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Mondo Bungle 08-10-2013 04:25 PM

Downloading now, if it goes at it's normal pace, I should be able to listen to it in 4 hours lol.

duga 08-10-2013 06:00 PM

As promised, here is a Spotify playlist.

MB Weekly Member Mixtape #1, Part 1 by duga

Sadly, there are a few that aren't on Spotify yet (I knew this would happen). If the people who donated these respective tracks have a backup, I can put that in the playlist instead.

Killing Joke - Inside the Termite Mound (despite having a TON of Killing Joke, this song is not on there)

Kenkierman and Ger MacDonald - Crom Cruach

Fort Minor - Petrified (Doors Remix) (they didn't have the remix, so I put the original in)

Psalters - Dumpster Divers

Trollheart 08-10-2013 07:11 PM

I knew my one wouldn't be on Spotty. "Erinsaga" is one of the hardest albums to find. I had to get a special import copy on CD, and even then that was hard.

Btw it's Ken Kiernan and Ger McDonald, not Kenkierman, which sounds like some sort of hip-hop artist! :)

If anyone likes the "Crom Cruach" track I uploaded the whole album, some time ago on YouTube. Just search for "Erinsaga". Failing that, anyone who wants it can have a PM of the album.

Looking forward to hearing this tape, with a mixture of anticipation and dread... :shycouch:

Dr_Rez 08-10-2013 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 1355632)
Thanks! Looking forward to listening.
Just wanted to alert you to a few things
so they don't becoming confusing to others.

The last track's band name and track are reversed.
The band is Psalters.
Is the Crom Cruach track from Jim Fitzpatrick
or is there a Ken Kiernan that this comes from?
Tiger Phone Card is from Dengue Fever

Fixing that now my bad! Thanks for letting me know. It was quite a bit of work getting this together and I must have mistyped the Dengue band name :( Sorry Urban, I will change the listing here and on first page but sadly the uploaded album will have to remain.

Astronomer 08-10-2013 10:05 PM

Thanks, Rez! Have downloaded and will listen later. Am looking forward to it.

djchameleon 08-10-2013 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 1355637)

Fort Minor - Petrified (Doors Remix) (they didn't have the remix, so I put the original in)

If people can't dl the mixtape and are streaming. Listen to the remix on this youtube video. Original is just not the same.

Blarobbarg 08-11-2013 10:14 AM

I am so freaking excited! I'm currently on a family vacation so I'm not sure when I'll have a moment to sit down and listen to it uninterrupted, but I'm gonna try soon.

EDIT: Also, thank you so much Rez for getting this whole shebang together, you're a saint.

LoathsomePete 08-11-2013 01:20 PM

Quite enjoyed "Tiger Phone Card" and "Second Skin". It's also been ages since I've heard Beats Antique so Mondo Bungle scores some points for that. I also really liked the last track for the emphasis on the banjo, I'll have to look more into Dumpster Divers.

Sorry for the horrible sound quality in my song. Mediafire has changed their site completely so the song I uploaded was only there for streaming, which meant Rezz had to grab the song from YouTube.

Mondo Bungle 08-11-2013 01:57 PM

Dengue Fever is very cool, I will be wanting to hear more of them. Always liked Killing Joke, and I'm a massive Jesu fan. I enjoy synthy stuff, so "Game and Performance" is pretty cool.
The Chameleons are super awesome as well, definitely a good tape.

WWWP 08-11-2013 02:20 PM

What a great mix. I'm so glad you started this up again, Rez, I really enjoyed listening to this and I hope the excitement for the thread doesn't wane.

