I think it'll have to be Motley Crue. Vince Neil's clear hair-metal voice, Nikki Sixx's attitude, you could tell he didn't give a damn about the music but he still ****ed that guitar up, he wanted money, he wanted drugs, he knew to get them he'd have to kick ass. Mick Mars, probably the most unlikely hair-metal band persona i have ever known. Older, weaker than the rest but still, hehe watta dude. Then finally, Mr "Tommy-Lee" Bass on drums, when he did that rotating cage in Wild Side video, playing drums, spinning, upside down while explosions were going off all around the stage, setting Nikki on fire. What a band. The intro to kickstart my heart is one of the best things i have ever heard...RURRRRRRRR......RRRUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRR (waaa nanana, duhduhduh etc).
P.s, Tommy banged Pamela Anderson, give him credit for that at least.