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Old 01-10-2013, 11:04 PM   #91 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ghost Jam View Post
Of course you have. I didn't mean to be condescending.

Second Coming is garbage.

There's this crazy intersection of it all...between Joy Division/New Order, the Chameleons, Bauhaus, etc that all led to a sort of "forget the mids" sound, which left front vocals and lead guitars in the background while heavy rhythm and distortion were at the forefront.

A lot of folks called that "Shoegaze"...but I think it went way beyond what the British critics were calling it and manifests itself to this day.

CHeck out:

Lol I didn't think you were being condescending. Anyways yeah that's an interesting way to put it; the term shoegaze by itself can be hard to define, especially if you're grouping a bunch of bands together that all have different styles/sounds. I'm sorta familiar with Joy Division/New Order but not enough to sound like I know what I'm talking about, so I'll take your word for it, haha.

& I discovered Radar Eyes only a few days ago actually (yeah Im behind on albums from last year, but whatev) & loving it favorite tracks right now are Disconnection and Secrets. Seems like a pretty solid album though.
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Old 01-10-2013, 11:17 PM   #92 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
1. N.B. The Velvet Underground are not British, they were based in New York City, New York, USA. I don't know if you know that, I just want a shout out for the east coast yo.
2. "There's a long line of really good music" before the Velvet Underground.

There is a prevalent notion that only one band started good music. Whether it is The Beatles or VU or the Pixies or Nirvana or Metallica or Lady Gaga. I don't hate any of those bands, and I steer clear of Metallica and Lady Gaga for practical purposes. I don't know much about who influenced the Velvet Underground. I guess they were influenced by the Folk and Pop and advantgarde scenes or whatever. Nico met up with Brian Jones, Bob Dylan and Jim Morrison, she was porbably influenced by the latter more. Jonesy was into sex drugs and Rock and Roll and he gave up the latter in pursuit of the first two. Everybody talks Bob Dylan and yet there isn't enough said about the man. Nico bore the brunt of the talent in VU. Lou Reed came in a close second.

I'm half way with Pursuingchange where I question the idols people put on pedestals, however I don't see the need to topple people's idols. If they worship these bands llike VU or Nirvana and think they are the cause of everything in music than that's their opinion; that's them. It's all perspective, it's pretty close to Einstein's Theory of Relativity. If a person thinks their favourite band is more massive than other bands then that band will wrap their space-time of musical taste.

I guess because I'm not all into one genre I look at things differently.
Yes. I am aware the Velvets are not from the UK.

Thanks, though.

I am also aware that music existed before 1967.

Thanks again, though.

Clearly, we need you around to clear things up for everyone.

-It's Always the Same You're Jumping Someone Else's Ghost Jam
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Old 01-10-2013, 11:47 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
1. N.B. The Velvet Underground are not British, they were based in New York City, New York, USA. I don't know if you know that, I just want a shout out for the east coast yo.
2. "There's a long line of really good music" before the Velvet Underground.

There is a prevalent notion that only one band started good music. Whether it is The Beatles or VU or the Pixies or Nirvana or Metallica or Lady Gaga. I don't hate any of those bands, and I steer clear of Metallica and Lady Gaga for practical purposes. I don't know much about who influenced the Velvet Underground. I guess they were influenced by the Folk and Pop and advantgarde scenes or whatever. Nico met up with Brian Jones, Bob Dylan and Jim Morrison, she was porbably influenced by the latter more. Jonesy was into sex drugs and Rock and Roll and he gave up the latter in pursuit of the first two. Everybody talks Bob Dylan and yet there isn't enough said about the man. Nico bore the brunt of the talent in VU. Lou Reed came in a close second.

I'm half way with Pursuingchange where I question the idols people put on pedestals, however I don't see the need to topple people's idols. If they worship these bands llike VU or Nirvana and think they are the cause of everything in music than that's their opinion; that's them. It's all perspective, it's pretty close to Einstein's Theory of Relativity. If a person thinks their favourite band is more massive than other bands then that band will wrap their space-time of musical taste.

I guess because I'm not all into one genre I look at things differently.
Yeah, you're right. But I thought Ghost Jam mentioned the VU when replying to me maybe because we were talking about the VU in another thread and he was thinking of other bands I might like based on what I posted here...... not because he was unaware of what you just posted :P Idk though, back to Nirvana?
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Old 01-11-2013, 12:00 AM   #94 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
1. N.B. The Velvet Underground are not British, they were based in New York City, New York, USA. I don't know if you know that, I just want a shout out for the east coast yo.
2. "There's a long line of really good music" before the Velvet Underground.

