Spill Your Guts II: What You Think About MB Members' Taste In Music - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 06-08-2009, 08:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Spill Your Guts II: What You Think About MB Members' Taste In Music

Another great idea by Veridical Fiction.

Tell us what you think of your fellow member's taste in music. Heres my example...
  • jackhammer: His tastes range from metal to jazz, the latter of which I give him great respect for. I'm not the biggest metal fan, to be honest I don't know a thing about the genre, but I'm sure his picks are more tasteful than the godawful ones that come to mind when I think of metal.
  • FaSho: Very simular tastes to mine, somehow managed to find Black Monk Time "boring" though...
  • BooBoo: I'm horridly ignorant of prog, mostly because the "biggest names" in the genre seem to bore me to death. But that's not entirely fair since I haven't given a single prog album a good solid listen.
  • Mirrorball95: We agree on one thing: Tea Leaf Green. That's it.

While making this I suddenly realized... I hardly know a thing about what ya'll listen to.


Last edited by someonecompletelyrandom; 06-08-2009 at 08:34 PM.
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Old 06-08-2009, 08:13 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by gunnels View Post
In before the unfortunately inevitable lock.
You obviously haven't seen the success of the other Spill Your Guts thread. You don't realize it, but I've created a phenomenon. lol...

Btw, Sonace, it's Veridical Fiction.

You moderators thrill me. On point, you are. Amazing.
So let's get this going!

You guys don't need to know everyone's musical preferences... Just know the one's who've made an impression on you. Let's stop holding back our opinion of their favorite bands... The truth will set you free, right? At the very least, it will make one hell of a read.
Go nuts.

Last edited by Freebase Dali; 06-08-2009 at 09:54 PM.
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Old 06-09-2009, 03:13 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Darkest Hour-open up your mind a bit, just listening to metalcore and Eminem can't be healthy

Mirrorball95-good taste, pretty similar to mine, got me in to Neil Young now

jackhammer- i could probably ask him for a reccomendation to any genre and get a handful of artists

sleepy jack-seems like kind of an indie elitist at times

khfreek-great taste in music, especially fo this age

coryallen2-seems pretty open to other genres, and should talk more about his musical tastes

i'll add more if i can think of any
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Originally Posted by mr dave
isn't this one of the main reasons for this entire site?

what's next? a thread made specifically to banter about music?

Last edited by Antonio; 06-09-2009 at 12:55 PM.
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Old 06-09-2009, 11:54 AM   #4 (permalink)
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CoryAllen2 - don't care, he rarely posted about music (if he did i was tooo lazy to look for em)
Nicktarist - Nursery Rhymes, kinda strange

Veridical Fiction tell me your music interests!

- Not Bad (mostly guessing from Band vs Band thread)


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Old 06-09-2009, 12:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Jackhammer : Hands down most varied expertise on this site. The guy is well versed in every genre.

Booboo : Awesome prog mind, knows alot about alot of great bands. I trust his tastes very much. He also puts together great lists.

Comus : Another great prog mind, between him and booboo they shoud be able to open some sort of black hole in the prog genre.

Antonio : Good rock/metal tastes. I always spot him in threads im in.

Darkest Hour : Reminds me of my friend Kory, he only listens to metalcore and refuses to open his mind to anything else. It's kind of frustrating, I have a feeling DH will grow out of this at somepoint and become a partially productive member of MB.

Unrelenting : This guys pretty new but I seem to always be posting in the same threads as him, not sure of his tastes. But seems good so far.

Alfred : Great taste for his age. I wish I were at that level at that age. Alfred top 25 is the best, can't wait to see it finished. Get on it bro!!
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Old 06-09-2009, 08:21 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crash_override View Post
Alfred : Great taste for his age. I wish I were at that level at that age. Alfred top 25 is the best, can't wait to see it finished. Get on it bro!!
I'll get around to it, I've been slacking haven't I? The list is a little out of date by now, but I'll still review the final six.

Send me a PM or I'll forget and put it off. You'll like the next entry.
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Old 06-11-2009, 05:30 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Boo Boo: Wow, this guy has the best taste in music ever. A pure musical genius, did you know he has a Ph.D in musicology? It's true. if he likes something, it's objectively proven to be good.

Jackhammer: This guy seems to find merit in just about every kind of genre, one of our most openminded members, a guy you can actually count on checking out what you recommend to him. And looking through this guy's Last FM I just have to say, holy sh*t, talk about a closet proggie, he likes a lot great punk and post punk too. I guess he's the REAL Dr. Prunk.

Urban Hatemonger: Though I happen to like about 80% of all the music he hates, I'd be hard pressed not to check out the stuff he recommends. I admit I can't stomach all the britpop he's into (Pulp, bleh) but he did get me into Primal Scream, Stereolab, Blur and Super Furry Animals so I'm eternally grateful for that.

Sleepy Jack: Aside from The Beatles and Radiohead, our tastes have absolutely nothing in common. I don't get the big deal over indie folk, to me it's the most sedated music imaginable, it's like the equalvilent of watching a movie that consists of nothing but bunnies sleeping, it's music were pretty much nothing ever happens. What's this guy problem with music that's heavy and fun? I don't know anyone else that is so passionate about their hatred of rock n roll.

