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I don't like Music.
Hi Everyone,
My name is (for the purposes of this forum) HAL9000, I'm a new member, but didn't want to have an introductory thread in the other section, I thought I'd just jump straight into the reason I joined. I, for all intents and purposes do not like Music. It doesn't speak to me, I see little to no value in it (with the exception of it adding something to movies / films) there are truly no bands / groups / artists that I like, that I would consider spending money on going to see or purchasing an album. I thought this would be a good place to discuss it, after finding the forum. I'd really appreciate a reasonable conversation, rather than any abuse. I'm a reasonable person and I'm here not just because I'd like to discuss this with music fans, but that I thought maybe some of you would like to talk to me. I'm trying to find if there is some music that I would like, I've found that I very much appreciate the technical skill that goes into playing a music instrument or in construction a piece of music without it sounding disjointed. I don't hate music, it doesn't offend or irritate me, rather it's just nothing, just some sound, if it were removed from the world it wouldn't effect me. The main reason I'd like to find some music is that I hate silence, I listen to the radio every time I'm in the car, I listen to whatever's in the charts, I know the words to a lot of them, because I hear them over and over again, but I don't think the stuff is good or bad, it's just music. Recently I've started to listen to classical music, that way I don't end up with a head full of useless lyrics and (as I said before) I can appreciate the technical skill of the performers / composers. Before anyone asks if I'm an emotion-less robot, that's not the case, I adore painting and architecture (my two favourite art forms) and I got to galleries on the odd occasion, I'm a huge film fan, cinema is one of the biggest joys in my life and I imagine that without music it wouldn't be what it is, so I suppose I'd keep art in the world for that reason. All the music I have on my iPhone are film themes, purely because they remind me of the films, not because they are good songs / music. So.... Any ideas? Thanks in advance. HAL |
Have you ever seen the movie Mary and Max? Your writing reminds me of it.
As for suggestions. Try music from around the world. See if any of it makes you feel good. You won't be able to understand the lyrics, so the lyrics won't bother you. enjoy |
I would suggest a different forum to be honest.
Haven't seen Mary and Max, I'll look it up. :) Quote:
Also, if you don't like music but hate silence, maybe you should consider listening to talk radio, podcasts, or audio books. |
Quite frankly everything about your post reeks of yet another attempt at trolling the community, like a polar opposite of JayShreddz. You say you don't want to be called a robot but you choose HAL9000 as a username. You assume you'll be the recipient of abuse for being different. You flat out state you do not like music or recognize it's value aside from being an aural additive to an (implied) superior visual art style. Serious question - have you ever gotten your hearing checked? Having said that, I don't think you're a lost cause, but I think you have a poor attitude towards music and you might not necessarily end up feeling very satisfied with this place. Whatever. You say you've recently started enjoying Classical music as well as film soundtracks (even if it is 'secondary' enjoyment upon the reminiscence of some visual). At that point I'd suggest more Ambient Electronic stuff. In particular these 3 albums to get your started: Brian Eno - Music for Airports Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 (Vol. 1 is also good but 2 fits your description better). Boards of Canada - Geogaddi |
good suggestions!
At the risk of sounding insulting you're probably either Tone deaf, (this article should help Tone Deaf People Subconsciously Recognize Incorrect Notes) or you have very little imagination.
P.S. I chose HAL9000 purely because it happens to be my name on other forums. |
First of all, I need to ask you, when you hear music, can you identify some sort of mood that it conveys? I'm not asking if you can feel that mood. I can see you can't, but do you know what mood its trying to convey? Feeling the message of the music can only come after knowing the message of the music, which can both change throughout a song, be conveyed by rapidly changing moods in the song (the stuff that comes to my mind for this one isn't for a noobie, but still) or slowly be painted by a song.
