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Old 08-31-2012, 07:18 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Yes, I am, thanks. (Someone has been reading many of my posts.)

Another one that I like (but definitely don't love) is "Kids Wanna Rock," by Bryan Adams. But it's worse than probably every (longer) single from his heyday. Actually, better than one single from that era, the embarrasing and unsuccessful "Touch the Hand."

Last edited by sopsych; 08-31-2012 at 08:07 PM.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:03 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Yes, lovely Liz, I'm glad we're here to "fill" each other's "gaps."

Rocky: She fills gaps.
Paulie: What's 'gaps'?
Rocky: I dunno, she's got gaps, I got gaps, together we fill gaps.

I can see the devotional, agape love in you, Liz: you are altruistic, helpful, empathic, and sensitive toward all with whom I've seen you interact. I'm always grateful when you turn your gaze and attention on *me* so that I can benefit from them, smiling my way through MB due to corn-eating, lyrics-deciphering you.

Talking of gaps and friendship reminds me of two things, Liz: first, a line from a song I wrote two years ago ( ); second, the following short song by John Mayer, because it makes me think of you in the circle of my friends who defend the silver linings of life's clouds:

John Mayer - "Heart of Life" (Acoustic)
(It's *almost* less than 3 minutes long, so I'm only cheating a little by including it in the thread. I hope the OP doesn't get mad! )
A short song posted for Liz, who helps make the heart of life good:

John Mayer - Heart of Life (Acoustic) - YouTube

I'm glad to think I can make you smile.
Erica, thank you so much for posting that beautiful John Mayer song. I’d never heard it before, and I love the refrain, “I know the heart of life (love) is good.” You’ve brought that feeling to me every single time I’ve interacted with you. Your generous words towards me are true of YOU a million times over. I love you very much, Erica. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and for including me in your circle, which is a great privilege because I think you’re an amazing human being on so many levels. The highest of which is being so very loving and good-hearted, as you are, and which I value more than anything else in the whole world. I’m thrilled you put the link to your song “Twist” in your post; I happen to think they’re the best lyrics you’ve written. I love the image of the twisty-tie ring and the line you highlighted. You’re the best “gap-filler” going! (By the way, I’d forgotten that “Rocky” scene was between Rocky and his brother-in-law Paulie. I searched for it on YouTube and found it took place in a meat-packing plant. I felt bad when I realized that. Sorry!)

You definitely did make me smile, lovely Erica. Which you always do. Thank you.

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Old 09-01-2012, 01:35 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sopsych View Post
Yes, I am, thanks. (Someone has been reading many of my posts.)

Another one that I like (but definitely don't love) is "Kids Wanna Rock," by Bryan Adams. But it's worse than probably every (longer) single from his heyday. Actually, better than one single from that era, the embarrasing and unsuccessful "Touch the Hand."
Heh heh, that would be me. I always read every post in threads I start and also listen to all the songs people post in them...which makes me relieved that *I* wasn't the one who asked the innocent question, "Anyone else dislike most long songs?" since so many long songs I wouldn't want to listen to in their entirety were posted in response!

I'm not very familiar with Bryan Adams' music, so I don't think I'd ever heard the short "Kids Wanna Rock" before or the longer "Touch the Hand," which manages to be peculiarly feminist yet non-feminist at the same time. (The only songs by Bryan Adams that I definitely like are "Summer of '69," my favorite because of the nostalgia, and "Run to You," which I remember well because it was played so often on the radio back in its day.)

* * *

Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
Erica, thank you so much for posting that beautiful John Mayer song. I’d never heard it before, and I love the refrain, “I know the heart of life (love) is good.” You’ve brought that feeling to me every single time I’ve interacted with you. Your generous words towards me are true of YOU a million times over. I love you very much, Erica. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and for including me in your circle, which is a great privilege because I think you’re an amazing human being on so many levels. The highest of which is being so very loving and good-hearted, as you are, and which I value more than anything else in the whole world. I’m thrilled you put the link to your song “Twist” in your post; I happen to think they’re the best lyrics you’ve written. I love the image of the twisty-tie ring and the line you highlighted. You’re the best “gap-filler” going! (By the way, I’d forgotten that “Rocky” scene was between Rocky and his brother-in-law Paulie. I searched for it on YouTube and found it took place in a meat-packing plant. I felt bad when I realized that. Sorry!)

You definitely did make me smile, lovely Erica. Which you always do. Thank you.

Aw shucks. Thank you for saying all that, Liz. I feel the same about you.

You give me something to look forward to, and you remind me that there is still joy yet to be had in life. It isn't all just downhill. Thank you, Liz. Feeling an effortless, reciprocal connection with someone is rare for me, yet when it happens, as with you, I treasure it as long as I can. Here's another Rocky reference for you: "Liz! Erica! Liz! Erica! Liz. Erica."

I wish I could take credit for the twisty-tie ring idea, but it actually goes to Freebase Dali. A couple years ago one of our members asked for advice on selection of an engagement ring for his girlfriend. Freebase mentioned in the thread how he would know he had found someone to marry when she was happy with a twisty-tie ring. I thought that was such a charming, romantic idea that I wrote the song based on it. Of course, I reversed genders because I liked the additional twist in the story of the woman's proposing, since that goes against the norm.

