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Old 12-07-2011, 01:51 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Those Best Album Of All Time Lists...

The discussion I had with Stu & Janszoon in some other thread inspired this one so you can blame them.

We've all seen those The Greatest Album Of All Time lists, we all know which albums are always featured, it's nearly always the same ones anyway.

Hey look!!!

Here's one of those very same generic lists I was talking about, It doesn't matter where it's from. It's a list of 'The Best Albums EVERRRRRR' so we'll use the top 30 of it for the purposes of this thread.

1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
2. Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys
3. Revolver - The Beatles
4. Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan
5. Rubber Soul - The Beatles
6. What's Going On - Marvin Gaye
7. Exile on Main Street - The Rolling Stones
8. London Calling - The Clash
9. Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan
10. The Beatles ("The White Album") - The Beatles
11. The Sun Sessions - Elvis Presley
12. Kind of Blue - Miles Davis
13. Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground
14. Abbey Road - The Beatles
15. Are You Experienced? - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
16. Blood on the Tracks - Bob Dylan
17. Nevermind - Nirvana
18. Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen
19. Astral Weeks - Van Morrison
20. Thriller - Michael Jackson
21. The Great Twenty-Eight - Chuck Berry
22. Plastic Ono Band - John Lennon
23. Innervisions - Stevie Wonder
24. Live at the Apollo - James Brown
25. Rumours - Fleetwood Mac
26. The Joshua Tree - U2
27. King of the Delta Blues Singers, Vol. 1 - Robert Johnson
28. Who's Next - The Who
29. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
30. Blue - Joni Mitchell

Now, this isn't one of those threads where people come in and say 'Oh (insert album title here) deserves to be much higher than (insert a different album title here)' We've done that here before loads of times and it was dull then.

No, what I want you to do is this...

These are supposedly the BEST albums of all time, The elite of the past 70 or so years of all recorded music.


Well If that's the case then people should be listening to them all the time. Which is why I ask this question

When was the last time YOU listened to any of them.

Be as specific or vague as you like.

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Old 12-07-2011, 01:59 PM   #2 (permalink)
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So we have to discuss only these 30 albums?

1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles - About a week ago.
2. Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys - Month or two ago, skipped a few songs.
3. Revolver - The Beatles - Not recently. Maybe two months ago.
4. Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan - In the last few days.
5. Rubber Soul - The Beatles - Ages ago.
6. What's Going On - Marvin Gaye - About a month ago.
7. Exile on Main Street - The Rolling Stones - About a month ago.
8. London Calling - The Clash - Two weeks ago.
9. Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan - Few days ago.
10. The Beatles ("The White Album") - The Beatles - Last month.
11. The Sun Sessions - Elvis Presley - Not listened.
12. Kind of Blue - Miles Davis - A few weeks ago.
13. Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground - Last few days.
14. Abbey Road - The Beatles - Month back.
15. Are You Experienced? - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Few days ago.
16. Blood on the Tracks - Bob Dylan - Not recently.
17. Nevermind - Nirvana - About two weeks ago.
18. Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen - Not listened in my memory.
19. Astral Weeks - Van Morrison - Not recently.
20. Thriller - Michael Jackson - Few days ago, with the rubbish half removed.
21. The Great Twenty-Eight - Chuck Berry - Maybe last year.
22. Plastic Ono Band - John Lennon - Ages ago.
23. Innervisions - Stevie Wonder - Last year.
24. Live at the Apollo - James Brown - Maybe 5 months ago.
25. Rumours - Fleetwood Mac - Last few weeks.
26. The Joshua Tree - U2 - Not recently.
27. King of the Delta Blues Singers, Vol. 1 - Robert Johnson - Few days ago.
28. Who's Next - The Who - Maybe three months ago.
29. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin - Few months ago.
30. Blue - Joni Mitchell - Ages ago

