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Sleepsnekkid 12-29-2004 12:33 AM

Music for having adult relations....
Ok, Im thinking, compiling a list of tracks to f**k to. Not just instrumentals like porn music, vocals are nice too. Oh, and don't say any cliche's like Marvin ***e- Let's get it on.

Frankly, Im not sure if I can get banned or whatnot for posting this, but we shall soon find out.

Bloodhound Gang- Bad Touch
Nine Inch Nails- Closer (to god)

Anyone else want to help? Or am I just an asshat (probably)


franscar 12-29-2004 08:47 AM

Well, Faith no More's The Real Thing isn't bad, from personal experience.

droogpirate 12-29-2004 10:40 AM

just leave the tv on espn

HorryRon 12-29-2004 12:12 PM

Mayfield and Al Green.
A little soul lovin' ya baby :)

Zeppelin 4 also works very very very well.

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-29-2004 12:33 PM

I don`t tend to have music playing ,

The only time you can get a woman to shut up for longer than 5 mins is when she`s got a mouth full

Thrice 12-29-2004 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by franscar
Well, Faith no More's The Real Thing isn't bad, from personal experience.

Same here! Also to tunes like: chevelle. 2pac.ten.

franscar 12-29-2004 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I don`t tend to have music playing ,

The only time you can get a woman to shut up for longer than 5 mins is when she`s got a mouth full

Ooh, musical elitism and male chauvinism, I'll bet you're a diamond at parties.

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-29-2004 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by franscar
Ooh, musical elitism and male chauvinism, I'll bet you're a diamond at parties.

Yeah because making one woman joke makes me a chauvinist :rolleyes:

As for being musically elitist , I don`t know what you base that on. I have opinions & i`m not afraid to speak them.Last I checked this was a forum for posting musical opinions.I have just as much right to state mine as anybody else.

franscar 12-29-2004 02:13 PM

You don't state anything other than negativities, with nothing to back them up other than your own opinion presented in an aggressive fashion towards, at times, people who are I would guess a lot younger, or at the very least a lot less mature than you.

I haven't seen you suggest alternatives for people who's tastes you are deriding as being awful, which in turn makes your entire posts little more than pointless.

sleepy jack 12-29-2004 03:20 PM

Orgasm Addict-buzzc0cks


Originally Posted by franscar
You don't state anything other than negativities, with nothing to back them up other than your own opinion presented in an aggressive fashion towards, at times, people who are I would guess a lot younger, or at the very least a lot less mature than you.

I haven't seen you suggest alternatives for people who's tastes you are deriding as being awful, which in turn makes your entire posts little more than pointless.

Hes just an Elitist sh*thead

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-29-2004 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by franscar
You don't state anything other than negativities, with nothing to back them up other than your own opinion presented in an aggressive fashion towards, at times, people who are I would guess a lot younger, or at the very least a lot less mature than you.

I haven't seen you suggest alternatives for people who's tastes you are deriding as being awful, which in turn makes your entire posts little more than pointless.

Well you can`t be looking hard enough then can you , Apart from the odd emo kid (And i`m hardly the only person guilty of that) i`ve not attacked a single person on this forum. You attack me for not having the same opinions as you.I`ve posted countless threads of bands I do like , hell i`ve even got into some proper debates with people who are willing to see my point of view on some things or if not explain why they think a certain way on something. If you are not mature enough to do this yourself instead of constantly whine because I said I didn`t think some album you love isn`t great then thats not really my problem.

droogpirate 12-31-2004 08:21 PM

i agree with urban hate monger to some degree

in order to have a good, fulfilling argument, both sides must see the debate through each others eyes...or else it will not go anywere.

also, some albums/bands just suck and there are ONLY negatives.

Raine 01-01-2005 01:52 AM

Freak Like Me by Adina Howard
Closer By Nine Inch Nails
Black days by Sound Grden. may not be a **** song. But I'd screw anybody to this song
Foxy Lady by Jimmi Hendrix
Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls
Adrenaline by Gavin Rosedale. See black days by sound garden
I'm Only happy When it Rains by Garbage.
Dosed by red Hot CHilie Peppers
Under teh bridge by red Hot Chilie Peppers.

