Anyone Else Dislike Most Long Songs? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 08-23-2012, 06:14 AM   #221 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wisdom View Post
This never was meant to be a debate thread, and certainly not about Dio's singing.
Sorry, but the banter comes hand in hand with the music. That's kind of the whole concept of this place.
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Old 08-23-2012, 07:03 AM   #222 (permalink)
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this thread is literally what i read when i'm waiting for my relief (ironically) the posts are getting longer and longer

so just for the hell of it...

to the op....seriously man i think its awesome you dislike "most" long songs....long being anything over 6 minutes....i could not disagree with you more

i prefer long songs

matter of fact i prefer very very very very repetitive long songs....out of the last three albums i bought one one has more than three songs and one of them is a 40 minute single track.....and let me tell that track is amazing....same guitar riff all the way through, same drums all the way through.....and a ton of fucked up electronic weirdness....and to be honest at this moment i cannot get enough of it....i want this song played at my funeral

also to the op....i agree with you on Dio....i think he sucked....its an opinion

i also agree with janszoon....when it comes to long songs for the most part they are far from relaxing and boring....quite the opposite....the one i mentioned above literally sounds like the world ending....and there are no lyrics at all....some of the best metal just ignores the fact that words may be needed

and the whole thing about good bands being on tv....i think i could quickly write up bands that should never be on tv....starting with QUICKSAND!

whom by chance just appeared on the Jimmy Fallon show...promoting an album they released in was like watching your best friend high on heroin
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Old 08-23-2012, 07:10 AM   #223 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
matter of fact i prefer very very very very repetitive long songs....out of the last three albums i bought one one has more than three songs and one of them is a 40 minute single track.....and let me tell that track is amazing....same guitar riff all the way through, same drums all the way through.....and a ton of fucked up electronic weirdness....and to be honest at this moment i cannot get enough of it....i want this song played at my funeral
Alright, I have to know what album you're talking about.
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Old 08-23-2012, 07:13 AM   #224 (permalink)
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Default is mind changing


ok ok i lied it's 36 minutes

edit: and it starts again....soooo f-in good
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Old 08-23-2012, 08:42 AM   #225 (permalink)
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I can't add much more than was perfectly summed up in Trollheart's post in #219, but I just wanted to say that in the short time I've been around here, it seems that many of the people here say "Yes" to music and don't have the litany of "No"s that I see in the posts from "wisdom" (the oxymoron has been noted). Love of music comes from growth and openness - not picky exclusions because you just don't have the time. Solely time-based exclusionary thinking is not love of music or sound anymore than you'd say "Sorry honey, I love you, but could you just cut to the chase 'cause I really don't have time for you." There are just too many other bizarre inconsistencies in the OP's comments, but Trollheart covered the basics that matter, so I won't go on.

...BTW, it's, "Blinded By the Light"...

Last edited by rostasi; 08-23-2012 at 09:02 AM.
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Old 08-23-2012, 09:41 AM   #226 (permalink)
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Some great song longer than 6 minutes out there. How about these 2:

Black Crippled Pheonix
We Forgotten Who We Are by Crippled Black Phoenix on Spotify

Yndi Halda
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Old 08-23-2012, 09:53 AM   #227 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Wisdom View Post

I base my observation on having listened to at least 5000 songs in my life. I grant you that maybe a longer song demands a slightly longer sample.
First of all tl;dr. Second of all if that is the dismal amount of songs you have listened too then you really can't say you are that knowledgeable about music. I've also noticed your tastes are limited too power metal and you avoid reaching out to more diverse music of all genres. My advice to you is to stop repeating the same droll opinions and get some more experience.

Oh and trollheart, you said halfway through the thread that you would stop bothering to argue with wisdom but you continued to get annoyed with him as though your trying to out do him. Time to move on I think. Keep it clean with the personal attacks too, calling him arrogant is not showing a mature debate.
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Old 08-23-2012, 11:03 AM   #228 (permalink)
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Why can't a metal singer be expected to sing well? Plenty of people can sing powerfully and still tunefully. People here telling me to like things that humans aren't naturally inclined to like....

FYI, I like almost every popular genre from the 80's, rock and pop the most. Since then, some music in the pop and rock realms has appealed to me, but little else.

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Old 08-23-2012, 11:13 AM   #229 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wisdom View Post
it's strange to me that a list rating them seems to go mostly on power. Longevity, power, decent song-writing (for that genere), etc. might make Dio revered by some - but nobody is going to convince me he's good overall or that I should want to put up with a > 6-minute song from him. By the way, I looked him up for third-party opinions - I've become fairly familiar with him over the past two or three years, mainly spurred by VH1 Classic.
Why does that remotely seem strange? Metal is built around power, so its hardly surprising then, that most of its revered singers are going to be those with powerful voices.

You keep on dragging out Dio, as some kind of example for your weak debate. You don't like Dio, that's fine as not everybody is going to like the same vocalists, but there's no need to keep up this confused ruse of yours, about why Dio is so revered in metal circles, it just makes you look like a troll.

You don't seem to know too much about 70's music either, the longer song was usually the norm rather than the exception. Dio was from that era, 6 minute songs would've have been something he was well used to.

Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
I've also noticed your tastes are limited too power metal and you avoid reaching out to more diverse music of all genres. My advice to you is to stop repeating the same droll opinions and get
Wisdom likes power metal!!! But power metal is built around vocalists with powerful voices and Dio is a major influence on the genre
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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Old 08-23-2012, 12:25 PM   #230 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post

Oh and trollheart, you said halfway through the thread that you would stop bothering to argue with wisdom but you continued to get annoyed with him as though your trying to out do him. Time to move on I think. Keep it clean with the personal attacks too, calling him arrogant is not showing a mature debate.
Yo Vanilla. You're right, and I tried to stay out, but my inner buttinski won in the end. Some comments were made, particularly about metal and Dio, that I just couldn't let slide. Also, wisdom started crying about "why did we make this a thread about Dio" when it was him (him? Is it him?) who had done that, completely alone. I was just carrying on that part, but I would have been happy to have left it if he had.

And sorry, I think I am keeping it clean, considering what I could be calling him. Arrogant is the only word that fits when you say "Dio is (was) a lousy singer", not to mention the way wisdom has gone on here like his opinion is the only one that can possibly be right. Also not to mention that the attacks go both ways: just to defend one of the greatest heavy metal singers in the genre should not earn you a title of "sensitive fanboy". I'm not prepared to sit here and let him pi$$ all over my music, when he plainly knows little about it. And don't even get me started on prog rock! All I'm doing is defending my music's integrity: if you see that as an attack I'm sorry, but please remember it's not a one-sided one. And I'm being as restrained as I can.

Yeah, it may be immature in some ways, but damn it, if the cap fits...
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