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Old 11-23-2011, 04:20 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
it's pretty evident at this point that people either love or hate them

there's nobody "lukewarm" to Coldplay
i know. thats true for this forum at least. i know a lot of people who are lukewarm to coldplay... but cant be named musiclovers or people who know a lot about music whatsoever. guess that makes a difference.
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Old 11-23-2011, 04:33 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Hi Spetterist,

I answered "absolutely not true" for most of the questions 6 and beyond because I have no information upon which to base my answers and never have thought to myself, "Huh, Coldplay are an honest and sincere band," for example.

However, the fact that I don't think of them as being honest and sincere doesn't mean that I think they are dishonest and insincere! I simply never think about the personalities of the band members at all and have no way to form an impression about them given the knowledge I have.

I really think you should revise the questions, because many of my answers will make it look as if I think the band are lying, undaring, unreliable, unintelligent, etc., and so you are going to get results that can't be interpreted or, worse, give you a false understanding of what people really think about the band. Even if I answered "partly" like you advise for those of us who don't know or have no opinion, this won't tell you if I think they are partly dishonest, or if I simply don't know.

In short, your questionnaire is extremely poorly designed!!

Anywho, here are my answers, for what they're worth.

For the following questions answer either YES or NO
1. I have at least one album by Coldplay. NO
2. I have been to at least one concert by Coldplay, and that was not on a festival. NO
3. I listen to Coldplay songs at least once a week, and that’s not on the radio. NO
4. I have at least one Coldplay souvenir, for example a t-shirt or a poster. Good gracious NO.
5. I think Coldplay belongs to the best bands of all time. SLAVERY ISN'T LEGAL, so NO.

For these questions you can answer either ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE, NOT TRUE, PARTLY, TRUE, ABSOLUTELY TRUE
6. I think Coldplay’s bandmembers are down-to earth. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE
7. I think of Coldplay as an honest and sincere band. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE
8. I think Coldplay is original. NOT TRUE
9. I think Coldplay has a sentimental character. PARTLY
10. I think Coldplay is daring and exciting. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE
11. I think of Coldplay as spirited and young. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE. (THEY LOOK KINDA OLDISH IN THEIR VIDEOS)
13. I think Coldplay is independent and contemporary. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE (I THINK THEY ARE VERY MAINSTREAM)
14. I think of Coldplay as reliable. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE
15. I think of Coldplay as intelligent. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE
17. I think Coldplay is more suitable for the upper-class society than for the working class. PARTLY
18. I think of Coldplay as charming. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE
20. I think Coldplay is rugged and tough. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE

* * *

Here, skaltezon, are two of Coldplay's songs, the only ones I recall hearing because they were played a lot on the radio:

Coldplay - Viva La Vida - YouTube

Coldplay-- "Clocks" - YouTube

EDIT: I'm lukewarm to Coldplay but I *am* a music lover.
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If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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Old 11-23-2011, 04:39 AM   #23 (permalink)
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I can't possibly answer your questions with yes and no because Coldplay went through such a drastic change after their first album

1. I have at least one album by Coldplay. YES
2. I have been to at least one concert by Coldplay, and that was not on a festival. NO
3. I listen to Coldplay songs at least once a week, and that’s not on the radio. NO
4. I have at least one Coldplay souvenir, for example a t-shirt or a poster. YES (came with the record )
5. I think Coldplay belongs to the best bands of all time. Their first album is absolutely brilliant, the rest is pretty much crap.

For these questions you can answer either ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE, NOT TRUE, PARTLY, TRUE, ABSOLUTELY TRUE
6. I think Coldplay’s bandmembers are down-to earth. not true
7. I think of Coldplay as an honest and sincere band. not true
8. I think Coldplay is original. absolutely not true except for their first album
9. I think Coldplay has a sentimental character. partly true
10. I think Coldplay is daring and exciting. not true
11. I think of Coldplay as spirited and young. not true
12. I think Coldplay is imaginative. partly true
13. I think Coldplay is independent and contemporary. absolutely not true (not anymore, that is)
14. I think of Coldplay as reliable. absolutely not true (they ****ed up after one album )
15. I think of Coldplay as intelligent. partly true (thought they were...)
16. I think Coldplay is confident and successful. abolutely true
17. I think Coldplay is more suitable for the upper-class society than for the working class. partly true
18. I think of Coldplay as charming. first album, true.
19. I think Coldplay is masculine and outdoorsy. absolutely not true
20. I think Coldplay is rugged and tough. absolutely not true

It almost sounds as a standard list of questions with "Coldplay" added to it.
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Old 11-23-2011, 04:41 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Spetterist View Post
i know. thats true for this forum at least. i know a lot of people who are lukewarm to coldplay... but cant be named musiclovers or people who know a lot about music whatsoever. guess that makes a difference.
I guess that answers your question.
They made a nice album to start with. It was quite 'new' back then and people liked it. Then the hype went by and they just started making the same crap other bands do, so the typical top 40 listener would still like it.