1. Urban Hatemonger: Dengue Fever - Tiger Phone Card

I liked this alright. The music was cool, the lyrics were a bit cheesy. I found myself humming it and returning to it a few times, so that's a good sign. I didn't feel the drive to download an album, but I could see myself growing to like it more the more I listen. Made me want to recommend:

Spoiler for Belle and Sebastian - Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying:

2. LoathsomePete: Killing Joke - Inside the Termite Mound

Killing Joke is a band I hear a lot about but never looked into. I quite liked this track. I think you'd enjoy this, Pete:

Spoiler for The Drones - I See Seaweed:

3. Chrysalis: Jesu - Farewell

This was definitely a standout track for me. I returned to it more than any of the other songs on the mix, and am definitely interested in looking into some albums. This is right up my alley and a good representation of the kind of music I've been exploring lately. I think you'd dig:

Spoiler for R Stevie Moore - There Is No God In America:

4. Trollheart: Ken Kiernan and Ger MacDonald - Crom Cruach

This was another standout and I'll definitely grab the album this came from. Trollheart, I think you'd dig this track:

Spoiler for The Brian Jonestown Massacre - (David Bowie I Love You) Since I Was Six:

5. Mondo Bungle: Beats Antique - Dope Crunk

Man you always play the coolest stuff. I really, really dug this. Do you have any recommendations on which album to start with or bands that are similar? I stole this one from Jansz and think you'd like it too (it won't embed, sorry):

Spoiler for Boris Kovac & Ladaaba Orchest - Midnight Memories:

6. Dr. Rez: Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Atlas Hands

Rez I ate this up the moment you recommended it to me. This song is beautiful and the album is ****ing great. I urge everyone to check out more from Bejamin Francis Leftwich, his songwriting is remarkable. If you haven't heard Keaton Henson I think you'd really enjoy his album Dear but you should start by checking out this song:

Spoiler for Keaton Henson - Small Hands:

7. djchameleon: Fort Minor - Petrified (Doors Remix)

Haha, Deej, I could have guessed this track was from you in a second. I didn't particularly enjoy it, but I didn't skip it either. You should check out Zion I:

Spoiler for Zion I & The Grouch - Trains and Planes:

8. zer0: Chameleons - Second Skin

Another one that I really, really liked. I keep returning to this one as well and can see myself continuing to do so. I recommend this song all the time but I think you'd like it too:

Spoiler for Richard Hawley - Can You Hear The Rain, Love:

9. Blarobbarg: Psalters -Dumpster Divers

This song was cool. I love the energy of it, it's certainly not what I expected from Christian band whatsoever. You should look into The Growlers:

Spoiler for The Growlers - Sea Lion Goth Blues:

Arya Stark 08-11-2013 02:25 PM

That was an awesome post Steph, I love how you compared a lot of songs to others and recommended bands for the contributors! <3

Dr_Rez 08-11-2013 03:14 PM

Agreed ^ Thats the way to respond! About Dengue Fever...I thought the cheesiness is what made it enjoyable.

Also your Zion I recommendation is spot on they are fantastic. I will look into Keaton Henson right now, and then eventually post my review of some of the music.

Blarobbarg 08-11-2013 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1355905)
Quite enjoyed "Tiger Phone Card" and "Second Skin". It's also been ages since I've heard Beats Antique so Mondo Bungle scores some points for that. I also really liked the last track for the emphasis on the banjo, I'll have to look more into Dumpster Divers.

The band is called Psalters, Rez accidentally switched the band and song names. I'm glad you liked it, though! If you enjoy anarcho-punk, folk, world fusion, and psychedelia all mixed up in one package you'll probably enjoy their albums. They're definitely one of my current favorite bands. :)


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1355918)
10. Blarobbarg: Psalters -Dumpster Divers

This song was cool. I love the energy of it, it's certainly not what I expected from Christian band whatsoever. You should look into The Growlers:

Spoiler for The Growlers - Sea Lion Goth Blues:

First off, excellent post Steph. This is how we need to get discussion going. Secondly, I'm glad you enjoyed the track, and I completely agree- most Christian-oriented bands are absolute garbage, but Psalters have a way of making hymn-like lyrics (with a heavy dose of anarchy) sound positively badass. Also, I can't currently watch Youtube videos because of some weird internet issues going on right now but I'll check that band out ASAP!

Astronomer 08-11-2013 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355933)
Agreed ^ Thats the way to respond! About Dengue Fever...I thought the cheesiness is what made it enjoyable.

Also your Zion I recommendation is spot on they are fantastic. I will look into Keaton Henson right now, and then eventually post my review of some of the music.

Agreed, great post Steph. I still haven't listened to this mix but will have a go today! Been super busy. Am looking forward to it.

