Originally Posted by Vanilla
To me it just sounds like Spotify. It doesn't quite work with the pre acceptance, unless they are paying for advertising? Because how else is it going to be profitable from day one? It will take time for people to catch on and you may have people complaining that there's not enough music on there for a while which limits you, for letting the band upload their work. You need to try and make this as original as possible..
Well, Spotify along with iTunes, Pandora, and all the others alike are places where people go to stream and download music. This website that I'm thinking about will be a place where everyone CREATES music.
So, I have this great idea for a song. I compose and have the Chorus and verses down.
This isn't a song for my voice, nor do I know how to make beats (let alone have the software for it). On this website (or one like kompoz.com) I could upload what I have, and have everyone in the world find it and add their talents to the project so that we can make a great song regardless of where we live in the world. This type of website would be making their money off of Spotify and the like because they would be the ones creating the music.
Does this better explain everything?