I reckon, on a musiclovers forum, that's considered a felony
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Old 11-23-2011, 04:43 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Here, skaltezon, are two of Coldplay's songs, the only ones I recall hearing because they were played a lot on the radio:
Seems coldplay wasn't very big there during their first album?
Here's two older ones:

I cannot, in any way, dislike these songs.
Even though I can understand people who can't stand his voice.
But then I listen to Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Neil Young... I'm used to strange voices
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Old 11-23-2011, 04:46 AM   #26 (permalink)
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VEGANGELICA, thanks for your input. My teacher told me this was OK. You're supposed to think of the band as a whole, not of the bandmembers individually. In my research I am making a difference between human-personality and brand personality and this questionnaire is for the BRANDpersonality of the brand 'Coldplay' which I think it is.

But I do see how you are thinking, maybe you have a suggestion on how i should do this instead? What i've found, maybe i'm a really poor researcher (which could be true because this is the first time i do so) but i found that brandpersonality (for example for coca cola) is usually found through questionnaires like this (exept people get paid) and the scale i used is designed by scientists... but it could be that its difficult to find the brand personality because people think of coldplay as being a group of 4 men in stead of a brand consisting of much more than 4 guys...

(i'm actually also writing a piece about the difference between brand personality and the personality of individual bandmembers (only on a theoretical level since i cant measure the latter) )
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Old 11-23-2011, 04:57 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Please realise that most of the time bands with a "brand" are not the ones considered "good" by real musicfreaks. There's some exceptions, but the bands that sell well, are usually made for the 'occasional listener' who's got 3FM on all day and doesn't care if it's 3voor12 they're listening to or Ekstra Weekend. Catch my drift?

Greetings from Ohé en Laak by the way (it's in Limburg, it really exists )

@ Other members; Sorry for the dutch radio references, I hope Spetterist gets what I mean.
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Old 11-23-2011, 06:42 AM   #28 (permalink)
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My contributions probably won't be viewed as particularly interesting, as I'm sure you've all heard my views on this band! I'm perfectly happy to admit that there were some good ideas in "Parachutes", particularly in the songs "Shiver" and "Spies". In "Rush of Blood to the Head", "Green Eyes" is definitely worthy of merit, but the rest all being boring and devoid of emotion, in my opinion. As for their later work, you can find out what I think in my latest album review.

1. I have at least one album by Coldplay. YES
2. I have been to at least one concert by Coldplay, and that was not on a festival. YES
3. I listen to Coldplay songs at least once a week, and that’s not on the radio. NO
4. I have at least one Coldplay souvenir, for example a t-shirt or a poster. NO
5. I think Coldplay belongs to the best bands of all time. NO
For these questions you can answer either ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE, NOT TRUE, PARTLY, TRUE, ABSOLUTELY TRUE
6. I think Coldplay’s bandmembers are down-to earth. Absolutely not true
7. I think of Coldplay as an honest and sincere band. Absolutely not true
8. I think Coldplay is original. Absolutely not true
9. I think Coldplay has a sentimental character. Absolutely true
10. I think Coldplay is daring and exciting. Absolutely not true
11. I think of Coldplay as spirited and young. Absolutely not true
12. I think Coldplay is imaginative. Absolutely not true
13. I think Coldplay is independent and contemporary. Absolutely true
14. I think of Coldplay as reliable. Absolutely true
15. I think of Coldplay as intelligent. Absolutely absolutely not true
16. I think Coldplay is confident and successful. Absolutely not true
17. I think Coldplay is more suitable for the upper-class society than for the working class. WTF???
18. I think of Coldplay as charming. Absolutely not true
19. I think Coldplay is masculine and outdoorsy. Absolutely not true
20. I think Coldplay is rugged and tough. Absolutely not true
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Old 11-23-2011, 09:04 AM   #29 (permalink)
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S_K Yes I see what you mean! And I totally agree. But if people on this forum (musicfreaks) dislike coldplay thats a usable result as well... It would actually give me something interesting to write about! I suppose that would be more interesting than writing that everyone loves coldplay...

So again, I am not specific looking for fans allthough I think it might be interesting to see if there are differences between fans and non-fan musiclovers and to speculate about the reasons for those differences
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Old 11-23-2011, 09:11 AM   #30 (permalink)
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I can tell you this instant that most people here will dislike coldplay.
Not as bad as most people here dislike Nickelback, haha, but still.
Come to think of it, I get the feeling coldplay somehow works better in the Netherlands than it does in most of the rest of the world.
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