Astronomer 08-11-2013 10:30 PM

Just had a listen, what a great mix for our first member mixtape! Great choices everyone :) I thoroughly enjoyed this.


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
1. Urban Hatemonger: Dengue Fever - Tiger Phone Card

I really loved this. It made me want to serenade someone with it. I watched a really cool live version on YouTube following this, too. Great song.


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
2. LoathsomePete: Killing Joke - Inside the Termite Mound

Very dark and lots of minor half-steps. I thought the bass was really distinctive and "beasty" sounding.


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
3. Chrysalis: Jesu - Farewell

I enjoyed the ephemeral and somewhat dreamy aspects of this track. Thanks, Chrysalis.


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
4. Trollheart: Ken Kiernan and Ger MacDonald - Crom Cruach

Cool choice, Trollheart! I have never heard of this group before but I really loved it. I felt like singing along, even though I didn't know the words.


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
5. Mondo Bungle: Beats Antique - Dope Crunk

Not the kind of genre I listen to but I really loved this! I was definitely bopping my head along. Loved the middle eastern tones. Reminds me of something that would be played at one of Melbourne's alternative little, eastern-flavoured bars on a Friday or Saturday night.


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
6. Dr. Rez: Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Atlas Hands

So beautiful. Probably my favourite from this mix, just because it was perfect for the kind of day I was having today. I sat on my sofa and closed my eyes and just melted into it :love: Plus I have a thing for songs about atlases, I wrote one myself once.


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
7. djchameleon: Fort Minor - Petrified (Doors Remix)

Again, not the kind of genre I usually listen to, but when this came on I thought "I bet this is dj's song" and I was right! Such a dj tune to pick. Catchy tune and cool beat to it.


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
8. zer0: Chameleons - Second Skin

Liked this also. This song reminds me of that British post-punk era that I often enjoy the likes of!


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
9. Blarobbarg: Psalters -Dumpster Divers

What a fun song. Made me want to get out my tambourine and sit outdoors and smash out some tunes with my friends.

I apologise for my response not being that detailed, I thought I'd just include a quick little reaction to each track I listened to. But I thoroughly enjoyed this mix, it's great to listen to music that you wouldn't normally.

Janszoon 08-11-2013 10:45 PM

I'm really thrilled to see that the weekly mixtape is back and people are participating in it, but there's something that I unfortunately have been put in the position of having to say and it's this: when a member is banned, they are banned from participating in this community for the duration of their ban. They are not allowed to participate in events like this by proxy. The fact that someone has chosen to do this on the inaugural mixtape event really is a shame but I'm going to have to delete the links and related comments until they're updated to follow the rules of the forum. I'm sorry we've all been put in this situation.

Dr_Rez 08-11-2013 11:31 PM

Album link has been reuploaded omitting the track, but the track numbers will remain (2-10) as it took me a long time to properly tag them all correctly.

Blarobbarg 08-12-2013 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
2. Urban Hatemonger: Dengue Fever - Tiger Phone Card

I wasn't especially crazy about this song, honestly. It was fun I suppose, and I liked the subtle percussion, but it wasn't my favorite. I didn't just go past it though, so that's something.


3. LoathsomePete: Killing Joke - Inside the Termite Mound
I've always heard of the Killing Joke and how they're an absolutely necessary band to listen to... for whatever reason, I've just never gotten around to it. This track has convinced me that I may need to fix that. I loved the minimalism and the creeping menace of the song- also, the bass was really standout for me, which I highly value for almost any genre I listen to. The dark funkiness was great. If you have any suggestions about how to tackle this band, I'd take them!


4. Chrysalis: Jesu - Farewell
Once again, another band I've always heard of, but never actually listened to. I really liked this song a lot. The heavy, incessant percussion over the dreamy synths was a fantastic combo, and it had my head bobbing in the groove the whole time. The vocals took me by surprise, as they sounded somewhat emo-ish, but it worked. As above, if you have any suggestions for how to get into their discography, I'd appreciate it.


5. Trollheart: Ken Kiernan and Ger MacDonald - Crom Cruach
Well TH, I have a history of disliking your musical taste, but I liked this a lot. The lyrics were a bit cheesy sounding, but I really liked the choral sample that just kept going and going, and the synths and drums were spot on.