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2. What was the strangest/best/worst party you ever went to?
Prolly a party I had with some people I know
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Old 12-07-2011, 01:59 PM   #3 (permalink)
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What's Going On, Kind of Blue, and Highway 61 Revisited I've listened to at least once this year. There are are 2 or 3 albums from that list which I can say I own, but very rarely listen to. The rest...meh
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Old 12-07-2011, 02:05 PM   #4 (permalink)
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1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
Probably a year ago as I don't think it's all that good

2. Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys
Once. Can't even remember if I liked it

3. Revolver - The Beatles
Couple of weeks back. Best beatles album imho and definitely one of the best albums of all time

4. Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan
Years ago. I don't think of this as a brilliant beatles album

5. Rubber Soul - The Beatles
Last week. Friend of mine put it on the record player. Love it

6. What's Going On - Marvin Gaye
Never. Don't like soul in any shape or form.

7. Exile on Main Street - The Rolling Stones
I don't think I've ever listened to the entire album. I don't like 99% of the stones' songs.

8. London Calling - The Clash
Never, this album. Just gotten into the clash (through the Dead 60's) and haven't listened to any albums yet. Might change soon.

9. Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan
Couple of weeks back. Nice one

10. The Beatles ("The White Album") - The Beatles
Two weeks ago. Just got it I definitely think it's nowhere close to revolver (or Abbey Road, for that matter) but I'm glad I finally got my hands on a copy... For just one buck

11. The Sun Sessions - Elvis Presley
Never. Don't like old style R&R, don't like new style Elvis.
Don't like Elvis

12. Kind of Blue - Miles Davis
Err... Week ago? Love this one. Not the best Jazz album ever according to me (that would be Kenny Dorham's Quiet Kenny) but it's very good

13. Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground
Couple of months ago. Love it though. Should play it soon.

14. Abbey Road - The Beatles
Three or four weeks ago. Masterpiece.

15. Are You Experienced? - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Years ago. I really love Jimi, but his albums are so expensive overhere that I only got Axis Bold as love. Will change that.

16. Blood on the Tracks - Bob Dylan
Two weeks ago. What a brilliant album this is.

17. Nevermind - Nirvana
Err... Well I rarely listen to Nirvana. I only own Live at the BBC and I never even play that in one go.

18. Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen
Never. I don't like Springsteen. I like Spirits in the Night and I can't deny liking I'm on fire. That's it.

19. Astral Weeks - Van Morrison
Never even heard of that album. Don't care too much for the Van Man.

20. Thriller - Michael Jackson
Never. Or perhaps when I was really young. I don't like MJ

21. The Great Twenty-Eight - Chuck Berry
Never heard of that one either. Soul-ish. Not my style.

22. Plastic Ono Band - John Lennon
You know, I actually listened to most of that yesterday.
Rino, who is one of the owners of my music store, insisted I'd listen to it and I absolutely loved it. Completely missed out on this album. Ordered it rightaway

23. Innervisions - Stevie Wonder
I think I used to own that. Years back. Don't care about Stevie.

24. Live at the Apollo - James Brown
Another Soul album. Don't care.

25. Rumours - Fleetwood Mac
What!? Really!? This must be an American list.
I Absolutely LOATHE the Fleetwood Mac with females. I loved their older work. Then Play on is a masterpiece. How can this be in this list and no older Fleetwood Ma... oh wait, not supposed to say that.
The Answer to the question is: Years ago, when I was young and foolish

26. The Joshua Tree - U2
Perhaps once in my life. I don't get U2. What's good about it?

27. King of the Delta Blues Singers, Vol. 1 - Robert Johnson
I know who Johnson is and I know what he did for modern day music. But I've never listened to any of his albums. I feel ashamed.

28. Who's Next - The Who
Once, perhaps. I don't really care about the Who

29. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
Never, I think. I always get people angry when I say this, but: I DON'T LIKE LED ZEP!!!

30. Blue - Joni Mitchell
Female voice, won't work with me.
According to the guys at my music store I'm really missing out on something when it comes to Joni. Ah well.

