Hey there! I am having the worst luck trying to locate an albumn that has the song "Family Man" by Poco. I went to countless music sites, including amazon.com, Yahoo! Launch, etc. looking for the song. I found at least ten Poco albumns and the song isn't on
one of them. I had the song on an old eight track. I don't remember the name of the albumn but I do remember that it was one of their first or perhaps
the first albumn they put out. I've done a lyric search for the song and still can't find it. I know thats the name of the song for sure. Can anyone out there PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me locate this song. If anyone knows what albumn its on I would greatly appreciate it if you would share the info with me!

Thank you very much. Feel free to e-mail me at
starjan@netscope.net (yes thats supposed to be netsc
ope not netsc
ape). Thanx again and I hope to hear from someone soon!