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FETCHER. 12-29-2009 05:28 PM

I want to know what you think of my favourite!

Justice - Cross

Do you need a torrent or download link?

Arya Stark 12-29-2009 05:29 PM

I can't download because my Wi-Fi sucks right now.
I'll add that onto my list of things to do. =P
Thank youu. [=

duga 12-30-2009 02:26 PM

I try to take expand my horizons by following a kind of progression. I'll listen to a band, find something similar, listen to that, find something similar, get into to and so on. Years later, I look at what I like the most now and what I liked when I was first into music and the bands are totally different, yet I can still see the similarities. I find it very hard to step completely out of my element. Chances are if you are just starting to expand, totally changing your tastes will not happen.

So you like Coheed? I love Coheed...I started listening to Coheed because of my love for Rush. Awesome guitars and high distinctive vocals led to an interest in that. Maybe for you it can be reversed...check out the albums Moving Pictures and 2112.

Now, if you want to go a bit more extreme and don't mind heavy more check out Opeth. Very progressive. Amazing AMAZING guitar work. One thing that throws people about this band is the death metal vocals...but he only uses them when they suit that music because he actually uses clean vocals a bit more than the growl. Check out the album Ghost Reveries if that sounds interesting to you.

These albums may not be totally out of your element, but it is a definite expansion. Check these out and then I think one day you will LOVE Mezzanine just because your ear will be tuned more to pick up the subtleties of the music.

Arya Stark 12-30-2009 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 791946)
I try to take expand my horizons by following a kind of progression. I'll listen to a band, find something similar, listen to that, find something similar, get into to and so on. Years later, I look at what I like the most now and what I liked when I was first into music and the bands are totally different, yet I can still see the similarities. I find it very hard to step completely out of my element. Chances are if you are just starting to expand, totally changing your tastes will not happen.

So you like Coheed? I love Coheed...I started listening to Coheed because of my love for Rush. Awesome guitars and high distinctive vocals led to an interest in that. Maybe for you it can be reversed...check out the albums Moving Pictures and 2112.

Now, if you want to go a bit more extreme and don't mind heavy more check out Opeth. Very progressive. Amazing AMAZING guitar work. One thing that throws people about this band is the death metal vocals...but he only uses them when they suit that music because he actually uses clean vocals a bit more than the growl. Check out the album Ghost Reveries if that sounds interesting to you.

These albums may not be totally out of your element, but it is a definite expansion. Check these out and then I think one day you will LOVE Mezzanine just because your ear will be tuned more to pick up the subtleties of the music.

Thank you for commenting.
I did try listening to Rush, and I wasn't really into them, I don't know what it was, but maybe I'll try one of the albums you mentioned, anyway. Opeth is an amazing band, I've hears some of their work already, and I'd love to listen to some more, so thank you for that recommendation.
I've actually literally trained myself aurally, so that's not the problem here.
It's more a thing of the mind.
And I suppose I gave off the wrong idea, because I really liked Mezzanine. I'm not sure if you read the whole review through, because it's really long, but it was an album I really want to own.

To Everyone
: I'm not sure this whole idea was taken in quite the way I intended for it to be taken. I mean to broaden my horizons, but I also want to learn to judge music more open mindedly. So the judgments are more for myself to read over than for you to take seriously. I'm taking first impressions of everything, and realizing how I percieve what I listen to at first, and I need to take a step back, and approach with an open mind.
I'm sure if you all notice, you may see that I'm excited to find out how I'm approaching each song differently as the albums progress.

duga 12-30-2009 05:46 PM

I say if you really want to challenge being someone who admittedly likes vocals...try out the Campfire Headphase by Boards of Canada. Truly a masterpiece in my mind, no electronic band has come close to this. However, it is all instrumental...but I think if you can get into it you will see how it is truly a desert island kind of album.

I would also be very interested to read a track by track account of your reaction to it.

Arya Stark 12-30-2009 06:23 PM

Ah that's such a good idea, I didn't think about instrumentals.
That way I can try focusing on everything aside from vocals.
Instrumentals made the biggest impact on me in my other thread on this forum. ^_^
I didn't think about that, thank you.

Arya Stark 01-02-2010 10:08 PM

Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News
I decided to listen to Modest Mouse because I’ve heard a lot about them as well.
I’m going to try this one without talking only about the vocals. Bands deserve a chance as a whole.

The Horn Intro was definitely a surprise! I have no idea what I’m in for now, but I’m most definitely excited.
I like the simplicity of the guitar part at the beginning of The World At Large, something anyone could come up with, but it’s well harmonized. ^_^ I like how the background vocals are almost a call and response with the main vocals.
Of course, I love the keyboard instrument. A Vibraphone, if I’m not mistaken… which is one of my main instruments, how beautiful. [=
As NumberNineDream said, it’s very easy on the ears, and I’m really enjoying listening to this, it’s something I can listen to over and over.
And I LOVE how the sound at the end sounds like a broken tape, but even that has a little fitting progression of it’s own.

The third song, Float On I’ve heard already, I think. I like it a lot. I feel like my daddy would like it, hehe, maybe I’ll have him listen to this later. :3
The multiple people at the chorus sounds a little weird to me, but I’m never a fan of things like that. There’s a song on 30 Seconds to Mars’ new CD with a bunch of people singing, and I don’t like that either. >.> Just to give an example. But I definitely still like the song.

Dance Hall makes me want to dance. Not going to lie.
Ohh, I love how Bukowski starts, I like that it’s slow and that the accent is on the upbeat. I think it’s going to be one of my favourites.
Ohh, the Horn Intro is in This Devil’s Workday.

I’m almost done with the album, and I can’t wait to get the Wi-Fi finally, because I definitely want to download this.

I’m on the last song The Good Times Are Killing Me, and the album took me longer to listen to ‘cause I had a hiatus for dinner, but I honestly loved it. Towards the end, it seems like there are more slow, chill songs. It’s a peculiar, but surprisingly GENIUS way to end an album, in my opinion.
Good choice.
Can't wait to own this album. [=
Thank you, Shizotypic.

NumberNineDream 01-02-2010 10:21 PM

I loved being quoted in a review lol.

I haven't listened to that album in particular, but I kinda like Modest Mouse, so I guess I'll get that one soon. Glad to see a new review, and a glad to see you enjoying the new music.

Arya Stark 01-02-2010 10:25 PM

^_^ I had to quote youuu, it was very true.

And you should definitely listen to this album, it's amazing. [= Glad you read, Melissa!. <3

Schizotypic 01-03-2010 12:05 AM

Glad you liked that album, it was one of my firsts. Just keep an eye out on that list of mine, they're all pretty good albums all though a few may take just a tad more spins then this did to hit ya. Who knows, maybe not, they all hit me pretty easy.

I'd suggest that Gram Rabbit album next, it's pretty good but odd. Also it's pretty accessible, and was again one of the firsts things I found that I liked. My next two choices out of the bunch would be the Tears For Fears album or The Murder City Devils one. Both easy listening but again both pretty good and have something interesting about them.

I'm sure there's going to be stuff in your journey that rubs ya the wrong way at first but those are usually the things, in my experience, after a while I end-up loving the most about the album and also the things that make them good even a year later. Also those rough spots for me are usually the things that eventually end-up opening my taste up, widening my acceptance, and letting me really enjoy truly great albums that I wouldn't have been able to enjoy otherwise. It's a slow but fulfilling process and should never be forced but rather not even be acknowledged- it's much better to enjoy it while it is happening by simply keeping an open mind and letting the music get to ya. Music is so fucking amazing when the time is just right.

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