whats better? downloading or buying cd's? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 07-10-2005, 10:50 AM   #11 (permalink)
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I`m not going to pay to download anything.

I don`t want to lose half my ****ing record collection everytime my computer ****s up.

Urb's RYM Stuff

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Old 07-10-2005, 11:18 AM   #12 (permalink)
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buying cuz when you download it take to long for the song to load and i get mad cuz sometimes the songs dont work and... then all this other stuff

go on out
get some more
go on out
to the bar
the market or the liquor store

friends dont let friends get lost in chinatown
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Old 07-10-2005, 12:49 PM   #13 (permalink)
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I use downloading as a tool to decide whether or not I am willing to invest my money in a cd or not. In my youth, I spent all my money on music. Now, I own a home and have children, and whatnot, so it isn't always feasible for me to spent a lot of money on music. Priorities, you know.

If I hear a few songs I enjoy by a certain artist, I will download some of their stuff. Listen for a while, see if it whets my musical palate. If so, I will sink some money into a cd. I, too, use Amazon to buy cds.

They say it's stealing, and I suppose, technically, it is. Charging 18 bucks for a cd with maybe 3-4 good cuts (if that), in my opinion, is theft. I'm paying 100% of my money for the cd, I should get 100% effort from the artist in return.

I'm not so sure it's a legality issue with music lovers. It's more a form of protest. We're sick of price gouging, and we're doing what we have to to get our music. It's not the artist's fault. It's the music industry. However, I haven't heard of any musicians losing their homes and whatnot because of the money they lose from internet downloading.
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Old 07-10-2005, 01:51 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jr.
I use downloading as a tool to decide whether or not I am willing to invest my money in a cd or not. In my youth, I spent all my money on music. Now, I own a home and have children, and whatnot, so it isn't always feasible for me to spent a lot of money on music. Priorities, you know.

If I hear a few songs I enjoy by a certain artist, I will download some of their stuff. Listen for a while, see if it whets my musical palate. If so, I will sink some money into a cd. I, too, use Amazon to buy cds.

They say it's stealing, and I suppose, technically, it is. Charging 18 bucks for a cd with maybe 3-4 good cuts (if that), in my opinion, is theft. I'm paying 100% of my money for the cd, I should get 100% effort from the artist in return.

I'm not so sure it's a legality issue with music lovers. It's more a form of protest. We're sick of price gouging, and we're doing what we have to to get our music. It's not the artist's fault. It's the music industry. However, I haven't heard of any musicians losing their homes and whatnot because of the money they lose from internet downloading.
word to that!
my policy is that first when i hear of a new band i download a couple of tracks and if i really like them i always download the entire album. if i really like the album i always buy it, eventualy, but i can't buy it right away, usually i buy cd's 4-5 times a year from amazon (.co.uk or .com ) 3-4 cd's in one shipment, so in the meanwhile i listen to the burned cd's....sometimes, however, i listen to an entire album through streaming and them order it right away because i don't feel like downloading it, and sometimes i'll just hear one song and since i'm already ordering other cd's i'll order that album without hearing it, most of the time my gut feeling is correct and it turn's out to be a great album ( for example i heard daft punk is playing in my house from lcd soundsystem and then just ordered it...twas great )....i never consider downloading stealing because all the bands i'm listening to have way too much money already, and i buy their album anyway....most people i know in croatia however just download and never buy......but for me....i like my cd cases way too much not to buy an original album.....
i spend way too much money on cd's.....way too much...but i can't help it...and cd's in croatia are way too expencive....well cd's in general...they should cost 5-6$ top, then much more people would buy them
and don't get me started on ps2 or pc games, only once in my life have i bought an original game, and that was way back when i was 14 and didn't really know pirats exist.....hmmmm....should i pay 60$ for a game or 2$..hmmm...........that's a thinker........robbery?....they're robbing me.....!!!again, if the games cost 6-7$ they would ultimatly earn more money, 95% of software in croatia is illegal..i wonder why.....
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Old 07-10-2005, 04:28 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Having the hard copy is better.
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Old 07-10-2005, 04:29 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Now, compare my reply to adidasss'.

Me too lazy to type much.
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Old 07-14-2005, 09:28 AM   #17 (permalink)
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1. ya gots to pay
2. ya cant be in control of which songs from that cd that ya wanna have on the cd(if ya know what i mean)

1. ya get to be in control
2. ya dont gots to pay
3. ya can get all kinds of **** onto your comp. cuz ya gettin' hundreds & hundreds of thin' from other ppl. comp.(not good of course)

Both have their downs & their ups
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Old 07-15-2005, 09:06 AM   #18 (permalink)
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I prefer downloading. That way, you get only the songs you want. But with stuff like Headbanger's Ball, i'd rather buy it.
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Old 12-06-2010, 09:57 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Default cds are better , but!!

I would rather have the CD,, however, now with downloading, i find that it's more convienant and ALOT cheaper than buying cds. Sure, having the actual cd means more to me , especially if you have a rare cd, but the fact is that technology is changing and we have to accept the fact that the vast majority of people will download. Heck!! you care about the art work? now you can purchase the same paper that makes the art work for cds and copy and print and use that for your collection.

Will cds be absolete one day? maybe, just like cassettes and for the most part vynal records, CDS will dwindle down to just a handfull of people that will appreciate the meaning of having the actual cd.

the bottom line, if you find yourself never listening to your cds, then it may make sense to sell or stack away your cds.
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Old 12-06-2010, 10:27 PM   #20 (permalink)
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I'm a teen that isn't allowed to get any allowance whatsoever, and my parents are only willing to spend 1-5 bucks on music a month if I ask.

Downloading is really my only option It's free, and all I have to be really careful of if it's a genuine file (if they're really FLAC and shizz).

There's something about buying CD's that give give a real sense of ownership though, I would think.
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