will have easily listed Devo's first four album (unless some wonderful person beats me to it) as they all should be required listening
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Old 08-28-2014, 04:51 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
^totally agree with you Zero....still not my favorite album by them but i think it's a great example of the turning point of punk with a much more artistic level
It's not even my personal favourite album by them either, that goes to Candy Apple Grey, but I think it's definitely their most important album and the one which had the biggest impact on music.
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Old 08-28-2014, 07:06 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
before this is over i will have easily listed Devo's first four album (unless some wonderful person beats me to it) as they all should be required listening
I think everybody has heard Devo's first album and if they haven't they should pull their head out of their ass and listen to it.
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