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Old 11-24-2011, 01:34 AM   #61 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Spetterist View Post
Hi, I am from the Netherlands too! This assignment is for my final year of secondry school and I need a good mark in order to get my diploma... (Profielwerkstuk dus :P)

Oh yeah, I can post the questions... It might take you a little bit more time to answer them though

You just need to say if you agree with the sentences.

For the following questions answer either YES or NO
1. I have at least one album by Coldplay. Yes
2. I have been to at least one concert by Coldplay, and that was not on a festival. no
3. I listen to Coldplay songs at least once a week, and that’s not on the radio. no
4. I have at least one Coldplay souvenir, for example a t-shirt or a poster. no
5. I think Coldplay belongs to the best bands of all time. best 100 yes, best 10 noFor these questions you can answer either ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE, NOT TRUE, PARTLY, TRUE, ABSOLUTELY TRUE
6. I think Coldplay’s bandmembers are down-to earth.partly
7. I think of Coldplay as an honest and sincere band.partly
8. I think Coldplay is original.partly
9. I think Coldplay has a sentimental character.partly
10. I think Coldplay is daring and exciting.partly
11. I think of Coldplay as spirited and young.partly
12. I think Coldplay is imaginative.partly
13. I think Coldplay is independent and contemporary.partly
14. I think of Coldplay as reliable.true
15. I think of Coldplay as intelligent.true
16. I think Coldplay is confident and successful.true
17. I think Coldplay is more suitable for the upper-class society than for the working class.not true
18. I think of Coldplay as charming.partly
19. I think Coldplay is masculine and outdoorsy. not true
20. I think Coldplay is rugged and tough.not true

you're welcome
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Old 11-24-2011, 02:13 AM   #62 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post
A lot of people forget that Coldplay (perhals not on purpose) started a big rush of top 40 alternative-like music in this century.
I'm not saying that's a good thing, but they definitely did something for music back then.
it already started with Nirvana and Jane's Addiction back in the early 90s - Coldplay just made alternative music "consumable"....

Originally Posted by Spetterist View Post
I was hoping to be able to compare the fan's perceived brand personality of coldplay to the musiclovers perceived brandpersonality of coldplay. But it seems that non-fan musiclovers disagree with every sentence whereas fans agree with everything. So that IS a result but not something one could do much with...

And yes you have, in fact that is why i decided to write about something else. A couple of things actually.

First I think I might zoom in on the negative effect that being a 'brand' can have on people/bands which is something i didn't think of. and it could be interesting if this negative effect exists only for people because i cant think of anyone hating coca cola because its a brand!

Second I think I am going to look at the difference in opinion about coldplay in media and on fora like this where self-proclamed musicfreaks come together (and possibly other groups). For example, in popular media a lot of people who know stuff about music (I can't think of the proper word) are quite positive about Coldplay BUT here, a whole different image (or brandpersonality if you will) exists. So maybe there is already some literature about this or maybe not, anyway I'm going to look into this
if you want to examine a group as a "brand" - i'd suggest something more established like The Rolling Stones

another thing also - i agree with some of the comments here that your questionnaire is too "vague"

some of the questions are rather pointless and purposeless as well - e.g.

"19. I think Coldplay is masculine and outdoorsy.
20. I think Coldplay is rugged and tough."

i dunno how the above could relate to their music

Originally Posted by Mighty Salami View Post
Don't worry, he's from Lancashire. He'll say things like that.
"10,000 black holes in Lancashire"?

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 11-24-2011, 03:28 AM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
It is cliched to rebuke Coldplay a lot but it is entirely justified.

One of the most bland and insipid bands I have ever heard. How the more serious music fans still get their knickers in a twist to arena music dressed up as 'alternative' is beyond me. Coldplay and Muse make me ashamed to like British music but then I listen to Archive, Anathema or Pure Reason Revolution and my faith is restored.
It's funny you should mention Coldplay and Muse in one posting.
I like Coldplay's first album, I like muses fist two albums and after that they became a 'product'. Pity.
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Old 11-24-2011, 09:07 AM   #64 (permalink)
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The point with brands is thats its not just about the core product, but about everything thats built around it. so masculine doesn't have to relate to their music, but one could find coldplay masculine because of their appereance or something.

in the same way one of apple's brandpersonalities is YOUNG but that has nothing to do with their products or coca cola is COOL but coolness (not in temperature) has nothing to do with the brown drink!
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