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Paedantic Basterd 12-30-2011 12:21 PM

Your Musical Resolutions For 2012.
This is something I've done for fun the last couple of years, which is set myself frivolous goals in my music listening to meet in the coming year. Last year I set myself five goals. Only failed one from last year.
Resolutions for 2011
  • Surpass 70,000 songs played on lastFM
  • Top personal record of shows per year: current record 2
  • Discover one metal album I will listen to regularly
  • Discover one hiphop album I will listen to regularly
  • Keep on top of new releases as they come out
  • Bump personal collection over 300

Resolutions for 2012:
  • Increase collection to 400.
  • Surpass 200,000 songs on lastFM.
  • Surpass 2000 artists on lastFM.
  • Surpass 3000 albums rated on RYM.
  • Surpass 100 reviews written.
  • Discover one or more metal albums I would listen to regularly.
  • Write a guide to psychedelic pop.
  • Listen to 200 new releases.
  • ...
  • Profit.

I'll add to this as I think of ways I'd like to push myself. It's always amusing to go back and see what you managed to do in the previous year.

Janszoon 12-30-2011 12:29 PM

I will finish the remaining reviews for the "25 Albums You Should Hear Before the Moon Crashes into the Earth and We All Die" countdown.

Goofle 12-30-2011 01:36 PM

1 - Reach Level 60 on
2 - Reach 3500/4000 artists on without whoring the radio function
3 - Keep up to date with new music
4 - Start writing a blog of some sort that I keep updated
5 - Get into more Metal/Electronic music
6 - Do more reviews on RYM

Salami 12-30-2011 01:40 PM

I hereby resolve to start a music journal, and be less "inane", now Pedestrian has explained to me what it means.

James 12-30-2011 02:09 PM

Rebuild my music collection, I will make my goal to have 1000 albums by next year.
Keep collecting more vinyl.
Update my journal more regularly.

RVCA 12-30-2011 04:21 PM

Use my new vinyl player
Buy more vinyl
Acquire wumbo-sized speakers

captaincaptain 12-30-2011 09:21 PM

1. Listen to 366 albums I've never listened to before. Open for suggestions.
2. Attend 5 concerts.
3. Get a record player that won't break on me.
4. Learn to play the sitar.
5. Hit 35,000 plays on (just reset my play count)

I will fail one of these resolutions.

Chrysalis 12-30-2011 11:38 PM

1. Obtain more music (my goal is to have 200+ albums in my collection by the end of the year).
2. Listen to more recent releases (I've only heard 4 albums from this year. What the hell is wrong with me?)
3. Listen to more hip-hop and electronic.
4. Start a music journal.
5. Attend a concert (missed my chances to attend a few last year).
6. Expand my physical music collection.
7. Discover 50+ artists that I haven't heard of before.

ThePhanastasio 12-30-2011 11:53 PM

1.) Listen to at least 50 new albums from the year 2012.
2.) Play at least five open mics.
3.) Compose or commission soundtrack music for my film.
4.) Acquire a plethora of stringed instruments...or, at least one of the following: Ukulele, Mandolin, Banjo, Violin/Fiddle, Dulcimer, Bass, or new electric guitar.
5.) Finish my Phish reviews, and 100 albums reviews. Phish are on their way to being finished, and I've got the list for the 100 albums. Just a matter of finding time to write them.
6.) See 3 or more concerts.
7.) Go to the Harvest Festival.
8.) Put ego aside and finally take a few guitar lessons.
9.) Become more well-versed in music theory.
10.) Discover at least 25 bands I've never heard of.
11.) Buy a lot more vinyl.
12.) External hard drive for music collection.
13.) Write a song that makes someone cry.
14.) Purchase a better microphone for recording.
15.) Release a polished EP.
16.) Get a new pair of headphones.

DoctorSoft 12-31-2011 12:06 AM

1.Go to a concert
2. Delete all the albums on my comp that I don't like
3. Get my colection up to 300 albums after that
4. Finish writing my album
5. Record said album
6. Play some shows
7. Hopefully start a band
8. Write a song over 7 minutes long
9. Get some good headphones
10. Get into genres I haven't had much success with(jazz, noise, etc.)
11. Pay more attention to new releases than I did this year

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