Comus: Granted we like a lot of the same 70s prog, but beyond that, I don't care for his taste very much. And even on the prog side of things, he tends to be dead wrong, I certainly dislike his attitude when regarding his tastes, apparrently I know nothing about prog and he knows everything. His attitude (and appearance for that matter) is much like an elitist classic rock fan, his Radiohead rants are almost like he's parodying that specific kind of person, but then I remember that's how he actually is.

Lucifer Sam: I like some of the stuff he likes, bloody despise other stuff he listens to, I like Captain Beefheart, but number one artist? I always have a serious problem getting along with avant garde fans. Even though I can't make a category for this guy, I know at least a dozen people who have the EXACT same taste as he does. They're the dadaists of the music world. Keep your upside down urinal to yourself, I'm not interested.

I find him overly closedminded in some respects, which makes it ever impossible to have a music discussion with him. I like to call him Mr. Wrong.

Seltzer: Excellent taste. He's not just a proggie, he realises theres more to "progressive" rock music than just rock. He seems to like just about everything. He's gotten me interested in XTC.

Right Track: Likes a lot of good stuff, quite similar to Urban's taste in many respects, though some of it seems to be flavor of the month stuff. Amy Winehouse? Really?

I see he has a soft spot for Motown. Gotta love that.

Toretorden: Now this guy I can really talk music with. It's almost like talking to my dad (no offense tore), a genuine classic rocker he is. But he's a smart and friendly guy, breaking away from the usual stereotype of someone who likes Boston. He knows his prog too.

Dac: God DAMN this guy loves Radiohead. He's an indie kid, but tends to only like the good stuff. So he's cool.

Antonio: I didn't really like that Clutch song off of this month's compilation so I don't know what his fixation with them is all about. But anyone who has the balls to admit they like SOAD in this day and age has my full support. And I gotta stick up for the Zepheads.

Pobody's Nerfect: I can't say, half of the bands on his LastFM I have never even heard of. But Devin Townshend and Massive Attack on the same playlist? That's mighty interesting.

Bulldog: Elvis Costello and Pogues aside, not as much of a hardcore anglophile as I expected. Overall likes some interesting stuff.

Sweet Nothing: Likes some good stuff, but he also hates a lot of my music and loves some of the more unbearable indie bands. Kinda like Ethan number 2.

Fasho: Now this is a real indie kid, it's not bad taste, just not my taste.

Kfreek: I like his taste a lot. You gotta have great sympathy for a guy whose playlist consists entirely of every band indie kids hate with a passion.

Loose Lips: He wins the most music I've never goddamn heard of award, without a doubt.

Adidass: Should be a Spin magazine editor. Good god.

And so many of his bands have over 1000 listens. I don't know how that's even possible. A serious music lover, regardless of what I think of his tastes.

333: Of all the girls on MB, I connect with her tastes the most. A girl that likes Pink Floyd, Frank Zappa, Porcupine Tree, The Mars Volta AND Dead Kennedys? Argh. I can't take it anymore. I MUST HAVE YOU!

Captain Caveman: In all honesty, I think he has without a doubt the worst taste in music I've ever seen. An endless assault on the ears that could have only been concieved by the dark lord Satan himself.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 06-11-2009, 05:34 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post

Right Track:
I see he has a soft spot for Motown. Gotta love that.
You don't read a single thing I post, do you boo boo!
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Old 06-11-2009, 05:35 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post
You don't read a single thing I post, do you boo boo!
Lol, not really.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 06-11-2009, 05:56 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Dac: God DAMN this guy loves Radiohead. He's an indie kid, but tends to only like the good stuff. So he's cool.
You know I gave myself a terrible rep the first few months on here. Sweet Nothing listens to WAAYYY more Radiohead than me. Hell, I only have 10 Radiohead plays in the last week. And that's only cause Comus is an ******* I'm slowly becoming a post rock fanboy though, which isn't good.

Boo Boo: First struck me as a prog head who didn't listen to much else, but I've been learning that he has some great, varied taste.

Jackhammer: The man we all wish we could be.

Urban Hatemonger: Though I happen to like about 80% of all the music he hates, I'd be hard pressed not to check out the stuff he recommends. I admit I can't stomach all the britpop he's into (Pulp, bleh) but he did get me into Primal Scream, Stereolab, Blur and Super Furry Animals so I'm eternally grateful for that.

Sleepy Jack: If he likes it I probably do to, so he's good in my book.

Comus: Always good for a recommendation for something you've never heard of. Comes across as close minded, but he secretly likes a lot more than he shows.

Urban Kinda like jackhammer, but likes to shove it down your throat sometimes.

Lucifer Sam: I like him.

Seltzer: Not completely sure on what he listens to, but what I've seen I like a lot.

Right Track: I never see a lot from him musically... maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.

Toretorden: Same as above.

Antonio: I've never been impressed by him.

Bulldog: I've downloaded a lot of albums just because they were on his top 100.

Sweet Nothing: If he likes it, and it's not coldplay, I like it.

Fasho: Gonna be a great one, but he reverts back to a lot of crappy mall-pop just a little too often.

Kfreek: He is to Muse, as I am to Radiohead.

Loose Lips: The Shoegazermeister.

Captain Caveman: Has he ever made a serious post?

Stu: Best taste on MB.

Brad Stengle: Likes a lot of the same stuff I like, so he's cool in my book.

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