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Duraddict 07-16-2012 11:32 AM

Artists you used to like but no longer do.
I got this from a Vinyl Community (YouTube) thread. Just loved the idea.

Are there any artists you used to love but now cannot bear to listen to? It could be because it holds painful memories for you, or maybe their music just does nothing for you anymore.

Best example for me is Björk. Everything after Medulla just disappointed me.

Urban Hat€monger ? 07-16-2012 11:35 AM

I'll admit to liking some real crappy music because I really don't care what people think.

But the fact at one point in my life I rated the first 2 Smashing Pumpkins albums causes me physical pain every time I think about it.

SGR 07-16-2012 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ? (Post 1209072)
I'll admit to liking some real crappy music because I really don't care what people think.

But the fact at one point in my life I rated the first 2 Smashing Pumpkins albums causes me physical pain every time I think about it.

What do you mean by "rated" them? And Gish and Siamese Dream kick ass!

Freebase Dali 07-16-2012 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ? (Post 1209072)
I'll admit to liking some real crappy music because I really don't care what people think.

But the fact at one point in my life I rated the first 2 Smashing Pumpkins albums causes me physical pain every time I think about it.

Condolences. Fortunately for me, I've always hated Corgan's voice so much that I never allowed myself to give the band a chance.
Unfortunately, though, I used to like Godsmack when they came out, so any vindication I would have had from not liking the Pumpkins is effectively nullified.

Mrd00d 07-16-2012 05:17 PM

So... let me think back to when I was ~12-16 and what I kind of pretend didn't happen:

New Found Glory. Shoot me. It was my first concert too. When I was about 12. I tell people my first concert was Nuclear Rabbit, but that wasn't until I was 14 or 15.

Godsmack for me as well. There are still some tunes I think are bearable, but generally haven't gone their way in years and years.

Disturbed. I was big on the album with Voices and Down With the Sickness. When their newer albums came out ... 10,000 fists ... I was really put off and didn't look back. Now, not only do I think their newer albums are/were ****e, I also think their old albums were ****e. I theoretically could get down to that particular album again, but I now have better albums that get me pumped up that I can relate to more...

Hmm... Dave Matthews Band... I don't dislike them now, but I was much more into them when I was <15. I remember getting **** from kids in middle school for liking them. My mom got me into them. I heard their latest album after Leroi died and thought it was decent (at best). Carter Beauford is still one hell of a drummer, and they still have their badass horn guy (or whatever that is [nothin beats the solo on Crush]

Kottonmouth Kings - not much explanation necessary. I liked them before I smoked, and I don't know why. Once I started smoking, I thought it was cool for about 20 minutes and then I retired it. Where's the weed at? Its in my backpack but you cant touch that oohhhhh. Gets old. Music specifically about weed... exclusively... is unnecessary. Nothing wrong with a song or two but if that's your whole music gimmick, or if thats your life, I dunno... I respect the concept of smoking, growing, trimming, and distributing as a career and/or hobby, but try to have more going on top of that.

Mindless Self Indulgence - Still bring a smile to my face. I had to delete them from my computer not because I didn't like them anymore but because I basically felt too old to be listening to such childish stuff. But hell, gotta love their Tom Sawyer cover, and that Bring the Pain cover. And some of their originals are pretty cool. Frontman is a nutter though.

Static X/Wayne Static - Even gave his new solo album a chance and it wasn't bad. It's certainly for a teenage audience, more or less.

Hmm... That's all I can think of at the moment...

Vertigo 07-17-2012 01:45 AM

I could really only say Radiohead and U2. That's not to say that I still don't like their earlier work, just in their current forms. U2 went downhill after Pop and Radiohead after Kid A.

I could name a lot more bands that I used to listen to that I don't anymore

Howard the Duck 07-17-2012 03:28 AM

Guns N Roses?

though i still love "November Rain"

Deviouz 07-17-2012 03:41 AM

Jay-Z, Kanye West. = Sell outs.

Goofle 07-17-2012 04:09 AM

I assume we are discounting the stuff you used to like as a kid, when you had no choice other than to listen to what was played around the house?

If so, I will admit to liking Green Day quite a lot. Never obsessed, I just liked a lot of their songs, and were easy to play on guitar/bass. I could probably throw on Dookie and enjoy it to be honest.

