Originally Posted by Trollheart
Sorry Jansz. It is, or was, a (so far) short-lived attempt to create a kind of Premier League Table (English soccer) so that each journal could earn points through posts, views, comments and so on, and the best would climb to the top. Bit of a stupid idea it would seem, as it wasn't terribly well received or supported, and I stopped doing it after a month due to the amount of work involved versus the small return. Powerstars thinks it's worth re-jigging and trying again; I'm not so sure but will be interested to see how it plays out.
If you want to see examples, check the last few updates (though not the most recent) in the Journal Update Thread.
I don't those that voted against it thought it was a stupid idea at all ( I didn't at least) what I did think though, as a concept it was flawed in its criteria for something that doesn't require a league table. Most league tables show things from best to worst and I don't think a journal thread should be about this.