You deserve a twisty-tie ring and so much more, Liz! I'm glad that John Mayer's "Heart of Life" gives you some of the emotion that I feel for you. (See, even when I go off topic, I try to relate back to the thread's subject matter! I'm sneaky like that. )

Love, Erica

* * *

Back to more short songs...I thought I had run out of short songs that I love, but last night I looked up the length of all the Beatles songs I adore, and, lo and behold, I found two that are under three minutes long, with a third that is just over:

The Beatles - "Julia," "In My Life," and "Here Comes The Sun"

"Julia" - I love this song's tender, peaceful, dreamy sound and its idea that the feeling of love can't always be put into words ("Half of what I say is meaningless but I say it just to reach you, Julia").

The Beatles-Julia - YouTube

"In My Life" - I imagined this feeling even before I'd experienced it, and so when I was a child I liked the song for opening to me a view of life that I hadn't yet lived. Now I love the song because I see in retrospect how true it is.

In My Life - YouTube

"Here Comes The Sun" is just a few seconds over 3 minutes, but I'll count it as a short song because this is my favorite song of happiness, hope, and life renewed:

The Beatles- Here Comes The Sun - YouTube
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 11-14-2012 at 07:02 PM.
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Old 09-01-2012, 01:41 PM   #64 (permalink)
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and more from me as well:


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Old 09-01-2012, 01:58 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Erica, thanks for explaining the genesis of the twisty-tie ring as being Freebase Dali's idea. I often read and post on the fly and didn't know that (I should be more thoughtful and conscientious in reading threads, as you always are). Anyway, it's a nice symbol and I love the way you incorporated it into your song. As for me, I don't think I ever want another ring again (twisty-tie or otherwise!) -- I'm sort of overwhelmed as it stands! But thank you for saying I would "deserve" one. The Beatles composed many great short songs and thanks for posting those three. Btw, those opening lines of "Julia" paraphase Kahlil Gibran's poem "Sand and Foam".
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:58 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Old 09-03-2012, 01:19 PM   #67 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mrd00d View Post
and more from me as well:
Thanks for more, Mrd00d. Rap isn't a genre I usually listen to, so Hieroglyphics' songs and the one by A Plus were the perfect length for me.

I especially like A Plus' "Road Trippin'" with the acoustic guitar and combination of rap and singing. Having "snacks and supplies" is a good thing. That's a catchy little song.

I also like the "Road Trippin'" video. It reminds me of how, when driving on the highway and looking at all the other people in their cars, I often wonder what their stories are, where they are going, who they love. So many stories and lives out there!! I wonder how many of the cars I've seen on the highway contained rap singers.

* * *

Originally Posted by llllllllllllllllllll View Post

Thank you, ||||||||||||||||||||, for adding the Mountain Goats' "Going to Georgia." I like how their song sounds both relaxed and driven. The lyrics are evocative, especially the first lines, which I like very much: "The most remarkable thing about coming home to you is the feeling of being in motion again. It's the most extraordinary thing in the world." <-- That's a wonderful feeling when one feels it due to someone.

* * *

Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
As for me, I don't think I ever want another ring again (twisty-tie or otherwise!) -- I'm sort of overwhelmed as it stands! But thank you for saying I would "deserve" one. The Beatles composed many great short songs and thanks for posting those three. Btw, those opening lines of "Julia" paraphase Kahlil Gibran's poem "Sand and Foam".
I didn't know (or remember) that my favorite line from The Beatles' "Julia" was based on Kahlil Gibran's poem "Sand and Foam" (Sand and Foam by Kahlil Gibran). Thank you for telling me, Liz. Making references to other artistic expressions is one way that short songs can expand beyond their enclosures and take on greater significance and meaning...and I would have completely missed the way "Julia" does this if not for you.

"Sand and Foam" is a fascinating amalgamation of insights into self-expression and connection with others. Now I understand why Lennon sings, "Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it just to reach you": he is trying to express what is most real about himself.

From the poem:
"The reality of the other person is not in what he reveals to you, but in what he cannot reveal to you.
Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he does not say.
Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you."

Gibran's "Sand and Foam" poem had many other lines that resonate with me, such as these:

"There is a space between man's imagination and man's attainment that may only be traversed by his longing."
"You are blind and I am deaf and dumb, so let us touch hands and understand."
"Should you really open your eyes and see, you would behold your image in all images.
And should you open your ears and listen, you would hear your own voice in all voices."

About twisty-tie rings. You're welcome. Of course you deserve a twisty-tie (or any other type of) ring. If you don't think you want a ring, maybe you'd like a twisty-tie sculpture! An internet search showed me today that I wasn't the first to think of making sculptures from twist ties. Check these out, Liz:

Primitive twist tie animals
Charmingly small but complete, like beloved short songs are:

Twist tie bird (also incorporating cardboard) by James Grashow
This sculpture reminds me of how short songs turn something that is minimalistic (a limited number of notes aka twist ties, a limited amount of space, aka minutes) into a thing of exquisite beauty.

