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marko1892 04-18-2005 05:31 PM

Speed of Sound. Just heard it earlier on. I think it is superb, i had previously heard a live version but it didn't really do the song justice.

This song will be a pretty big hit in my eyes and could well be Coldplays first number 1. Although battling with Lyla there will only be one winner, due the sheer amount of oasis fans to Coldplay!

From the songs iv heard so far from coldplay this album could be another success story, Talk and Speed Of Sound are excellent tracks especially.

adidasss 04-21-2005 03:29 AM

i just downloaded speed of sound...ABSOFOCKENLUTLY AMAIZING!!
i can't wait for the album...i heard chris martin was going really nuts about it though...i don't know why..judging by the speed of sound he has nothing to be worried about,it'll be a smash hit!

truth 04-21-2005 06:43 AM

once i was listening to BBC on the radio and there was this woman saying that she thought coldplay wa just " cofee-table music". my dad laughed at me b/c i was soo pissed off, coldplay are one of my favorite bands.
does anyone think that coldplay ARE cofee-table music?

Sneer 04-21-2005 10:12 AM

its quite good, a bit underwhelmed but it may be a grower. prefer it to lyla.

marko1892 04-23-2005 08:15 AM

yeah i also prefer it to lyla. Chris martin has always been like that adidasss. I think the new album is going to be a success. like i say, ive heard speed of sound and talk already (although talk has apparntly been changed a bit) aswell as some other songs from a live show they did about a month back.

All the new tunes are catchy and heres hoping for another coldplay great album, even if i aint hoping for the band waggon jumpers, some of which thought coldplay split up due to there lack of activity last year!

TheBig3 04-23-2005 10:27 AM

I think it sounds like everything off of ROBTTH, clock scientist whatever else made the radio.

I'd expect them to do something new but that might classify them as a sell out to half the people here.

EDGE 04-23-2005 10:29 AM

I love coldplay.
Haven't heard this.
I'm downloading it right now.

coffeeshop 04-23-2005 10:33 AM

I heard it on Radio 1 sounds pretty decent although I'm not a massive Coldplay fan. I prefered Parachutes to ROBTH.

adidasss 04-23-2005 12:24 PM

i don't know what you would call a massive coldplay fan..i have both their albums, but its not like that's all i listen to or have their posters in my room..i also prefer parachutes to AROBTTH, just because the first one had 10 equal quality songs, and the second one had a couple that weren't that great...well actually i just didn't like god put a smile on your face...but the speed of sound goes right up there with clock's as some of their best work...i think martin said something like he's tired of this soft rock business and their next album is going to be more rock...thank God he changed his mind, and i pray to God that that rumor about gwineth paltrow singing on one of the songs was just a rumor, otherwise i would completely loose all respect for the man

gongadin 04-23-2005 05:34 PM

I heard coldplay's new song on radio 1, I quite liked it, I prefer coldplay to the likes of oasis and the verve, cause coldplay are far less repetetive than any of that, I might buy coldplay's new album, Im not sure

EDGE 04-23-2005 05:53 PM

Just downloaded it.
It sounds amazing.

Sneer 04-23-2005 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by gongadin
I heard coldplay's new song on radio 1, I quite liked it, I prefer coldplay to the likes of oasis and the verve, cause coldplay are far less repetetive than any of that, I might buy coldplay's new album, Im not sure

urban hymns is one of the best albums of the 90s.

gongadin 04-23-2005 06:51 PM

No, coldplay are class, I heard their song on the radio, and I really liked it, my dad laughs for liking them as well

Sneer 04-23-2005 06:54 PM

if you depict "coffee table music" as chilled out soft rock with a tinge of angst then yes, id say thats a fair description.

pastor of muppets 04-23-2005 08:26 PM

hey its better than elevator music

Trauma 04-23-2005 08:47 PM

but worse than supermarket music.