Rjinn 07-17-2012 04:26 AM

Mostly every hip hop artist. I'm still into Fragile from Yes but not so much the band anymore. Bruce Springsteen, Green Day, Opeth, Limp Bizkit (what was wrong with me...) and Michael Jackson.

SGR 07-17-2012 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1209171)
Condolences. Fortunately for me, I've always hated Corgan's voice so much that I never allowed myself to give the band a chance.
Unfortunately, though, I used to like Godsmack when they came out, so any vindication I would have had from not liking the Pumpkins is effectively nullified.

You really should give them a chance. Possibly my favorite band. They've made some AMAZING albums.

Green Day did one amazing album and that album is "Insomniac". Everything else they've done I can take or leave, but that album is great.

Blarobbarg 07-17-2012 08:32 AM

Several, all for the same reason. I used to be a huge fan of Ozzy, Metallica and Iron Maiden. Due to overexposure when I began to seriously explore music, I can't stand listening to them except in VERY rare circumstances. Like, maybe once every several months. I don't technically dislike them... I'm just incredibly burnt out, and can think of millions of things I'd rather listen to.

Janszoon 07-17-2012 08:40 AM

Incubus. I got Make Yourself shortly after it came out, and I loved it. Shortly after that I got S.C.I.E.N.C.E., and I loved that even more. After that they went on to suck so bad that I completely lost interest in them. Now it's to the point where I don't think I even really like Make Yourself or S.C.I.E.N.C.E. very much any more.

Duraddict 07-17-2012 09:11 AM

Joni Mitchell. Sell-out hypocrite. Can't stand her.

Also, Gregory Douglass. I had met him before, and he was a sweetheart. But when I stayed late with a friend (and a newly converted fan) after one of his shows to introduce them, he completely brushed us off. Now, this was a black box theater that held maybe 30 people. 15 of them disappeared immediately after the show, and the other half of us stayed for chatting. He talked to every single person except us. He just... walked into the back room with the manager. And his cellist just looked at us like "...ouch. Sorry." It was embarrassing. Needless to say, my friend and I are no longer fans after that.

Limetless 07-17-2012 10:03 AM

I'm with you on Hawthorne Heights. From first to last, Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, yellowcard, the Killers (only like Hot Fuss).

Deviouz 07-17-2012 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Limetless (Post 1209409)
I'm with you on Hawthorne Heights. From first to last, Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, yellowcard, the Killers (only like Hot Fuss).

Yup. I lost touch with The Killers aswell. Hot Fuss was a solid album, Coldplays new sound is alright though, imo.

Duraddict 07-17-2012 10:10 AM

Agreed with The Killers. Day & Age was decent, but Sam's Town was total crap and the new single is another Bruce rip-off.

CanwllCorfe 07-17-2012 10:18 AM

Mudvayne (though I only liked L.D. 50), The Black Dahlia Murder (though I only liked Unhallowed), Cusco, Armin van Buuren, Coldplay, System of a Down, Tiesto, and I can't really think of anyone else right now.

The Batlord 07-17-2012 10:41 AM

Back when I was like twelve, Limp Bizkit was actually my favorite band. I wish I could go back in time and kick my own ass.

Janszoon 07-17-2012 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1209420)
Back when I was like twelve, Limp Bizkit was actually my favorite band. I wish I could go back in time and kick my own ass.

I wish I could go back in time and kick your ass too.

The Batlord 07-17-2012 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1209421)
I wish I could go back in time and kick your ass too.

We can go together. I'll tell you all of my biggest fears so we can truly make my life a living hell.

Unknown Soldier 07-17-2012 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1209420)
Back when I was like twelve, Limp Bizkit was actually my favorite band. I wish I could go back in time and kick my own ass.

They're Howard's favourite band and he ain't twelve.

The Batlord 07-17-2012 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1209424)
They're Howard's favourite band and he ain't twelve.

Coulda fooled me. :laughing:

Janszoon 07-17-2012 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1209424)
They're Howard's favourite band and he ain't twelve.

Okay, we fly to Malaysia first, then we travel back in time.

Frownland 07-17-2012 11:08 AM

I used to listen to a lot of Korn, Limp Biskit, Van Halen, Disturbed, ABBA, Tim McGraw, and much more music that I can't stand today, but that's part of the learning process in a music career, and it's probably helped me gain the taste that I have today in some minute manner.

Or maybe not.