Second of all, you said music can add to a movie, but why can it? Can it paint an image in your mind that's strikingly close to what you see on screen? I definitely see pictures in my mind when I listen to music. Third Quote:
I don't really know where to go from here execpt post a bunch of music I think is awesome that hopefully you might too. Other MB'ers will laugh at me because my knowledge of music is minimal compared to theirs, but nonetheless, here I am visiting the top part of this post after the rest of it done wondering if I'm insane for taking the time to compile all this (basically my entire taste) for someone who probably won't care at all. Oh well, as much as I'm twitching my eye angry at myself that I was... in a way, cocky enough to do this, thinking my taste was so awesome, I just did it, so I'm gonna post it. I'd be surprised if you didn't find something anyways, and if nothing else, I have a nice little Bullet compilation now... Here goes... Rock/Metal Metallica- Fade to Black Guns 'N Roses- November Rain Jimi Hendrix-Voodoo Chile Bang Camaro- Push Push Lady Lightning Dream Theater- 6:00 Muse- Exogenesis, Pt.1 Blind Faith- Can't Find My Way Home Ozzy Osbourne- Bark At The Moon Buckethead- Soothsayer Sixx A.M.- Life is Beautiful Radiohead- 15 Step The Police- Synchronicity (Live) (Two parts) Nirvana- Something in the Way Queen- Somebody To Love AC/DC- Ride On Crush 40- Song of Hope Messhuggah- ObZen Led Zepplin- Achillies Last Stand The Beatles- I Want You (She's So Heavy) Jazz Miles Davis- Blue in Green Bill Frisell- Disfarmer Theme ElectronicN Note: These songs really depend on sub-bass, and I'm not entirely sure earbuds support frequencies low enough to play these fairly. Ipod earbuds and laptop speakers def won't. At the very least, the Skream would be as butchered as a violin concierto without the violin. If your speakers can FAIRLY play the bass in thing, as in, you can clearly hear the notes sustain, you're fine. If not, I understand that you won't go out and buy even a cheap pair of headphones because its worthless to you (though hopefully by the end of this post it will be worth something,) so, I don't know, skip this section until you can borrow them from a friend or something? You could probably play these in your car or something. Excision and Savvy- Sleepless Skrillex- With You, Friends Skream- Dutch Flowerz Deadmau5- Unspecial Effects Hip-hop 2pac- Brenda's Got A Baby Spose- God Damn Nas and Damian Marley- Patience Eminem- Lose Yourself Beastie Boys- Lee Majors Come Again Classical Holst- Neptune Elgar- Nimrod And also, Mendolsohn. I'd post his piano concierto, but it'd be too long for something like this. Blues (This I'm really not an expert on, but I have a couple guys I like) Leadbelly- Salty Dog Robert Johnson- Crossroad Blues And because this doesn't really fit anywhere, this wouldn't be complete without MJ. Michael Jackson- Stranger in Moscow |
@Hal, just to let you know, I really won't be offended if you don't listen to everything I just posted in my... thing that I wrote when I was stilll trying to wake up, having had insomnia last night. |
I'll give some of this stuff a listen, later on this evening and get back to you :) |
-last.fm. Another site with online radio stations. Once you have a music collection and add it to your library, you can go listen to your Recommended station, which is comprised of artists similar to what you listen to (although it's not always accurate. I don't think that Sigur Rós are similar to Radiohead). -RateYourMusic. The custom charts can be useful if you're looking for specific genres, albums released in a certain year/decade, etc. |
Actually, I think the fact that you appreciate music when it's in films and shows and everything shows a little more than just "it being there."
Music is there for a reason. They don't just pick a random song and go with it. They search of one, try to get one that has a good feel to it, one that fits the situation. Start there, maybe you'll appreciate music once you realize how much work goes into it and goes into using it. On that note, I think going to a different forum is a bad idea. The people who said that are being rude. I would love to think that we're the reason you began to appreciate music. Any type of music. |
The music used in films is often atmospheric, helping to convey a message and accentuating the visual medium so. The popular music on the charts, while occasionally containing undeniable emotion and messages, is for its primary purpose meant to appeal to a wide audience. As such, it's not going to resonate with most as deeply as some other sorts of music, but it's still going to affect most in the form of foot tapping, head bobbing, or some other similar acknowledgment.
You say that you like the music from films, acknowledging that they seem to add something to the films. With that knowledge, I'm trying to find some songs that could potentially appeal to you. Atmospheric / Depressive Black Metal: Some of these have some screaming, but the ones selected are musically atmospheric and competent, and really do evoke strong emotions via the music itself. Woods of Desolation - Somehow... Midnight Odyssey - Never To Return Petrychor - Of Grandest Majesties Photophobia - If My World Ends Without You Heretoir - To Follow the Sun Shoegaze / Post-Rock / Dream Pop Several genres, just a few to represent their vibe My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes Ride - Seagull Seefeel - Spangle World's End Girlfriend - Garden In the Ceiling Mono - Moonlight Mazzy Star - Fade Into You Pale Saints - Shell Prog / Prog-ish Just a few of these. Porcupine Tree - Gravity Eyelids Dream Theater - As I Am Assorted Stuff Other things which came to mind David Lynch feat. Karen O - Pinky's Dream Tuxedomoon - The Cascade |
I've not come across many people that don't like music.
