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Mr. Charlie 11-07-2013 09:30 AM

Sorry my insignificant opinion riled you so. It's just thoughts.

Sansa Stark 11-07-2013 09:31 AM

yeah i'm clearly riled if i take two seconds to post a one sentence response and a gif.

butthead aka 216 11-07-2013 09:34 AM

Oh the irony lol

On topic I dunno I don't really think of artists a lot outside of music

Mr. Charlie 11-07-2013 09:36 AM

Do you like adverts and talk shows?

Sansa Stark 11-07-2013 09:36 AM

do you know how creepy it is that you're so obsessed with me and never stop riding my dick?

Mr. Charlie 11-07-2013 09:39 AM

Haha. Who?

Sansa Stark 11-07-2013 09:40 AM

Haha not you, you posted seconds before I did.

Gollyard 11-07-2013 11:31 AM

Mark Sixma - makes music because he loves it and not because of the money

djchameleon 11-07-2013 06:09 PM

idk why people get all pretentious about musicians making money. You can survive in the real world if you aren't making money and it's a bonus to be making money doing something that you love. So what if they are already established and have made tons of money. If they can still make more why knock them for it?

people love to side with the image of a struggling artist that is so passionate about his craft but that same artist is barely getting by and probably starving/missing a few meals.

Mr. Charlie 11-07-2013 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1382045)
idk why people get all pretentious about musicians making money. You can survive in the real world if you aren't making money and it's a bonus to be making money doing something that you love. So what if they are already established and have made tons of money. If they can still make more why knock them for it?

I don't mind them making money from their art, from their talent - that makes people happy. But when they start selling cars and razors and home insurance, that makes people unhappy. Adverts are nothing but pervasive messages to consume, and that encourages dissatisfaction because we aren't content when we want. Adverts want us to feel unhappy, are designed to create the illusion that the hole in our lives, a hole they calculatingly help create, can be filled by buying their product.

I'll try not to turn this into a philosophical, ranting essay but adverts are a blight and a cancer on our species. They rob us of our heritage, rob us of our language, rob us of our connection to the planet and to nature, to reality, they hijack idols that stood for something good - for instance Che Guevara is used to sell Mercedes, Gandhi is used to sell Apple computers. Those were great men who stood for ideals, for important ideas like freedom and protest, their power should be used to inspire greatness, not reduced to selling the s**t that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying planet. 'The best a man can get' is used to sell gillette razors, what does that do to our language, how low a bar does that set for mankind? Adverts are evil.

Perhaps Bill Hicks says it better than I ever can. Now I don't want people killing themsleves like he suggests, but his passion and strong feeling, it rings true in my core:

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