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Old 12-26-2011, 10:16 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Rubato View Post
In terms of pitch relationship I'd have to disagree on the grounds that a series of 2s,4s,8ths ect will always occur more times than 3s,6s,12ths ect. My main gripe with atonal music is that it relies on obscurity in order to function, atonality should concern itself predominately with tone color.
Yes, but you have to remember that these are number to chart existing frequencies. Or rather, have frequency correlations. The reason there are different scales is because the basis of mathematics in different cultures looks different. A Russian building obviously looks different than an Aztec building. One can say, if they both serve their function, neither is an inferior building.

Furthermore, they all exist within the law of physics. In the same way, every sound exists on a frequency plate. The reasons why pitch is so important to correlate in traditional is because acoustic instruments represent one texture per instrument, and can only vary in pitch. Therefore, pitch is harmony. Therefore, harmony can only be achieved by comparing pitches. IE. an A flat on a Trombone is set to sound 'good' alongside an A flat on violin.

However, when you have a three different samples mixed simultaneously each with a completely different rack of effects. You can no longer trust the input of A flat on each to correlate. Which is the initial dilemma.

3rds, 4ths, and 8ths don't matter on this plane. That's why you must rely on intuition, because there is no scale. Such difference are fictional as you have many layers of the spectrum of frequency operation simultaneously, often against your will.

That's why it's necessary a new language must be written. Because the rules have changed.

As for your gripe of atonality, I think that's more a trait of atonal compositions as they are. If you ask me, atonality isn't really a concept, it's lacking tonality. In the end, tonality is definitely the cart, and atonality is definitely the horse, and the concept of 'obscurity' is far too vague for science.

I've never seen the need for tonality. Sounds are sounds, you shouldn't need to relate them to other similar accepted arrangements of sounds in order to declare them music. It allows too little for people to listen, and decide for themselves. 95% of people have no idea if you're playing a Thirds, or Sevenths anyway. If it's major c sharp, or a minor scale it makes no difference. They just know what emotion triggers in their brain when exposed to them.
Terence Hill, as recently confirmed during an interview to an Italian TV talk-show, was offered the role but rejected it because he considered it "too violent". Dustin Hoffman and John Travolta declined the role for the same reason. When Al Pacino was considered for the role of John Rambo, he turned it down when his request that Rambo be more of a madman was rejected.
Al Pacino = God
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