I definitely did enjoy it. I have a feeling it will be something I enjoy listening to a lot in the future. I really like when people send me albums they love and then I find out we enjoy similar aspects or songs about and on the album, it's nice. And I'm glad my comparisons didn't offend you or anything, I know how some people get with bands and artists they like and I almost didn't post the comparisons, it took me a really long time trying to think of an appropriate way to word that statement. I didn't want it to sound like, "They sound JUST LIKE _____" because it wasn't what I meant it to sound like. But I'm very glad you saw the comparisons I was making! I'm listening to Garrison right now and loving them, I'll post something else about what I think of them as soon as I get a chance to. They remind me of a few bands too, but I can't quite put my finger on who, it's not so important but sometimes I like to remember these things. ;P
Thanks again for the albums you recommended me. I love what you're sending me and I'm so glad we have a similar taste in these two albums!