Originally Posted by TheSpaceCowboy
What do you think of the music that is performed and sung today compared to the 50's, 60's, 70's etc.. I personally cannot stand it. I am 16 years old, and I cannot stand the music that all my friends/classmates listen to. Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Lil Wayne, Wocka Flocka, etc.. it's ****!! I mean ALMOST every rap song nowadays is either about gettin money, sex, ****ing bitches, smoking blunts, and partying. What happened to rap like 2pac that had beautiful poetry and sings songs about life? What happened to Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, Aerosmith? Why does the younger generation of people listen to the that nonsense crap? Post your opinions.
I agree. Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Lil Wayne, Wocka Flocka, etc. are **** imo and radios suck.
Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, and wtf is Aerosmith?

K, I heard the first 3 last summer and that was lame imo. Well Pink Floyd was really cool but the music now is amazing!

It's tons better than any old music I've listened to and there's soooo many new styles. If I think about music I think about Sum 41, Linkin Park, Sonic Syndicate, Attack Attack!, Wasted Penguinz, Five Finger Death Punch, Cradle of Filth, Gorillaz, Cage the Elephant, and tons more.

So yeah the music now is tons better now. imo.