If you don’t like music, please don’t call yourself a human..
I would have thought making him sit through about 6 hours of youtube videos would put him off even more.
Can I ask what age you are?
What's your current favourite film soundtrack? |
What Urban said has a valid point, throwing tons of music vids at someone who has a hard time understanding music and how it makes them feel is not going to change their way of thinking so maybe throw something like this at you:
Does the film resonate more with you with the music? Does the marriage of audio and visual mediums bother you or do you welcome it? You state you are a film fan and I am not disputing that but many modern films (at least 1970 onwards) use contemporary music to accentuate the images presented and are often action/dialogue free so if you can still enjoy a film that employs this method then music does work for you even if it is subconsciously. Please bear in mind that I mean CONTEMPORARY music (that is music pre recorded and not scored for a movie) and therefore if you watch a movie and it excites your senses even if it's just on a visual level you are taking in the audio element whether conscious or not and you are a music fan but just don't know it yet ;) |
How does this strike you? |
Try classical music or (this won't impress music snobs) new age music.
There's really no polite way to ask this, but I've read that people who suffer from asperger's or other forms of autism don't appreciate music emotionally. They admire its technical components and may find it structurally beautiful, but are unable to build an emotional connection with a piece because they do not empathize as most people do.
Do you have asperger's syndrome? Do we have any members with it who would be willing to come forwards and relate their experience with music? |
Don't know if that has anything to do with anything, but throwing it out there. |
Bloody hells, what about one music suggestion per post and then you just make several posts with a proper introduction to each suggestion? That's just way too much youtube for one post in my opinion.
edit : Ehr, referring to The Bullet's post on page 1. |
I've noticed something about people who are incapable of appreciating music: they're usually obsessive gamers/basement dwellers.
My ex husband was one of those weirdos. Good riddance; I don't think I could have tolerated his tone-deaf nonsense for the rest of my life. |
Interesting thread here, I've literally never heard anyone say they don't like music. I guess you should just try to listen to different genres and what not. I don't think there is some magical cure.
Try: The Stone Roses- Stone Roses Screamadelica- Primal Scream Downward Spiral- Nine Inch Nails I'd say you get three different, out of the ordinary tastes there. Start there and if you like ANY of it let me know. |
Without wanting to sound arrogant or uncaring, I do find it hard to believe there are people who do not appreciate music on any level. From our very earliest days we are subject to the lullabies our mother sings us, and we grow to become emotionally attached to that sound, its lulling, comfortable feeling of safety. As we grow up we often use music in very simplistic forms (dancing, shouting --- I say shouting, as most one or two year olds don't sing --- along to the radio, and so on) to communicate and to build our understanding of who we are.
As we get more rounded as humans, then, music is already part of our lives, an integral part. Whether it's hymns at mass (when we're young and can't decide not to go!) or humming tunes or even just whistling, we're so exposed to music at virtually every moment of every day that it's hard to ignore it, hard not to have it have an effect on us. I personally cannot live without music, and that's no idle claim. If I'm out (very rarely these days) and have no music with me I'll usually hum (either in my head or out loud but low) some tunes I know, and if I go into a shop and music is playing I usually end up humming it as I go out. Music affects just about everything I do. If an onerous task is to be performed, I lighten it by having or making music. I can't play anything --- REALLY bad on the keyboards! --- nor can I sing, but I make music anyway, not for anyone else to hear but just for my own enjoyment. I feel music is part of who I am and the person I have grown to be. Without it I would not be whole. As you claim to hate listening to/learning lyrics, I would say stick with the instrumental music (as that also closely ties in with your love of/tolerance of film themes) and would suggest Vangelis, Gandalf and perhaps Rondo Veneziano, as well as obviously classical music. For your persual, an example of each of the three below. I fervently hope you do find some room in your life for music, because I certainly would not be complete without it, and living without it as you are I think you're missing one of the great human experiences that we all share. Good luck in your search! Trollheart |
Well, if you like movies so much and want to get into music, maybe you should check out some concept albums that have deep stories you can get into and try to decipher how each song fits into the overall story.
Two Albums I'd highly recommend: Band - Album Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute Look those up and check out their stories and listen to the soundtrack and play the movies in your head. Year Zero is actually being made into a mini-series. |
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