6. Mondo Bungle: Beats Antique - Dope Crunk
Mondo, you never fail to impress me with your musical selections, and this time was no different. I've heard of this group many times before and listened to them a handful of times, so I was familiar with the awesomeness coming my way. I really feel like you would love Igorrr. Look him up if you've never heard of him. He's a French producer mixing classical music, death metal, and breakbeats.

[quotes]7. Dr. Rez: Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Atlas Hands[/quotes]

Rez, I love me some laid back folky singer songwriters, and this was spot on. The vocal harmonies were absolutely beautiful and the really quiet way that the track used ambient sound in the background was gorgeous. I'll definitely be checking this dude out.


8. djchameleon: Fort Minor - Petrified (Doors Remix)
Deej, I know that I have a tendency to dislike the music you play in Plug and in other places, but I liked this song a lot. This totally surprised me, because I've never even bothered listening to Fort Minor before, considering that it's the sideproject of the dude from Linkin Park. I don't know if I would listen to him on purpose at any point in the near future, but I liked it!


9. zer0: Chameleons - Second Skin
I think this may have been my favorite song on the whole mix. I really don't have a lot to say about it, except that it was really, really good post punk and I became sort of entranced by it, which is always a good thing for music along these lines. Imma check out Chameleons for sure.

So, bottom line: COMPLETELY AWESOME mix, everyone chose great songs, and it flowed like it had been designed to do so. I know it wasn't planned or anything, but I really appreciated all the minimalist, percussion based music on here- post punk, hip hop, and a few things I'm not sure I could categorize with ease (TH's submission, for instance). Many thanks to Rez for putting it all together!

djchameleon 08-12-2013 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1355918)

7. djchameleon: Fort Minor - Petrified (Doors Remix)

Haha, Deej, I could have guessed this track was from you in a second. I didn't particularly enjoy it, but I didn't skip it either. You should check out Zion I:

Spoiler for Zion I & The Grouch - Trains and Planes:

I know Zion I and The Grouch from playing SSX on PS3. They have a track that I really love called Drop it on the 1 but thanks for this one. I haven't listened to a full album from them yet.

LoathsomePete 08-12-2013 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1355918)

2. LoathsomePete: Killing Joke - Inside the Termite Mound

Killing Joke is a band I hear a lot about but never looked into. I quite liked this track. I think you'd enjoy this, Pete:

Spoiler for The Drones - I See Seaweed:

Huh, I've been meaning to check out that album as I've seen it posted around here and on other sites quite a bit. I did enjoy that track, it kind of reminded me of Birthday Party era Nick Cave in a way.


Originally Posted by Blarobbarg (Post 1356292)

I've always heard of the Killing Joke and how they're an absolutely necessary band to listen to... for whatever reason, I've just never gotten around to it. This track has convinced me that I may need to fix that. I loved the minimalism and the creeping menace of the song- also, the bass was really standout for me, which I highly value for almost any genre I listen to. The dark funkiness was great. If you have any suggestions about how to tackle this band, I'd take them!

Killing Joke can seem a little insurmountable due to their prolific nature so I suggest breaking it down into time periods. Their early stuff (about 1980-1984) is your typical post-punk of the era except maybe steeped a little more with a metal/goth rock tinge and influence. From about 1984-1989 they were a little more new wave-y, with their most famous song being "Eighties", which is now more known for being the song Nirvana ripped off for "Come As You Are". The song I included is from their 1990 album Extremities, Dirt, and Other Repressed Emotions which signaled their shift more towards metal which lasted until about 1996 with their album Democracy which was more alternative rock. The band went on a bit of a hiatus but came roaring back with their 2003 self-titled album that was just straight up hard rock. Their 2006 album Hosannas From The Basement of Hell is a very grungey album with very murky production and possibly some of their darkest material to date. 2010 saw a more production heavy album Absolute Dissent which was very political and was more a call back to their post-punk roots which continued with last year's album MMXII, but minus the politically charged lyrics.