In case none of yous have noticed by some of my other posts here. I'll screw anybody while listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Except a midget or anyone more than 2 feet shorter than me. Or a person who looks like they can bench press a building. or a dumb jock. Or a dumb blonde unless she's really hot. But yous get the idea.

To get on with the list

Small thing by Blink 182
I Miss you by Blink 182
Everything by Mary J. Blige
7 Days by Sparkle
One Mic by Nas
One in a Million by Aaliyah
Anything by R Kelly I suppose
Dirty by Christina Aguilera although I can only think of one person I'd wanna screw listening to this song and that's Christina Aguilera ironically.
Unforgiven by Metallica
Sand Man by metallica
Pink Triangle by Weezer
Island in The Sun by Weezer
Half Japanese Girls by Weezer
Pretty Girl by Sugar Cult
Bittersweet by Fuel
You'll always be my baby (or something like that) by mariah Carey
My All By Mariah Carey
Breakdown by mariah Carey
Where You are by Donnell Jones
Cry me a River by Justin Timberlake
Underneath your Clothes by Shakira
Good bye by Michele Branch
Everywhere by Michele Branch
Adrianne by the Calling
Stellar by Incubus
Lovesong by The Cure
Love song by 311
Are You There by Incubus
SummerDance (or someting like that) by Incubus

and there are a ton of others. And tehre's one that I had just not now but forget all of a sudden. It's gonna kill me until I remember it but i'll think of it.

Peace out.

Sweet Jane 01-01-2005 03:21 PM

Roy Orbitson and Le Tigre

hookers with machineguns 01-01-2005 11:33 PM

Who took the bomp from the bompalompalomp? That's right, Le Tigre. Aw yeah. :beer:

[MERIT] 01-04-2005 08:03 AM

a latin rap sing called "diamonds and pearls" by Kid Frost

Sleepsnekkid 01-17-2005 04:19 PM

Wow, I got a pretty good thread going, and it only took me 3 weeks to reply! Ooops. I'll download all those songs and make a mix and post it up for anyone who wants to give it a go.

And as for Urban Hatemonger's original comment, I say this, "What do you tell to a woman with two black eyes?" . . . . "Nothing. You already tried telling her twice."


jibber 01-17-2005 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
Who took the bomp from the bompalompalomp? That's right, Le Tigre. Aw yeah. :beer:

haha, when I first heard that song I thought it was the most annoying song ever, but my friend told me to listen to it more often and that it would grow on me. She was right, it's such a great song, i love it.

sleepy jack 01-17-2005 07:05 PM

Who resrected this topic? Anyway a certain kid i know (not me of course) lost his virginty to Misfits Die my darling hows that for creepy?

jibber 01-17-2005 07:23 PM

^ really, not you? rrriiiggghhhttt.....

sleepy jack 01-17-2005 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by jibber
^ really, not you? rrriiiggghhhttt.....

*smaks jibber* shh bequite dont tell anyone

jibber 01-17-2005 08:37 PM

*knees MIsfitspunk in the groin for smacking me* don't worry, I wont tell a soul :)

jesus 01-17-2005 08:39 PM

*points and laughs*

sleepy jack 01-17-2005 08:43 PM

damn now everyone knows.

Thrice 01-17-2005 11:20 PM

Damn bro arent you thirteen? Thats early lil man damn. I had mine until high school at least.

Also...Sublime Waiting for my ruca...I knew a chick that loved that song/cd

jibber 01-18-2005 04:33 PM

thirteen! wow that is really really young....unless of course you're kidding.

sleepy jack 01-18-2005 06:02 PM

What no i wasnt ask Danko i told her all about it.

jesus 01-18-2005 07:54 PM

I thought you lost your virginity to Darby Crash

sleepy jack 01-18-2005 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by jesus
I thought you lost your virginity to Darby Crash

I did i got into darbys coffin while playing the Misfits.

hookers with machineguns 01-18-2005 11:11 PM

I didn't actually think there were people who got around to poppin in a CD before having 'adult relations.' I can picture it now, "hey before you do that baby lemme go pop in a cd real quick." But anyway, I guess I would play some Al Green or Marvin G aye (i dont understand why this word is censored).

sleepy jack 01-18-2005 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
I didn't actually think there were people who got around to poppin in a CD before having 'adult relations.' I can picture it now, "hey before you do that baby lemme go pop in a cd real quick." But anyway, I guess I would play some Al Green or Marvin G aye (i dont understand why this word is censored).

