Speculation and Origins of the "Nigerian Bagpipes"
So I'm a freshman in university studying for my undergraduates degree in music and art, and we've been tasked in presenting a study of an obscure instrument. My friends father was from Nigeria, and he played some sort of weird variation of the bagpipes. Naturally I asked him what he was playing. He told me that they were the "Nigerian Bagpipes". He played an old tune on it called the Three Finger Blues. It was a most peculiar, yet thrilling sight.
He hooted and hollered occasionally, much like you hear people on the harmonica do. The only difference between the Celtic bagpipes and the Nigerian Bagpipes, was the addition of a single drone string that somehow weaves it's way theough the instrument, and allowed the player to pluck it while blowing.
I would love some insight into this wonderful instrument, as I would surely be given an A+ for my work on such an obscure instrument.