pastor of muppets 04-23-2005 09:11 PM


FistfulOfSky 05-27-2005 12:45 PM

New Cold Play CD!!!!!
the new Cold Play CD comes out on June 7th. i will be at fye buying one of the first copies. its gonna rock!
the latest cd, i just hope it won't be the last considering the lead singer now has a kid. it shouldn't stop him but ya never know.
Cold Play is an awesome band can't wait for the new cd, if its as good as Rush of Blood to the Head and better than Parachutes its gonna be awesome!

go buy the new CD on JUNE 7TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Josephine 05-27-2005 12:50 PM

I'm looking forward to...
Of course it'll be better than their last two LPs. And I don't think that Chris Martin will quit his band for his stupid wife Gwyneth, who called their child "Apple". APPLE????? The poor child will be teased and hated by all the others from his first day on...

I would suggest divorce.

draven 05-27-2005 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Josephine
Of course it'll be better than their last two LPs. And I don't think that Chris Martin will quit his band for his stupid wife Gwyneth, who called their child "Apple". APPLE????? The poor child will be teased and hated by all the others from his first day on...

I would suggest divorce.

The kid wont be teased since I am sure the kid will be in private school.

riseagainstrocks 05-27-2005 02:00 PM

I did like their old stuff. very chill music. i'm interested to see how this will turn out.

adidasss 05-27-2005 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Josephine
Of course it'll be better than their last two LPs. And I don't think that Chris Martin will quit his band for his stupid wife Gwyneth, who called their child "Apple". APPLE????? The poor child will be teased and hated by all the others from his first day on...

I would suggest divorce.

acctualy, even though i hate gwyneth, i quite like the name apple

Josephine 05-27-2005 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
acctualy, even though i hate gwyneth, i quite like the name apple

APPLE? Are u insane??? I mean, would you call your child like a fruit? You could name your kid "Cauliflower" as well. That's the same...

adidasss 05-27-2005 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Josephine
APPLE? Are u insane??? I mean, would you call your child like a fruit? You could name your kid "Cauliflower" as well. That's the same...

oh come on, it's sounds, ofcourse if you called your child apple in croatian you would be insane and the kid would be scewd up for life..

Josephine 05-27-2005 02:15 PM

Private School?

Originally Posted by draven
The kid wont be teased since I am sure the kid will be in private school.

Private School? There're children as well! I mean, on a private school, there are the spoiled, pretentious brats, but they will tease "Apple", too. Every child would.
They need to pay her lessons at home, I'm sure they got the money. And there're no other kids - I mean - unless they plan to "make" some brothers and sisters for her....

Josephine 05-27-2005 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
oh come on, it's sounds, ofcourse if you called your child apple in croatian you would be insane and the kid would be scewd up for life..

Yeah, it's a beautiful word, if you think bout that, but "Bounty" is a beautiful word, too. And I wouldn't call me child like a chocolate bar...
What means "Apple" in croatian? The german word is "Apfel", that would be cruel indeed.

adidasss 05-27-2005 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Josephine
Yeah, it's a beautiful word, if you think bout that, but "Bounty" is a beautiful word, too. And I wouldn't call me child like a chocolate bar...
What means "Apple" in croatian? The german word is "Apfel", that would be cruel indeed.

no i meant apple in croatian, it's "jabuka" and it's just not done, we have fruits as names like "jagoda" - strawberry, "vishnja" - cherry etc...

Josephine 05-27-2005 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
no i meant apple in croatian, it's "jabuka" and it's just not done, we have fruits as names like "jagoda" - strawberry, "vishnja" - cherry etc...

"Jabuka" sounds funny...

Josephine Jabuka Hewson

Cool name...

Josephine 05-27-2005 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by FistfulOfSky
the new Cold Play CD...Cold Play is an awesome band...

I'm sorry that I didn't mention before, but you're aware of the fact that it's written "Coldplay", not "Cold Play", aren't you?

adidasss 05-27-2005 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Josephine
"Jabuka" sounds funny...

Josephine Jabuka Hewson

Cool name...

my name sounds and looks funny, sorta...Marijan ( for all english speaking users it's pronounced mar e yan ( now put it together ), we acctualy pronounce words the way they're written )

Josephine 05-27-2005 04:05 PM

Josephine Jakuba or Jakuba Josephine?