* * *

Yesterday I found out that one of my *favorite songs of all time* almost qualifies as a short song (3:01), and so I will include it. This song reminds me of a beautiful twist tie bird:

John Lennon - "Imagine"
I adore this song for its lovely sound and sentiment

John Lennon, imagine - YouTube
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 09-03-2012 at 03:23 PM.
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Old 09-04-2012, 01:50 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Gibran's "Sand and Foam" poem had many other lines that resonate with me, such as these:

"There is a space between man's imagination and man's attainment that may only be traversed by his longing."
"You are blind and I am deaf and dumb, so let us touch hands and understand."
"Should you really open your eyes and see, you would behold your image in all images.
And should you open your ears and listen, you would hear your own voice in all voices."
Those lines resonate with me too, Erica. This one also really gets to me:
"If the other person laughs at you, you can pity him; but if you laugh at him you may never forgive yourself.
If the other person injures you, you may forget the injury; but if you injure him you will always remember.
In truth the other person is your most sensitive self given another body."

I love Kahlil Gibran's writings; The Prophet is one of my favorite books of all time. Here's a link, if you're interested in reading it:

If you don't think you want a ring, maybe you'd like a twisty-tie sculpture! An internet search showed me today that I wasn't the first to think of making sculptures from twist ties. Check these out, Liz:

Primitive twist tie animals
Charmingly small but complete, like beloved short songs are:

Twist tie bird (also incorporating cardboard) by James Grashow
This sculpture reminds me of how short songs turn something that is minimalistic (a limited number of notes aka twist ties, a limited amount of space, aka minutes) into a thing of exquisite beauty.

(((Erica))), thank you for cheering my (shortenened!) lunch hour with those adorable twisty-tie sculptures (I love those!) and gorgeous James Grashow twisty-tie (and cardboard) bird. I'll have to look up some of Grashow's other work. And now, also thanks to you, I'm listening to "Imagine" through earbuds -- the song's sentiments remind me so much of you and your beliefs.

Last edited by ribbons; 09-04-2012 at 02:02 PM. Reason: provided link and corrected a word
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Old 09-05-2012, 07:57 AM   #69 (permalink)
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I Just Want To See His Faceby The Rolling Stones.
Three Girl Rhumba by The Wire.
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Old 09-05-2012, 05:42 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
Those lines resonate with me too, Erica. This one also really gets to me:
"If the other person laughs at you, you can pity him; but if you laugh at him you may never forgive yourself.
If the other person injures you, you may forget the injury; but if you injure him you will always remember.
In truth the other person is your most sensitive self given another body."

I love Kahlil Gibran's writings; The Prophet is one of my favorite books of all time. Here's a link, if you're interested in reading it: The PROPHET, by Kahlil Gibran

(((Erica))), thank you for cheering my (shortenened!) lunch hour with those adorable twisty-tie sculptures (I love those!) and gorgeous James Grashow twisty-tie (and cardboard) bird. I'll have to look up some of Grashow's other work. And now, also thanks to you, I'm listening to "Imagine" through earbuds -- the song's sentiments remind me so much of you and your beliefs.
Thank you, (((Liz))), for the (corrected) link to Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet. I have read the first two sections so far and was touched to recognize a quote that I know and love for its truth but had not realized came from this book:

"For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth."

I also like and agree very much with the passage you quoted from "Sand and Foam." I have found those lines to be so very true for me: the few times I have responded out of anger by trying to hurt someone emotionally because I felt hurt by him or her, I felt very ashamed and low afterwards, and so I try to avoid lashing out. I realized it was better to just say, "I feel hurt by what you said" without trying to attack back. I always admire people's self-control and maturity when they have learned not to lash out in revenge. And then, if they do, the other thing I admire is when people admit they were wrong and apologize!

I'm glad you liked the twist tie sculptures! Yes, "Imagine" reflects my beliefs. What short song can you think of, if there is one, that best reflects yours?

Thinking of your beliefs, Liz, I'm reminded now of a poem I wrote (long ago) for a significant other who believed in an all-loving spiritual being or creator. I wanted to bridge the religious distance between him and me and show him that we weren't so very different. My poem, "A Thought," ended like this:

* * * * *

If I am wrong and you are right
that after death there is no night,
but rather the reception in a world
where love and joy abound
infinitely more so than on this ground;

and if each bloom were God's gift for us to see,
and the milkweed's hidden silk a sign that we are loved;

and if it were with purpose that this world of ours
feeds us honey and milk,
if there were purpose and goodness in everything,

then life for me would be like a dream,
for I'll be part of the same thought, too,
that in the mind of god made me and you.

* * * * *

Speaking of gods...

Hey, I just checked and found out that Marc Bolan's song "Lady" is *under three minutes long*!!! Lucky me.

T. Rex - "Lady"

T Rex Lady 1972 with lyrics - YouTube

^ They got the lyrics wrong, BTW. It isn't a "gangrene train."

Here's a darling picture of Mr. Bolan that I hadn't seen before! I like him. Have I mentioned before that I like him? Yes, I think I have.

Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 09-05-2012 at 06:12 PM. Reason: I noticed the slight boo boo in the lyrics in that video. :)
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