Need help with a project that I'm working on...
I'm working on a pitch for a TV pilot, and in addition to the sizzle reel, I'm looking to cut together a short trailer. I want the song to be in the vein of "Jar of Hearts" in fact that song would be perfect if it wasn't a love song. The tone, how somber it is, the fact that it starts off almost a cappella is perfect, but again the lyrics kind of throw it off.
I thought I would try my luck here, as opposed to film/tv/movie web sites because hey, it's about music. To give you a better idea of what I'm going for, the show is a high concept drama, in the realm of The X-files, LOST, Fringe etc. what I'm looking to do is something similar to what LOST did around season 5 (if anyone remembers) as a promo with The Fray (minus the band of course), although mine is going to be more, dramatic and somber in tone.
I don't care if the music is old or new, or even more minimalist than the one I like, any help is very appreciated. Thank you in advance.