Deciphering: Are we Human or are we Dancer? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 07-22-2010, 02:42 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Deciphering: Are we Human or are we Dancer?

A lot of people think they fully know the meanings of this song, personally, I have only heard this song twice, the first time I thought it was a homosexual song, but I just heard it today, and instantly knew what he was talking about, sadly, most people dont. I will decipher everything and explain it here to everyone.

I did my best to notice
when the call came down the line
up to the platform of surrender
I was brought but I was kind
and sometimes I get nervous
when I see an open door

He means every human knows something is wrong, and just when they are about to figure it out or wake up, they dont. Most people get nervous or scared to realize the truth, that they are dancers.

close your eyes, clear your heart

Clear your mind from everything.

cut the cord

Destroy the cage or mind control holding you or keeping you as a dancer.

are we human or are we dancer

Are we human with our own free will, creativity, thougths, or are we just robots? calculators? Workers? slaves?

my sign is vital, my hands are cold

He is saying that he is about to die from being a dancer, and he is beginning to become a human, he has realized many things and is finally about to know everything and turn off from society, or being a dancer whatever you call it.

and I’m on my knees looking for the answer

There are many meanings to this. 1.) He is still trying to figure out everything although this one cant be it 2.) He does what every typical human does to keep himself sane, and most likely he goes back to society. 3.) He probably says the last 2 lines right here to make people think about this.

are we human or are we dancer

pay my RESPECT to grace and virtu
send my condolences to good
give my regards to soul and romance
they always did the best they could

Im not sure about this so I wont explain it. If it said paid my respect and sent my condolences and gave my regards, then I would be easily able to explain it, but forget this part

and so long to devotion, you taught me everything I know

Devotion could mean either listening to parents, religion, or it could mean marriage. Hes saying good bye to all that

wave good bye, wish me well

Telling all the remaining dancers to say goodbye to him and wish him well in his world of humanity. quite simply to understand.

you gotta let me go

obviously dancers arent happy when a dancer turns and becomes a human

will your system be alright

Will you become human

when you dream of home tonight

If you dream of your humanity tonight?

there is no message were receiving

He is saying basically most or almost all dancers to not understand the message their subconscious tells them.

let me know is your heart still beating

tell me if you are still alive because being a dancer is like being dead.

A human usually has his own thoughts, creative abilities, usually his real home habitat is not an artificial environment, but a life in the wild. A normal human does not have "normal" thoughts. believe me, ever been almost asleep? in a half awake state? ever thought about weird things? I dont know if you people will know what im saying, but most human thoughts are weird, but they do become more normal as one learns more and more. To dancers, drugs are illegal because they are able to remove mind control filters, brainwashing, and allow a dancer to temporarily experience humanity. A human creates like Tomas Edison, thinks like Albert Einstein. Do you really think these people were special? No, they were HUMAN. All of you can be like them, but for now, use some drugs or something to help you learn the way, they are the only thing you have now to change yourself and adapt to humanity.

Most children especially infants are human, and look how much stress there is to turn them into dancers?

What is a dancer? A person with no awareness or understanding of their subconscious mind. A person that conforms to everything, and truly believes that life and humanity is correct this way. Believes society is normal and the correct way. Believes NORMALITY is god. Believes in manners, religion, atheism, reads books, goes to school, believes in education, presidents, governments. Automatically denies ufos, psychics, past lives, magic, spirituality, paranormal activities. Gets defensive when beliefs are attacked.
Believes that whatever they are doing is correct. I.E. going to a ****ty job usually causes them to think something is wrong, however, once they go to college and get a "good" job, they believe again their life is normal, and normal is good, and they can not ever even think about questioning normality. Education or learning comes from a building with a teacher, professor, not from oneself. Society is great, but they can not ever realize what happens in society, I.E. fake wars, and people just working to keep it going. What does a dancer do? Even if a dancer becomes a doctor, which is a high paying job, is this doctor a great man? No, he still works for a corporation. Why is there not a class on creating your own corp? All classes are just for you, going to work for a company or corporation, no one realizes that something about this is wrong.

That's all for now.
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Old 07-22-2010, 02:55 AM   #2 (permalink)
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You are human... Unless you dance.

I don't feel and I feel great.

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Old 07-22-2010, 02:59 AM   #3 (permalink)
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what even?
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Old 07-22-2010, 06:05 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by daveslaine View Post
That's all for now.
okie doke

also, how old are you? because you're definition of being a human / dancer sounds like something written by a 17 year old who just got back from their first rave but messed up at getting messed up.

also, any introductory business class will teach you the specifics of starting your own corporation. it's really not that complicated. you're NOT special for noticing that something is 'wrong' with society.
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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Old 07-22-2010, 08:35 AM   #5 (permalink)
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We see the world through similar eyes, my friend.

Aside from the part about drugs, anyways. And the fact that information on how to a corporation isn't hidden...

Most everything else, about how most people are close-minded, un-questioning, accepting, not in touch with them selves, can't really think spiritually, easily controlled/brainwashed... too true.
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Old 07-22-2010, 12:36 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Old 07-22-2010, 02:01 PM   #7 (permalink)
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I hate this song and that's such a stupid line. I can't take Brandon Flowers seriously at all.
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Old 07-22-2010, 02:22 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Bullet View Post
We see the world through similar eyes, my friend.

Aside from the part about drugs, anyways. And the fact that information on how to a corporation isn't hidden...

Most everything else, about how most people are close-minded, un-questioning, accepting, not in touch with them selves, can't really think spiritually, easily controlled/brainwashed... too true.
All I really know is that there has to be a reason why they are illegal right? Well, I dont know, last time I did the basic "bad" drug was 7 months ago in which where my heart rate was so high I thought I was gonna die. The next 3 days my heart was beating irregular and my chest was hurting. So I dont know I've done it 3 times, Im sure others can still do it plenty. But forget that it doesnt matter to me, it matters to you or the rest.
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Old 07-22-2010, 02:49 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Who knew it was so deep....I prefer proper grammer, yes I'm A human, and no, I'm not A dancer
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Old 07-22-2010, 03:03 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Maybe they mean Dancer as in the reindeer that pulls Santa's sleigh?
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