For beginners I think you can either start with their 2003 self-titled album and work your way forward, then go back to their 1980 self-titled debut and work your way up. You could also work your way backwards, going from their newest material to their oldest, which I found to be a lot of fun. If you really liked the song I included in this mix you could work your way up from Extremities, Dirt, and Other Repressed Emotions to their newest material, then go back. I have a bit of a bias because KJ are my favorite band of all time so I love all their material, but I find their 2003 self-titled album to be a good starting point for new people.

WWWP 08-12-2013 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1356310)
I know Zion I and The Grouch from playing SSX on PS3. They have a track that I really love called Drop it on the 1 but thanks for this one. I haven't listened to a full album from them yet.

They're both pretty great as separate artists and even better together, imo. Drop It On The 1 is alright but not very representative of the stuff they make. You should definitely check them both out.

WWWP 08-12-2013 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by tsathegreat (Post 1356352)

Riveting insight, chap.

Powerstars 08-12-2013 07:16 PM

I'm not usually into Electronic with vocals, but Game & Performance is pretty catchy. Listening to the rest as we speak.

Trollheart 08-12-2013 07:23 PM

Rez, when do we hit you with selections for the second mixtape? It's a new week; should we be sending them now? Or are you changing the format? Just let me know as I'd definitely like to be a regular contributor to this.

And no, I haven't yet listened to it. But I will, honestly. Look, Metal Week is coming. Soon. In my journal. I have many power riffs to listen to and much band history to read up on, not to mention plundering my memory banks for the times when I first listened to metal, so my plate's a little full. But I will make time. Promise.

Thanks to all who have complimented the track I sent in. As you may or may not know, it's from an album based around Irish mythology and the paintings of Jim Fitzpatrick on the same theme. It's called "Erinsaga" and although the lyrics to "Crom Cruach" are certainly a little cheesy, remember Crom Cruach was one of the elder gods of the Celtic mythos, basically a massive worm, so when writing a song in his praise you really couldn't do much more than say things like "Power beyond eternity is yours" unless you wanted him to smite ya! ;)

Here's one of Jim's Erinsaga-themed paintings. His whole collection is I believe at his website...

Dr_Rez 08-12-2013 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1356396)
Rez, when do we hit you with selections for the second mixtape? It's a new week; should we be sending them now? Or are you changing the format? Just let me know as I'd definitely like to be a regular contributor to this.

We are still on the first. On the rule section of the first post it clarifies the times. Thursday to Wednesday EST is the span of time for one week. The only reason I released one so early this week was because of the overflow of participants. I still have another entire mixtape to release on time for Wednesday this week.

If the participation stays like this then we will be able to have 2 a week instead!

edit: I forgot to answer your question lol. This upcoming Thursday (EST) will be the start of a new week in which you may resubmit.

Blarobbarg 08-12-2013 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1356329)
Killing Joke can seem a little insurmountable due to their prolific nature so I suggest breaking it down into time periods. Their early stuff (about 1980-1984) is your typical post-punk of the era except maybe steeped a little more with a metal/goth rock tinge and influence. From about 1984-1989 they were a little more new wave-y, with their most famous song being "Eighties", which is now more known for being the song Nirvana ripped off for "Come As You Are". The song I included is from their 1990 album Extremities, Dirt, and Other Repressed Emotions which signaled their shift more towards metal which lasted until about 1996 with their album Democracy which was more alternative rock. The band went on a bit of a hiatus but came roaring back with their 2003 self-titled album that was just straight up hard rock. Their 2006 album Hosannas From The Basement of Hell is a very grungey album with very murky production and possibly some of their darkest material to date. 2010 saw a more production heavy album Absolute Dissent which was very political and was more a call back to their post-punk roots which continued with last year's album MMXII, but minus the politically charged lyrics.

For beginners I think you can either start with their 2003 self-titled album and work your way forward, then go back to their 1980 self-titled debut and work your way up. You could also work your way backwards, going from their newest material to their oldest, which I found to be a lot of fun. If you really liked the song I included in this mix you could work your way up from Extremities, Dirt, and Other Repressed Emotions to their newest material, then go back. I have a bit of a bias because KJ are my favorite band of all time so I love all their material, but I find their 2003 self-titled album to be a good starting point for new people.

