Originally Posted by ConGrUenCy
I disagree completely with the list and think it is a joke. Not a single Pink floyd album, nor a Led Zeppelin one, nor a Rush album, nor a Jimi Hendrix one. Terribly biased against classic and prog rock?
I guess these are albums that are popular among homosexuals? Which prog rock isn't.
Just because prog rock doesn't attract a lot of babes doesn't mean it's g
ay, it just means it's nerdy, lets not get the two confused. Prog is a very asexual genre if anything, sexual themes rarely ever come up.
This is a pretty lame list, I can't find any consistancy and don't understand the criteria if there is one. How in the hell is Zen Arcade a g
ay album? Just because Bob Mould is g
ay? That's pretty weeeeeeeeeeak.