Yu dont.... :banghead: really i always go before we makeout(sex etc..) let me do something hten i pop in the misfits or germs.

Raine 01-19-2005 05:18 PM

My vote is for Adina Howard's Freak Like Me or NIN's Closer.

And for the record I think it's perfectly normal to pause in between 'love sessions' to pop in a CD. I've done it before. Although it did kinda ruin it for the other person. But still I think it's perfectly normal.

Peace out.

jibber 01-19-2005 06:20 PM

haha, I still can't picture how that would work out, just seems like it would interupt things a lot. Actually I have kind of a funny story about that. I was over at this guy's house who I was dating at the time, and he had on a burnt CD. Things were going pretty good, but then the songs changed, and for some reason he'd felt compelled to put the hamster dance song on the CD (I found out later it was a sort of inside joke with his friends, although even then I didn't really undertand it), and I started laughing and kept cracking up for about 15 minutes afterwards, so needless to say not all that much happened after that. So guys, if you've got a girl over, make sure the CD you're playing doesn't have the hampster dance on it, it kind of kills the mood.

sleepy jack 01-19-2005 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by jibber
haha, I still can't picture how that would work out, just seems like it would interupt things a lot. Actually I have kind of a funny story about that. I was over at this guy's house who I was dating at the time, and he had on a burnt CD. Things were going pretty good, but then the songs changed, and for some reason he'd felt compelled to put the hamster dance song on the CD (I found out later it was a sort of inside joke with his friends, although even then I didn't really undertand it), and I started laughing and kept cracking up for about 15 minutes afterwards, so needless to say not all that much happened after that. So guys, if you've got a girl over, make sure the CD you're playing doesn't have the hampster dance on it, it kind of kills the mood.

damn *takes out hamster dance song CD* i thought it work and set the right mood ahh well back to the usual *puts in SHakira* NONE OF YOU READ THAT!!!!!

xEmochicKx 01-19-2005 06:42 PM

Makin good love by Avant
hottest sex song ever

jibber 01-19-2005 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
damn *takes out hamster dance song CD* i thought it work and set the right mood ahh well back to the usual *puts in SHakira* NONE OF YOU READ THAT!!!!!

haha, yeah it was a bizzare moment to say the least.

sleepy jack 01-19-2005 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by jibber
haha, yeah it was a bizzare moment to say the least.

I can only imagine.Wait that be perverted to imagine *slaps self* naughty little misfit

CrAzyBeAuTiFul 01-19-2005 07:06 PM

NIN closer - i agree all the way

sleepy jack 01-19-2005 07:06 PM

Nine inch nails-**** You Like An Animal

Raine 01-19-2005 07:22 PM

Here's what you do.
1. Make a CD of songs that get you and your partner in the mood
2. Pu the Cd on repet so you don't have to stop and hit the play button
3. Turn out the lights and have some fun

And if Closer by NIN is not on that CD you didn't put the right CD on.
If Adina Howard's Freak Like Me is not on that CD you didn't put the right CD on
And you shouldn't just limit yourself to common love songs either.
Black Days by Sound Garden is on all of my CDs. I don't know why though
And Dru Hill did make some pretty good songs meant for human relations.
Pretty Girl by Sugarcult is another good one.
Some stuff by Weezer.
One or three Incubus songs.
Some Metallica. (I prefer Unforgiven)
Deliver Me by Sara Brightman
At least 3 Red Hot Chili Peppers. Otherwise I get out of the mood really quick.
Some Rage Aginst the Machine because otherwise it's not human relations. It's the discovery channel
"The Butt Song" by Sir-Mix-A-Lot is a must. Kinda keeps you going

And there are tons of others like Chante Moore, Aaliyah, Missy Elliot, TLC, Garbage, The Pixies, Kittie, Nirvana, Ginuwine. . .

Peace out.

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