I appreciate the synopsis! I'll do it the way I bolded, you being an expert on the matter I'll take your first advice. :D

Powerstars 08-12-2013 08:25 PM

Interesting choices on some of your parts. I wasn't expecting "Crom Crauch" to be submitted by Trollheart when I checked back on the thread. Ending with "Dumpster Divers" was an interesting but fitting choice. Fantastic start to the rebooted mixtapes.

The Batlord 08-13-2013 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)
2. Urban Hatemonger: Dengue Fever - Tiger Phone Card

Cute. The lyrics are, as has been said, amusingly silly. It's a fun little song, but I'm not really thinking about listening to more of them. They're not Manowar after all.


3. LoathsomePete: Killing Joke - Inside the Termite Mound
I've listened to Killing Joke before and loved them. Pandemonium pretty much blew me away, but I am rather indifferent to this. Just ended up as background music. I guess industrial and post-punk are just pretty hit or miss with me.


4. Chrysalis: Jesu - Farewell
I remember hearing Jesu's early work, and I think it was like metal mixed with shoegaze, so I was surprised when I heard this. Unfortunately, laid back electronica isn't really my thing. At least not right now.


5. Trollheart: Ken Kiernan and Ger MacDonald - Crom Cruach
Couldn't find it on Youtube, and downloading the thingy on a library computer isn't a headache I'm willing to undergo. Sorry buddy.


6. Mondo Bungle: Beats Antique - Dope Crunk
This is actually the first song I really liked off here. The off-the-wall rhythms mixed with the eastern music is quite infectious. I'm curious if this is just how one of their songs sounds, or if this is just their sound. To be honest, this seems like a gimmick that might wear thin after a while.


7. Dr. Rez: Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Atlas Hands
Indie folk isn't really a natural genre for me, but when I'm in the right mood the peacefulness can be totally immersive. I'm not really in that mood at the moment though. I've been giving this a few extra spins just cause I don't wanna miss out on something I might get on some other day, but it's not really grabbing me.


8. djchameleon: Fort Minor - Petrified (Doors Remix)
I wanted to like this, and I definitely don't hate it, but if I'm gonna listen to mediocre hip hop I'd rather the MC's to be wearing ****ty clown makeup.


9. zer0: Chameleons - Second Skin
I'm picky about my post-punk. I've never really been able to make it through an entire Joy Division song without wanting to go listen to something else. This is in the same kind of category, but there's something euphoric about this song that is engaging me where I'd usually be indifferent. Not blown away or anything, but I'm enjoying it at least.


10. Blarobbarg: Psalters -Dumpster Divers
A fun little diddy...not much else to say I guess. Folk that's fun. Yep.

Plankton 08-13-2013 10:37 AM

Missed out on this round, but I'll try to make the next one.

Dr_Rez 08-13-2013 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1356652)
Missed out on this round, but I'll try to make the next one.

No mate I have another full mixtape coming out this week since so many people participated. You have until Wednesday night at 11:59 pm est.


Plankton 08-13-2013 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1356684)
No mate I have another full mixtape coming out this week since so many people participated. You have until Wednesday night at 11:59 pm est.


Ok then! I'll pick a winner. :)

Trollheart 08-13-2013 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1356631)

Couldn't find it on Youtube, and downloading the thingy on a library computer isn't a headache I'm willing to undergo. Sorry buddy.


Here you go Batty. Start around 4:30 if you want to avoid the ballad at the start (though you should listen to the lot really...)

Trollheart 08-13-2013 05:46 PM

Okay, finally made time to listen to this, so here are my impressions... admittedly only on a first listen.

Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1355606)

2. Urban Hatemonger: Dengue Fever - Tiger Phone Card

Like this, very uptempo and kind of an Animals feel to the keys, though am I wrong or does this sound similar to Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger? No? Just me, then.

3. LoathsomePete: Killing Joke - Inside the Termite Mound
I've heard some little Killing Joke (why does the first link now lead direct to this song and deny permission for download?) but not much. Initially gives me something of a claustrophobic feeling, and the volume seems fairly low? It's got a good melody and the marching drumbeat really suits it. I'm not sure it needs to be nearly eight minutes long though, especially as the last minute is just one long fadeout. I kind of like it though, not sure if it would induce me to listen more KJ or not.

