Locate this song please and thank you
I have 2 songs that I would like to find again, I had both of them on my hard drive before a virus wiped the drive.I have tried googling all the information about them and still no good. the first one i believe is a pop song though i could be wrong, the one very distinctive thing about this band is that they star a delorean in at least some of their music videos. The band's theme is that the returned from the future, hence the delorean, they also are wearing very flashy futuristic outfits. The other song i am looking for could be made by the band Celtic thunder, the song is about two guys repeatedly comparing and contrasting each other in the song about the lady. I know that last song is so inspecific it could be impossible. I do howver know that the singers in it were definitely not american, possibly scottish.
Note: the song is not nick ellis and the noise.
Last edited by mistyreiny; 05-05-2014 at 07:49 PM.