Help me find this 80's song , asian themed synths.
So its a well enough known song from the 80s, maybe the beginning of the 90s, but most likely the 80s, I instantly recognized some of the lyrics, like you'd recognise the words The Reflex , I made a note of them but my brain is at a loss now, only male voice, pop, to the likes of 80's Duran Duran ,Alphaville , but that chinese themed synthesizers (roughly 3-4 notes per second) is what stuck with me ... they're present during the song, but not all the time. I cant even hum it...I forgot it...but I gotta find it, I'll instantly remember it if I hear it.
I searched some major 80s pop bands for the last hour on youtube so far and got nothing ...
Maybe you can help me .
Last edited by nick666; 02-24-2014 at 11:34 AM.