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Old 09-01-2009, 03:03 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Music Banter Hall of Fame: Induction Thread 4

We're on our 4th one now and again there were a lot of postives so theres a juicy batch here. Read below if you don't know the rules kids.

The nominees are:

Capt. Beefheart

Nick Cave



Neil Young

My Bloody Valentine

John Zorn

How this works:

If you have over 100 posts under your name then you can vote, feel free to voice your opinions if you have less posts though.
There won't be a poll, votes will be made publically by posting in this thread. You can vote for yes or no as many times as you want, as long as there's an explanation for your vote. If you haven't heard enough so feel you can't decide you can abstain.
So a post here would look like....

Neil Young: Yes, because....
Nirvana: No, because....
Blur: Yes, because...

The artists that get 2/3rd Yes votes for them get in, easy as that. Those who don't get in can still be nominated at a later date.

This'll be open for a week and a half, since people seem to be confused remember you are voting what YOU think should be in the Hall Of Fame, not what you think others would want or whatever.

Get voting broheims!

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Old 09-01-2009, 03:46 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Captain Beefheart- A huge YES, The man was an innovator of the highest calibre. Where would so many of my other favorite avant garde artists be without this guy? He must be inducted!

Nick Cave- Abstaining. I've never heard a single song of his... Which I know is very odd. Considering his huge fanbase and everything, you'd think I woulda crossed something by now...

Nirvana- Yes. I don't have much to say, but they were more than just any old grunge band.

Blur- Abstaining here as well, I don't know enough about them.

Neil Young- Abstain, I've never cared enough to listen to him.

My Bloody Valentine- YES. One of my favorite bands. Loveless is a shoegaze masterpiece. I did take into consideration the fact that they have only 2 albums, but I love them both so much that I felt these guys were still worthy of the HOF.

John Zorn- Unfortunately, I must abstain. He sounds like someone I would absolutely love. I'm a little scared to go wading through his massive discography to find a decent starting point.
Tommy: I'm funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you? I'm here to f*cking amuse you? What do you mean, funny? How am I funny?
Henry: You know, how you tell a story.
Tommy: I don't know. You said it. You said I'm funny. How am I funny?
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Old 09-01-2009, 05:28 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Capt. Beefheart
Him and his Magic Band created some of the strangest, funnest, most fascinating and enjoyable music I've ever heard.

Nick Cave

Powerful, emotional, all around excellent straight-forward rock music goodness. Maybe they didn't break out into 20 minute free form jazz solos, but that's kinda the point. Brings to mind images of the decades of punk rock, hard rock and all 'round rock star images, attitudes and lifestyles into one incredibly powerful package.

What gets kids into the Pixies, Jesus Lizard, Dead Kennedys, etc. Far too important to pass up.

As good as they were at what they did, what they did wasn't very good.

Neil Young
Abstain just because I haven't listened to him in years, and honestly can't remember much.

My Bloody Valentine
Never heard an album in it's entirety.

John Zorn
Simply the best jazz music I've ever heard. Challenging, dissoant, enchantingly beautiful.
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Old 09-01-2009, 05:55 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Capt. Beefheart Yes because he's well liked here and I'm sure I could at least appreciate what he does.

Nick Cave Yes because he's well liked here.

Nirvana Yes because like it or not, they have an important spot in music history blah blah blah etc.

Blur Yes because they made decent music and they're well liked yada yada.

Neil Young Yes because I kinda wanna show some Canadian love he's well liked yada yada.

My Bloody Valentine Yes because Loveless is a fantastic, original album.

John Zorn Yeah, because I heard one Naked City song and it was cool and I'm sure I could appreciate his music. Y'all seem to dig him...
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Old 09-01-2009, 07:27 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Capt. Beefheart- Never heard his music N/V

Nick Cave- No, not a fan.

Nirvana- Yes, They helped popularize a genre and made some good music along the way.

Blur- Yes, best British band of the 90's

Neil Young- No, doesn't hold my interest

My Bloody Valentine- Yes, They had a good album and a masterpiece and they created a genre, so they've done some good in the music world.

John Zorn- N/V Who?
Originally Posted by swim View Post
America does folk, hardcore and mathrock better and that's 90% of what I give 2 shits on.
Originally Posted by chartsengrafs View Post
sweet nothing openly flaunts the fact that he is merely the empty shell of an even more unadmirable member. his loneliness and need for attention bleeds through every letter he types. edit: i would just like to add that i'm ashamed that he's from texas. surely you didn't grow up in texas, did you sweet nothing?
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Old 09-01-2009, 08:01 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sweet_nothing View Post

John Zorn- N/V Who?
Aaww man I pegged you wrong. Thought for sure you would have heard of him atleast.
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Old 09-01-2009, 11:14 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Capt. Beefheart - Interesting, and occasional listen but never really gotten into him enough to say yes. No

Nick Cave - Greatest everything of all time - Yes

Nirvana - No, just never been a fan.

Blur - No, not a fan.

Neil Young - No, meh rock that doesn't interest me.

My Bloody Valentine - Abstain.

John Zorn - No... I know I should say yes given his projects, but again his leader/solo stuff has never captivated me.
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Old 09-02-2009, 02:03 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Capt. Beefheart
N/V because I'm not familiar enough with him.

Nick Cave
No. If anyone knows me they'll know I'm all for supporting Australian music, but I've never really been a fan of Nick Cave and haven't understood the hype surrounding his music.

Yes, because I believe they are important/influential body in rock music. I was always quite a fan.

I'm not going to vote because I'm really on the fence about Blur.

Neil Young
Yes, because I saw him live this year and it was amazing.

My Bloody Valentine
N/V, abstaining because I don't know enough about them.

John Zorn
Yes, an amazing musician both in technical terms and aesthetic terms.
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Old 09-02-2009, 03:30 AM   #9 (permalink)
why bother?
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Capt. Beefheart
Yes. Not only a massively influential figure on the avante-garde but has heaps of brilliant albums to his name.

Nick Cave
Yes. I love guy. Has a mind-bogglingly consistent discography too.

No. I'm not a fan at all these days (that said, I never really have been).

Yes. 3 or 4 of their albums I'd call favourites of mine.

Neil Young
Abstain. Haven't heard enough of him.

My Bloody Valentine
Abstain. Don't care enough either way.

John Zorn
Abstain. See above.
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Old 09-02-2009, 07:13 AM   #10 (permalink)
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For now I'll just vote yes for Nick Cave, I'm not the biggest fan and have only really scratched his dicography but the albums I do have I love. Apart from the Birthday Party album which I deleted, although I felt like it had a very strong influence on Snowman's latest so I still feel good about it.

Plus having read a few interviews he seems like a really cool guy. I'm going to download some other stuff by the other contenders and will check back in. First up; Loveless.

Edit: Could someone help me out with that, the copy I just got is filled with skipping tracks.

Last edited by Fruitonica; 09-02-2009 at 07:43 AM.
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