Unknown Soldier 07-17-2012 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1209427)
Okay, we fly to Malaysia first, then we travel back in time.

That sounds complicated.

The Batlord 07-17-2012 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1209429)
That sounds complicated.

Wait, you had nothing to say when we were just talking about time travel, but now that international travel is involved...?

Unknown Soldier 07-17-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1209431)
Wait, you had nothing to say when we were just talking about time travel, but now that international travel is involved...?

Foreign airlines innit and dodgy airline food.

littlemouse 07-17-2012 11:29 AM

Oh dear... In no particular order:
Green Day, two songs of Linkin Park's, Good Charlotte, Tokio Hotel...:o:

LoathsomePete 07-17-2012 11:46 AM

When I was a little younger, around 18-21 I was really ashamed and pretty embarrassed by some of the bands I use to listen to, but now it's kind of fun to look back and laugh at what I thought was soooooo cool when I was younger.

Like many other people who came of age in the late '90's/early '00's I owned my fair share of nu metal albums. It wasn't really cause I was in love with the genre, I just liked heavy music and besides all the old stuff, it didn't really seem like there was anything other than what was on the radio. Here's some of the albums I listened to on a somewhat regular basis.

Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish in the Hot Dog Flavored Water
Disturbed - Believe
Stabbing Westward - Darkest Days
Slipknot - Slipknot and Iowa

Duraddict 07-17-2012 12:18 PM

Man. All the Limp Bizkit fans. Embarrassing...

But the again, I used to like S Club 7.

Janszoon 07-17-2012 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Duraddict (Post 1209446)
Man. All the Limp Bizkit fans. Embarrassing...

But the again, I used to like S Club 7.

I had never even heard of S Club 7 until someone on here brought it up a couple weeks ago.

Duraddict 07-17-2012 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1209447)
I had never even heard of S Club 7 until someone on here brought it up a couple weeks ago.

That's something to be proud of.

Urban Hat€monger ? 07-17-2012 12:47 PM

S Club 7 made some great pop songs

Goofle 07-17-2012 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ? (Post 1209454)
S Club 7 made some great pop songs

As did 5ive. Probably the only pop band I am happy to say I was a genuine fan of.

Rjinn 07-17-2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1209383)
Incubus. I got Make Yourself shortly after it came out, and I loved it. Shortly after that I got S.C.I.E.N.C.E., and I loved that even more. After that they went on to suck so bad that I completely lost interest in them. Now it's to the point where I don't think I even really like Make Yourself or S.C.I.E.N.C.E. very much any more.

Agreed. Their first two albums were great. Fungus Amungus was definitely their most funkiest album, then took a good turn with S.C.I.E.N.C.E in a more alternative way.. After that the rest blows. Shame. They had a lot of potential than they used.

Duraddict 07-17-2012 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ? (Post 1209454)
S Club 7 made some great pop songs

I'd say they made two. :P And I love crappy pop music. S Club just didn't stick with me. Haha.

duga 07-17-2012 03:37 PM

I'll join the Limp Bizkit crowd. I listened to some other nu metal stuff, but nothing as embarrassing as that. Hell, I'll even give the Korn debut some cred even though I don't listen to them anymore.

And I'm with you on Incubus, Jans. Although I still do pop on SCIENCE every once in a while...those riffs still hold up when I'm in the right mood.

Mrd00d 07-17-2012 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1209383)
Incubus. I got Make Yourself shortly after it came out, and I loved it. Shortly after that I got S.C.I.E.N.C.E., and I loved that even more. After that they went on to suck so bad that I completely lost interest in them. Now it's to the point where I don't think I even really like Make Yourself or S.C.I.E.N.C.E. very much any more.

Yeah, I don't know why they had to cash out, but their early albums, the 90s stuff, endures. I don't listen to it all the time by any means, but I'd be a little sad if I never heard Aqueous Transmission again. Or even Psychopsilocibin. There's at least 5-10 songs I'd save and trash the rest.

I'll chime in with more:

I had Limp Bizkit's Chocolate Starfish and 3 dolla bill y'all. X)

I had eminem's first few hits. I really dislike him now. I was over Eminem by 2003. It was mediocre.

U2, as was mentioned. More of a mom influence, but yea, forget that.

Alfred 07-17-2012 04:03 PM

I used to like classic rock in general, nowadays even The Who and Pink Floyd don't get a whole lot of play.

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