4. Chrysalis: Jesu - Farewell
At first I didn't like this, then I started getting really into the music but then the singing began, and I didn't like that at all. Conclusion: great music, not so great singer. Sorry! At least the last three minutes are almost entirely instrumental, and I like that. I like that a lot.

5. Trollheart: Ken Kiernan and Ger MacDonald - Crom Cruach
Skipping over my own contribution of course and on to...

6. Mondo Bungle: Beats Antique - Dope Crunk
Interesting mix: sitar and sax? To be honest, when it started I thought of "Hey big spender", but that didn't last. Maybe a bit too Indian for my tastes. Not meaning to offend anyone but that sort of music never plays well with me. Sort of Waits-ish feel about halfway through with the bells and the congas but the farty sax gets really annoying and no, unf not for me.

7. Dr. Rez: Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Atlas Hands
I like a bit of laidback acoustic folk, and this puts me in mind of S&G, same sort of dreamy relaxed tone. Like this one a lot. Like the sort of ragged sound in his voice.

8. djchameleon: Fort Minor - Petrified (Doors Remix)
I've made no secret of my dislike of and disinterest in hip hop. This doesn't change my mind. Melody's ok but I'll never be interested in people rapping over music, sorry dj; big thumbs down from this old guy.

9. zer0: Chameleons - Second Skin
This reminds me of those new-wave bands of the mid-eighties like Fiction Factory, OMD and Flock of Seagulls. I must say, I really liked this one. Almost hypnotic rhythm, very catchy. Again though probably a little too long.

10. Blarobbarg: Psalters -Dumpster Divers
Ah, ya gotta love anything with banjo, harmonica and is that jews harp? Catchy, upbeat, fun, but I doubt I'd be too pushed about hearing more.

So that's me. Sorry to those whose music I didn't like, but sure who knows? Next time round I may love your contribution, you may hate mine. Some good stuff on here certainly, but a lot of it just not to my tastes. Ah, sure tis terrible to be an owl fella! ;)

Powerstars 08-13-2013 10:12 PM

Most memorable songs were "Game & Performance," "Inside The Termite Mound," 'Dope Crunk," and "Dumpster Divers."

Dr_Rez 08-14-2013 11:35 AM

Just a reminder today is the last day for submitting a song, 2nd part of mix will be released tonight.

Powerstars 08-14-2013 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1357215)
Just a reminder today is the last day for submitting a song, 2nd part of mix will be released tonight.

Yeah, can't wait!

WWWP 08-14-2013 11:53 AM

Woot! Super excited.

Blarobbarg 08-14-2013 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by rostasi (Post 1356963)

Hey, I listened to that Welcome Wagon song. It was pretty heavy on the traditional country sounding side of things, but wasn't bad! I'll check em out, thanks for the rec. :)


Originally Posted by Dr. Rez (Post 1357215)
Just a reminder today is the last day for submitting a song, 2nd part of mix will be released tonight.

So pumped for this.

Powerstars 08-14-2013 08:04 PM

Mix! Mix! Mix! xD

Dr_Rez 08-14-2013 09:42 PM


Part 2
11. wolverinewolfweiselpigeon: Nouvelle Vague - No One Knows
12. rostasi: Stara Rzeka - Przebudzenie Boga Wschodu
13. Powerstars: Killers - Jenny Was a Friend of Mine
14. duga: Alpine Decline - Sleeping Gas
15. Frownland: Sonny Sharrock - Promises Kept
16. The Batlord: Grand Belial's Key - Vultures of Misfortune
17. Astronomer: Twelve Foot Ninja - Ain't That A Bitch
18. Vanilla: Flume - Insane
19. bob.: Corrections House - Hoax the System
20. Arya Stark: Father John Misty - Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings
21. Sequoioideae: Coffins - Decapitated Crawl
22. Plankton: Rush - Time Stand Still
23. Burning Down: Let's Active - Horizon

MB Weekly Member Mixtape #1, Part 2 on Spotify

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