There is a prevalent notion that only one band started good music. Whether it is The Beatles or VU or the Pixies or Nirvana or Metallica or Lady Gaga. I don't hate any of those bands, and I steer clear of Metallica and Lady Gaga for practical purposes. I don't know much about who influenced the Velvet Underground. I guess they were influenced by the Folk and Pop and advantgarde scenes or whatever. Nico met up with Brian Jones, Bob Dylan and Jim Morrison, she was porbably influenced by the latter more. Jonesy was into sex drugs and Rock and Roll and he gave up the latter in pursuit of the first two. Everybody talks Bob Dylan and yet there isn't enough said about the man. Nico bore the brunt of the talent in VU. Lou Reed came in a close second.

I'm half way with Pursuingchange where I question the idols people put on pedestals, however I don't see the need to topple people's idols. If they worship these bands llike VU or Nirvana and think they are the cause of everything in music than that's their opinion; that's them. It's all perspective, it's pretty close to Einstein's Theory of Relativity. If a person thinks their favourite band is more massive than other bands then that band will wrap their space-time of musical taste.

I guess because I'm not all into one genre I look at things differently.
As much as I love Nico, compared to Lou Reed and John Cale, she was little more than a prop.

The Velvets did far more influencing than they did being influenced. That's what makes them one of the most important artists of the 20th century.

Metallica recorded several invaluable records in the 1980's. I would reassess your practical purposes.

Lady Gaga is among the best pop artists of the new millennium. Again, I would take another look at what you consider practical.

I mean, you're just hurting yourself, man.

I am neither putting any artist on a pedestal nor am I idolizing anything. Nirvana has a very secure seat among the greatest ever, and I'm the last voice in a line of thousands making such a claim.

Again, it's not about's about consensus. You can hate on the Beatles all day, but that changes nothing regarding their objective place in the scheme of it all. There is no difference with Nirvana.

If you possess a passion for music and understand it to any extent, then whether or not you like the Beatles, VU, Joy Division or Nirvana has nothing to do with your ability to appreciate it.

That's all I'm saying, Einstein aside.

-I'm doing the best that I can, I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through, I'm ashamed of the person I Ghost Jam
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Old 01-11-2013, 03:31 AM   #95 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ghost Jam View Post
You can hate on the Beatles all day
I never said anything like that, in fact I wrote 'I don't hate any of those bands,...' including The Beatles. That's a straw man. I was going to give a longer response but after reading that I was like nevermind.
Originally Posted by mord View Post
Actually, I like you a lot, Nea. That's why I treat you like ****. It's the MB way.

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Old 01-11-2013, 03:53 AM   #96 (permalink)
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I think some people take the band in the wrong way, that's why they don't like them:

It is not about Kurt being the reluctant hero of his generation and similar...I suggest to stop giving attention to those definition as they were all written after Nirvana's crucial years.
What's great is the union of pop melodies and soft/low guitars: you can find yourself singing entire parts of Lithium, About A Girl or almost any other song... seems nothing special but it doesn't happen often and it's the main reason why bands from every genre of music become popular.

When I stopped trying to feel like Kurt when listening and started paying attention to the flow of his songs I realised they were an incredible band.


Where's the next Nirvana?
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Old 01-11-2013, 04:40 AM   #97 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I don't think it dilutes their quality, the band is what it is, but it certainly can make you sick and tired of hearing about them.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
There were plenty of bands that played louder faster harder and/or better than Nirvana. Unfortunately they have less recognition than the Melvins and no one brings them up. So I don't buy that idea "fame = diluted quality."
When I say dilute, I'm referring to the fact that a lot of people go off certain bands when they become famous, because they get fed up hearing the band on the radio or tv etc. Quite often they defend their opinion by saying the band are not all that great music wise and start to look for faults in the band. I'm not saying you guys are like this, but just saying it as a general statement based on observation over the years.

So you saying they are mind-blowing save for the fact they weren't original. What side are you on anyway? ... nevermind.
I'm on your side as always Led Zeppelin were mind blowing as well but not very original music wise either.

Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
Sure pearl jam is not a great rock band but they are a better band than Nirvana.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
I have heard other Nirvana songs that are not known but I can't recall since I don't care for rock music that much but maybe tomorrow I will tell you what "Nirvana" songs that I have heard.
Amazing how somebody that knows jack shite about rock music and has probably only heard a couple of songs off the radio by either band, can then make sweeping statements such as the above.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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Old 01-11-2013, 08:58 AM   #98 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ghost Jam View Post
Yes. I am aware the Velvets are not from the UK.

Thanks, though.

I am also aware that music existed before 1967.

Thanks again, though.

Clearly, we need you around to clear things up for everyone.

-It's Always the Same You're Jumping Someone Else's Ghost Jam
Dude, you're being unnecessarily douchey.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old 01-11-2013, 09:00 AM   #99 (permalink)
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I think it is to be expected of someone to be unreasonably douchey when they are arrogant enough to quote themselves in all of their posts.
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Old 01-11-2013, 09:11 AM   #100 (permalink)
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Gods know I've tried, but I've never liked this band in any of my numerous phases. Possibly the least interesting band that was part of the grunge explosion.
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