I like this topic. It's a good idea actually.
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Old 12-07-2011, 02:08 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I've listened to about 3/4 of those in the past year, and about a dozen in the past month or so. They're the kind of albums my buddy always has playing at his house.

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Old 12-07-2011, 02:15 PM   #6 (permalink)
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What no Doors, Pearl Jam or Cheap Trick on the list......what a load of shite and as for Velvet Underground at number 11, that must be the biggest con of all time. Apart from all that, I gotta admit I actually like most of the albums on that list quite a lot.

And fuck off S_K Rumours is one of the greatest albums ever recorded.
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Old 12-07-2011, 02:17 PM   #7 (permalink)
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I think the only ones I've listened to recently (past couple of weeks) are London Calling and Velvet Underground and Nico.
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Old 12-07-2011, 02:30 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Alright, here's mine:

1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles 20 years ago
2. Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys within the past few months
3. Revolver - The Beatles 20 years ago
4. Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan 10 years ago
5. Rubber Soul - The Beatles 20 years ago
6. What's Going On - Marvin Gaye never
7. Exile on Main Street - The Rolling Stones never
8. London Calling - The Clash within the past month
9. Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan about 5 years ago
10. The Beatles ("The White Album") - The Beatles sometime within the past year or so
11. The Sun Sessions - Elvis Presley never, I think
12. Kind of Blue - Miles Davis within the past few months
13. Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground 5-6 years ago maybe?
14. Abbey Road - The Beatles 20 years ago
15. Are You Experienced? - The Jimi Hendrix Experience within the past 6 months
16. Blood on the Tracks - Bob Dylan 5-6 years ago
17. Nevermind - Nirvana within the past few months
18. Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen never, I think
19. Astral Weeks - Van Morrison never
20. Thriller - Michael Jackson within the past month or two
21. The Great Twenty-Eight - Chuck Berry never, I think
22. Plastic Ono Band - John Lennon never in it's entirety, I hope
23. Innervisions - Stevie Wonder within the past year
24. Live at the Apollo - James Brown never
25. Rumours - Fleetwood Mac within the past few weeks, I actually listen to this album a lot
26. The Joshua Tree - U2 over ten years
27. King of the Delta Blues Singers, Vol. 1 - Robert Johnson never
28. Who's Next - The Who never
29. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin within the past few years
30. Blue - Joni Mitchell never
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Old 12-07-2011, 02:30 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
What no Doors, Pearl Jam or Cheap Trick on the list......what a load of shite and as for Velvet Underground at number 11, that must be the biggest con of all time. Apart from all that, I gotta admit I actually like most of the albums on that list quite a lot.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Now, this isn't one of those threads where people come in and say 'Oh (insert album title here) deserves to be much higher than (insert a different album title here)' We've done that here before loads of times and it was dull then.
I'm supposing this also includes the equally banal, "What no [insert band and/or album name here]? This list is total crap!", which was also very dull then, as it is now.
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Old 12-07-2011, 02:31 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Out of the albums I have

1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
Haven't listened to it in over a year. A good album but not my favourite Beatles album.

3. Revolver - The Beatles
One of my Beatles albums of choice. The last time I listened to it was earlier this year.

5. Rubber Soul - The Beatles
I don't think I've listened to it in over a year.

10. The Beatles ("The White Album") - The Beatles
I can't remember when I last listened to the whole bloody thing. I sometimes just listen to a handful of tracks off it at a time.

13. Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground
Another album I haven't listened to in some time. I must dig it out though sometime soon as it's a great album.

14. Abbey Road - The Beatles
My other Beatles album of choice. I last listened to it sometime during the summer.

15. Are You Experienced? - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Haven't listened to this album in a few years now. I'm not really pushed to either.

17. Nevermind - Nirvana
I think I've listened to it enough times to last me a lifetime. Haven't listened to in a few years I guess.

27. King of the Delta Blues Singers, Vol. 1 - Robert Johnson
I usually just listen to a handful of songs off it every now and again. Good when you're in the mood for it.

29. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
(See Are You Experienced?)
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