Originally Posted by adidasss
my name sounds and looks funny, sorta... ( for all english speaking users it's pronounced mar y yan tamaroot, we acctualy pronounce words the way they're written )

I'm quite afraid to ask, this a girl's or a boy's name?
I know the name as a boy's name, but who knows? I always thought you were a boy though...
Well, I would like to be called "Josephine Jakuba"... Me and "Apple", we've quite a lot in common...

adidasss 05-27-2005 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Josephine
I'm quite afraid to ask, this a girl's or a boy's name?
I know the name as a boy's name, but who knows? I always thought you were a boy though...
Well, I would like to be called "Josephine Jakuba"... Me and "Apple", we've quite a lot in common...

well i'm a young man so you figure it out...:) ahh...these foreign never know do you...and btw you misspelled apple, it's Jabuka, not Jakuba...
btw i hate it when people can't remember my name and then call me Max or Mario, my driving instructor did that, it drove me absolutely mad...

Josephine 05-28-2005 04:05 AM

Greets from Jabuka

Originally Posted by adidasss
well i'm a young man so you figure it out...:) ahh...these foreign never know do you...and btw you misspelled apple, it's Jabuka, not Jakuba...
btw i hate it when people can't remember my name and then call me Max or Mario, my driving instructor did that, it drove me absolutely mad...

Oh YES, it was "Jabuka", sorry for that...
But you're not the only one who gets annoyed by people forgetting bout ur name. It happens to me as well, although I have...ah...a quite easy name to remember. Yeah, but my last name is REALLY hard for dumb people to spell and that sucks indeed. Some people are real dumb.
I'm pretty relieved that my impression bout you being "a young man" was right. You must've been a boy just by the you write. And I dunno what's so tough but your name that people can't remember it. It's a beautiful name indeed.

J.J. (-> my new initials!):)

adidasss 05-28-2005 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Josephine
Oh YES, it was "Jabuka", sorry for that...
But you're not the only one who gets annoyed by people forgetting bout ur name. It happens to me as well, although I have...ah...a quite easy name to remember. Yeah, but my last name is REALLY hard for dumb people to spell and that sucks indeed. Some people are real dumb.
I'm pretty relieved that my impression bout you being "a young man" was right. You must've been a boy just by the you write. And I dunno what's so tough but your name that people can't remember it. It's a beautiful name indeed.
J.J. (-> my new initials!):)

well, it's a pretty common name for a certain part of croatia ( dalmatia ), but if you're not croatian i guess it sounds funky...i'm not sure if people forget my name but they insist ( not all people, mainly older stupid gits ) on using abbreviations of it ( hence Max,Marich or Mario ) when in fact there are no abbreviations it's just Marijan...

Josephine 05-28-2005 01:21 PM

Losers, baby!

Originally Posted by adidasss
well, it's a pretty common name for a certain part of croatia ( dalmatia ), but if you're not croatian i guess it sounds funky...i'm not sure if people forget my name but they insist ( not all people, mainly older stupid gits ) on using abbreviations of it ( hence Max,Marich or Mario ) when in fact there are no abbreviations it's just Marijan...

Yeah, your name isn't that common over here...We've got annoying names like "Christian" or "Stefanie", real boring...
But yeah, I know what ya mean, this damn stupid losers who try to find a nickname for every S**T! It's so sad, some people...ah...I dunno...anyway, it's depressing.

marko1892 05-31-2005 05:39 PM

listening to the new coldplay album now
sky channel 864 it seems a good album which is a relief to me :)

anyone else listening?

adidasss 05-31-2005 07:09 PM

What?!?! How?!? Where?!?...what?!

Sneer 06-01-2005 12:09 PM

you only have to wait 5 or so days.

TheBig3 06-01-2005 12:50 PM

They release it earlier in England than everywhere else. Not that I'd buy it anyway, but Im sure its great.

Josephine 06-01-2005 03:30 PM

Buy it or DIE!!!!

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